A help to holy walking, or, A guide to glory containing directions how to worship God, and to walk with him in the whole course of our lives
Bury, Edward, 1616-1700.

5. Direct.
The next thing considerable, is the time when this Duty is to be performed; and in this, as in other things, the Papists dif∣fer from us: They prescribe set times for Fa∣sting, as necessary to be kept, and sinful if not observed. We hold that there are no such Page  289 fixed times to be observed: But the Duty is incumbent on us as Occasions are offered. 'Tis true, there is mention made of a day, Lev. 16.29. but this was Ceremonial, and ended with the rest of the Typs, and Shadows; and there is mention also made of the Fast in the fifth and seventh Moneth, Zach. 7.5. And of the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth Moneth, Zach. 8.19. but this was during the Captivi∣ty, and so just occasion was offered for Publi∣que Humiliation: but what is this to our bu∣siness? We had the like every Moneth in times of War, and publick Calamity. And it is fit we should have upon such Occasions: But what is this to our stated times, whether Occasion be or no? When there is some great Judgment lying upon us, or some Eminent Danger hanging over our Heads, then 'tis a suitable time for this Exercise. We find in Scripture that there were Fasts kept by Be∣lievers in all Ages, upon emergent Occasions; thus Samuel and the People Fasted, and be∣sought the Lord in their danger, 1 Sam. 7.6,7. And thus David besought the Lord by Prayer, and Fasting, for the Life of his Child, when it was Sick, 2 Sam. 12.16. And thus he be∣sought the Lord for Jerusalem, when a sore Judgment from God was upon it, 1 Chron. 21.16. The Inhabitants of Jabish Gilead Fasted, and humbled themselves, when Saul and Jo∣nathan were Slain, and Israel put to flight, 1 Sam. 31.15. And Jehosophat in his Fear, Proclaims a Fast, when he knew not what to Page  290 do, yet had he his Eyes up to God, 2 Chron. 20.3. And Nehemiah, when he heard of the Destruction of Jerusalem, humbled himself by Fasting, Nehem. 1.4. And Esther, and the Jews, when the Writings were Signed, and the time was set, when they should all have been destroyed, Esther 4.1,2, &c. And Ezra, when he apprehended danger at hand, Ezra 8.21. Yea, this is the Course which the Lord himself Adviseth to in times of dan∣ger, or Publick Calamity, Joel 2.12,13. having threatned a sore Judgment; he adds, Therefore now, saith the Lord, turn ye unto me with all your Hearts, and with Fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning, and rent your Hearts and not your Garments, and turn unto the Lord your God, for he is gracious and Merciful, &c. And this Course the Ninivites did take, and it succeeded, Jonah 3.5.8. Yea, Ahab humbled himself, when Judgment was threat∣ned, and it was deferred in his days, 1 Kings 21.27. Many more Instances might be given to prove times of Publique Calamity, seaso∣nable times for this Duty. When Sin also abounds, 'tis a time for God's People to be Mourners in Zion, for assuredly Judgments will follow, Ezek. 9 4. 1 Sam. 7.6,7. Psal. 69.10. David wept, and chastened his Soul with Fasting; for where Sin goes before un∣bewailed, Judgments necessarily follow after; and a Man may fore-see the Effect by the Cause; when such sins as usually bring Judg∣ments are Acted amongst us, we may look for Page  291 the like Effect; for like Sins bring like Plagues, Lam. 1.20. I have grievously Rebelled: And what follows? Abroad the Sword bereaveth, at home there is as Death. See also Lam. 2.17. Jer. 7.12. Amos 6.2,3. And therefore in the prevailing of Sin, we have great cause to humble our Souls, and stand in the Gap to turn away the fierce Anger of the Lord, and never more Cause than at this day. Again, when thou findest thy Corruptions strong, and thy Graces weak, or when thou findest some notable decay in thy Grace, 'tis time then to look about thee. As also when thou wouldst beg any great thing at the Hands of God, go to him by Fasting, and Prayer: Thus Daniel begs the Deliverance of God's People out of Babilon, according to God's promise; he seeks to him by Fasting, and Pray∣er, Dan. 9.1,2, &c. & 10.2, &c. For though God determine to do it, yet will he be sought to, for so great a Mercy; and like∣wise when some Persons are designed for some great work in Church, or Common-wealth, it hath usually been done by Fasting and Pray∣er: Thus Christ spent a whole Night in Pray∣er, before he chose his Disciples, Luke 6.12. Paul and Silas were set apart by Fasting and Prayer, Acts 14.2,3. And in Case of Spi∣ritual desertion, we should thus seek to God, Mat. 9.14. And for the furtherance of some great Undertaking, Esther 4.16. when Corruption is strong, when Ordinary Food wlll not serve, we must use Physick. Some Sins, like some Devils, go not out but by Prayer Page  292 and Fasting: These are the times for this ex∣traordinary Duty; but what is this to Lent, or Holy-day Eves, whereon the Papists keep their mock-fasts, but come not to humble their Souls for their Sins?