The canons and decrees of the Council of Trent celebrated under Paul III, Julius III, and Pius IV, Bishops of Rome
Council of Trent

ALL Prelates of Churches, who ought diligently to set themselves to cor∣rect the Excesses of those under them, and from whom no Clergyman, by the Statutes of this holy Synod, may think himself safe by the pretext of any Pri∣vilege, whereby he is nevertheless liable, according to the Canonical Sancti∣ons, to be Visited, punished and corrected; they have power to correct and chastize any Secular Clergy, if they reside in their Churches, howsoever exempt, who were otherwise under their Jurisdiction, for their Excesses, Crimes and Delinquencies, as often and when need requires, even without the Limits of their Visitation, as being Delegates of the Apostolick See. Exemptions, Declarations, Opinions, Oaths, Agreements, which only oblige the Authors of them, the Clergy them∣selves, and their near Relations, Chaplains, Familiars, Procurators, or any o∣thers with regard and Respect to the Exempted Persons, in no wise Favouring.