Cambridge jests, or, Witty alarums for melancholy spirits by a lover of ha, ha, he.
Lover of ha, ha, he.


A Spaniard and a Gascoign coming both in together to an Inn, in France, found nothing ready but a piece of Mutton and a Partridge; so one would have the Par∣tridge, and another would have it, and be∣gan to quarrel. The Hostess desired they would be pleased to eat it together but the Bragadocio Spaniard, whose head was building Castles in the Air, said, It should be reserved till the morning, and he that dream'd the best dream, should eat it for his breakfast. So eating the Mutton for their supper, they went to bed. The Spa∣niard could not sleep one wink, for think∣ing what he should dream. The Gascoign Page  132 having observed where the Partridge was set, arose in the night, and eat it. The next morning when both were up, the Spaniard fearing the other might say his dream, which he thought was the best, said very hastily, that he dream'd the rarest dream in the world, That he saw the Heavens open, and that a Quire of Angels carri'd him up with Musick to Heaven. Then said the Gascoign, I dream'd, that I saw you carri'd up to Heaven; and thinking you would never come down again, I rose and eat the Partridge; for I knew you would have no need of meat in Heaven.