The canons and decrees of the Council of Trent celebrated under Paul III, Julius III, and Pius IV, Bishops of Rome
Council of Trent
Page  152

IN Monasteries, or Houses, either of Men, or Women, which have the Cure of the Souls of Secular men, besides those, who are of the Family of such Monasteries or places, as well Regular as Secular persons, that exercise such Cure, shall be immediately subject, in those things which concern the said Cure, and the Administration of the Sacraments, unto the Jurisdiction, Visitation and Correction of the Bishop, in whose Diocess they are situated. Nor shall any be there deputed (though to be removed at pleasure) without the consent of the said Bishop, and a previous examination to be made by himself, or his Vicar; except the Monastery of Clugni, with its limits, as likewise those Monasteries or places wherein the Abbots, Generals or Heads of Orders have their principal usual Seat or Residence, and such other Monasteries or Houses, wherein the Abbots, or other Superiors of Regulars, have Episcopal and Temporal Jurisdict∣ion over the Parish-priests and Parishioners. Saving and reserving nevertheless the Right of those Bishops, who exercise a greater jurisdiction over the aforesaid places or persons.