The canons and decrees of the Council of Trent celebrated under Paul III, Julius III, and Pius IV, Bishops of Rome
Council of Trent
CHAP. VIII. Of the Ʋse of this Admirable Sacrament.

AS to the Use of rightly and wisely receiving this holy Sacrament, our Fore-Fathers have laid down three Ways or Reasons: They taught that some Page  53take it only Sacramentally, as Sinners; others Spiritually, those namely, who, out of earnest desire eating that holy Bread set before them, perceive the fruit and benefit thereof in a lively Faith which works by Love; and a third sort both Sacramentally and Spiritually, and those are they, who so try and examine them∣selves before-hand, that having put on the Wedding Garment they may approach this holy Table. But in the receiving this Sacrament, it has always been the Custom in Gods Church, That Lay-persons should receive the Communion from the hands of the Priests, and that the Priests celebrating should communicate them∣selves; which Custom, as descending by Apostolick Tradition, ought deserved∣ly and of right to be retained. Last of all, this holy Synod out of a Fatherly af∣fection, doth admonish, exhort, beseech and intreat through the bowels of the Mercy of our God, that all and singular, who name the Name of Christ, may at last agree and meet together in this sign of Unity, in this Bond of Charity, and in the Symbol of Concord, being mindful of so great Majesty and so ample Love of Jesus Christ our Lord, who laid down his blessed Life, the price of our Salva∣tion, and gave us his Flesh to eat; That they would believe and reverence these holy Mysteries of his Body and Blood with that constancy and firmness of Faith, with that Devotion of mind, with that Piety and Worship, that they may fre∣quently receive that super-substantial Bread, and that it may be to them indeed Life Eternal, and perpetual soundness of Mind; with whose Vigour being strengthen'd, they may be able from this Miserable Pilgrimage here to arrive in Heaven, to eat the Bread of Angels openly, which now they only eat under Sa∣cred Types.

But seeing it is not sufficient to speak the Truth, unless Errors be detected and refell'd; it hath pleas'd this holy Synod to subjoyn these Canons, That all who acknowledge the Catholick Doctrine, may also understand what Heresies they may be aware of and shun.