A help to holy walking, or, A guide to glory containing directions how to worship God, and to walk with him in the whole course of our lives
Bury, Edward, 1616-1700.

1. Direct.
Because some Scruples do arise about Baptism, it seems necessary to speak something to them; for those that Question the Ordinance it self, are not like to use the Di∣rections. The very Essence of Water-Bap∣tism is denyed by some, and questioned by o∣thers, whether it be a standing Ordinance in the Church; but that which some question, and others deny, I think need not be questioned, and cannot be denyed; and for their Confutation, Page  174 I need say no more, but search the Scriptures; for he that reads the Scripture, and believes what he reads, cannot be Ignorant. Baptism was given in Commission by Christ to his Di∣sciples, Mat. 28.19,20. and that it was to be done with Water, see it in their Practice; you find Philip Baptizing the Eunuch with Water, Acts 8.38. And Peter Baptized Cor∣nelius thus, and his Family; in both places Water is mentioned, and they were both im∣mediately Directed to do it by the Holy Ghost. But the greatest Controversie lies else∣where, between us and the Anabaptists, who it be, that are Subjects capable of this Ordi∣nance, this therefore shall fall next under con∣sideration. I need not step so far out of my way, as to tell you they ought to be rational Creatures, such as are capable of being in Co∣venant, and to have the Graces and Benefits of the Covenant bestowed upon them, and so stand to reprove the foolish, ridiculous Cu∣stom of the Papists in Baptizing Bells, &c. Neither need I tell you it must be a Living Creature, and not one that is dead; and so reprove the Custom of those, which seemed to be Baptized for the dead, or in their stead, or in their Name; a Custom which seemed to be crept into the Church, in the Apostles days, 1 Cor. 15.29▪ which Custom Ambrose and Tertullian speak of. But to come nearer the Question in Controversie; you may assure your selves, that those, and those only that are Members of the visible Church, are to Page  175 partake of this Ordinance: Those that are in Covenant should partake of the Sign and Seal of the Covenant, Gen. 17.11. Rom. 4.11. Now, these are the Godly, and their Seed, Acts. 2.39. The Promise is unto you and to your Children. The seed of Faithful Abraham are either those that are of Riper Years, or of Infants: Those that are of Riper Years, are such, as being Converted to the Faith, hold fast the Foundation, and manifest Repentance, for sins past, and profess Obedience for the time to come; and of those, I think, is no scruple made by any that own the Ordinance, if there be, see Mark 16.15,16. Acts 37.38. Now, Infants that are within the Co∣venant, are such as have one, or both Believ∣ing Parents; that is, such as profess Faith in Christ, and Obedience to him, and Live ac∣cordingly, that the Children of those are in the Covenant, and have right to the Seal, by a Birth-priviledge, many able Divines have largely proved, both by Scriptures and Argu∣ments; the Scriptures they make use of, are such as these, Gen. 17.7.9. 1 Cor. 7.14. Gal. 3.9.14. Col. 2.11,12. Acts 2.38,39. Rom. 4.11,12. Mat. 28.19. Mark 10.13, &c. Luke 18.15,16. Rom. 11.16. and many others. Now, you must know, that Godly Parents are under a two-fold Consideration, as they are Men, and the sinful Off-spring of Adam; so their Children are the Children of wrath by Nature; but as they are Believers, and the Sons of Faithful Abraham, and ingraffed into Page  176 Christ, the second Adam; so they, and their Children also are in Covenant: This might be Evidenced by Arguments, but my Discourse being practical, and not polemical, I shall re∣fer you to those that have purposely Treated of it: Yet, lest any should be at a loss, con∣sider Children of Believers in the Time of the Law, were Members of the Visible Church, and in Covenant with their Fathers, and re∣ceived the Seal and Sign of the Covenant, for such was Circumcision, Gen. 17.11. Rom. 4.11. and that by God's own Command, Deut. 29.10,11,12,13, &c. And I conceive it will not be proved, where they were ever taken out of Covenant, or lost this their Birth-pri∣viledge, or what they have in lieu of it, or that our Priviledges are straitned by Christ's com∣ing, and therefore we conceive they are still in Covenant, and therefore being every way as capable of the seal of the Covenant Baptism, as the Jews Children were of Circumcision, it ought to be Administred; besides, it was for unbelief the Jews were broken off, Rom. 11.20. and that both Root and Branch: How then came the Believing Jews to lose this pri∣viledge for their Children? Yea, the Promise is made to them that Believe, and to their seed, Acts 2.39. And Believers Children have been long in Possession, let their Enemies disprove their Right.