The canons and decrees of the Council of Trent celebrated under Paul III, Julius III, and Pius IV, Bishops of Rome
Council of Trent
Page  154

THe Holy Synod having regard to the Liberty of Virgins, in professing and devo∣ting themselves to God, doth ordain and decree, That if a Virgin be desi∣rous to take upon her the habit of a Nun, she shall not do it till she be Twelve years old. Nor shall she or any other make Profession, before the Bishop, or if he be absent, or otherwise hindred, his Vicar, or some other, at their costs and charges appointed, hath strictly examined, whether she doth it voluntarily, or by constraint, or by Enticement and Perswasion of others, and whether she under∣stands what she is going to do. And if it be found, that 'tis her own free will and intention, and that she has all those Qualifications which the Rule of that Monastery and Order, into which she is, entring doth require; and if it be a place fit for her, it shall be lawful for her freely to profess. The time of whose Pro∣fessing shall by the Abbess be made known to the Bishop a month before-hand, and if the Abbess doth not certifie or give notice thereof to the Bishop, she shall be suspended by the Bishop for as long a time as he shall think fit.