The canons and decrees of the Council of Trent celebrated under Paul III, Julius III, and Pius IV, Bishops of Rome
Council of Trent

AND when the nature of Men was such that it could not be supported without external props, to the meditation of Divine things, for that cause our Holy Mother the Church, appointed certain Rites, to the end that some might be pronounced with a low, and others with a more audible voice in the Mass. Ceremonies also she used, as mystical Benedictions, Lights, In∣cense, Vestments, and many more of that kind, of Apostolical Institution and Tradition; whereby both the majesty of such Sacrifice might be commended, and also the minds of the Faithful might be excited to contemplation of the most Holy things, which were hid in this Sacrifice, by these visible signs of Re∣ligion and Piety.