Seasonable truths in evil-times in several sermons
Bridge, William, 1600?-1670.
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SERM. IV. The two VVitnesses, their Testimony.

Rev. 11. ver. 3, &c.
And I will give Power unto my two Witnesses, &c.

AND I will give Power unto my two Witnesses; That is, unto the inner Court, and those that Worship there, spoken of before—The whole Church of God under the name of the Temple, speaking in the Jewish Language.

The whole Church of God under the name of a Temple, is divided into the outer, and the inner Court. The Inner Court is measured, and the Al∣tar, and those that Worship there, in ver. 1.

The outward Court is left out, and given unto the Gentiles, and they tread down the Holy City fourty and two Moneths, ver. 2. But saith Christ, I will give power unto my two Witnesses: that is, unto the in∣ner Court, and those that were measured, of which he had spoken before.

Called Witnesses. No sooner is the Holy City troden underfoot by the Gentiles, but Christs Wit∣nesses Page  98 do begin to bear their testimony to Christ.

The Witnessing time is divided into three parts:—A Prophesying time. The time of their Prophe∣sie, from the third verse unto the seventh.

The Slaying time, from the third verse unto the 11th.

The rising time, and restoring time, from the 11. verse unto the 14. So that in this Scripture that I have now read, you have the state of the Church Pro∣phesying, or Witnessing in the dayes of Anti-Christ, called Witnesses: who are here described,

First by their number Two. I will give power unto my two Witnesses.

Secondly by their Work and Office, And they shall Prophesie.

Thirdly, By their mournful and sad habit and con∣dition, and the time thereof, They shall Prophesie 1260 dayes cloathed in Sackcloth.

Fourthly, By their quality. These are the two O∣live Trees, and the two Candlesticks standing before the Gd of the Earth, ver. 4.

Fifthly, By their Guard, and by their Defence, And if any man will hurt them, Fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their Enemies, ver. 5.

Sixthly, By the great things that they shall do, in the latter end of their Prophesie, These have power to shut Heaven, that it rain not in the dayes of their Prophe∣sie, and have power over waters to turn them into Bloud, &c. So that now from all this, I take up this one Obser∣vation.

Observ. Though the Saints and Faithful Witnes∣ses of Jsus Christ must lye in Sackcloth 1260 daies, or years, yet in that time they shall be very fruitful, and Prophesie, and do great things in the end of those days.

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For the clearing whereof, five or six things will fall under our consideration.

First, Why the Saints and People of God are called Witnesses.

Secondly, What these Witnesses are: more espe∣cially in respect of their number, and quality.

Thirdly, How and in what respect they are cloa∣thed in Sackcloth, and how long.

Fourthly, What this Prophesie is, and how it comes to pass that they Prophesie in the time of their Sackcloth.

Fifthly, What is their Defence and Guard where∣with they are Guarded and Defended in the daies of their Prophesie.

Sixthly, What are the great things that they shall do in the latter end of their Prophesie. (I shall run through these particulars as briefly as I may), And

First, If you ask why the Saints and people of God are here called Witnesses.

I answer, Because it is their work and business to bear Witness to the truths and wayes of Christ, in opposition to the wayes of Anti-Christ. If you look into this Book of the Revelations, you will find they are so described, by bearing witness unto the waies and the truths of Christ, in opposition to the waies of Anti-Christ. For look but a little into this Book, and you shall find that there are two sorts of people that are marked: The followers of the Beast are marked, and the followers of the Lamb are marked in their Foreheads.

The followers of the Beast are marked, in Rev. 13. 16. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a Mark in their right hand, or in their Foreheads.

The Followers of the Lamb are marked in their Page  100Foreheads too, chap. 14. ver. 1. And I looked, and lo a Lamb stood on the Mount Sion, and with him 144000 having his Fathers Name written in their Foreheads. But now though the followers of the Lamb are thus mar∣ked with their Fathers Name written in their Fore∣heads, yet their mark doth not only consist in some thing that is positive, but in Refusing the mark of the Beast, Rev. 20.—why, but to shew thus much, That they are witnesses upon this account, because they do bear witness unto Christ, the truth and wayes of Christ, in opposition to the wayes of Anti-Christ. Thus they are conformed unto Jesus Christ, who is the True and the Faithful witness, Rev. 3. write, These things saith the Amen, the true and Faithful witness. That is, Christ: Christ is the true and the faithful witness, and therefore those that are his, they must be witnesses too, that they may be conformed to him.

Thereby they also overcome, as you have it in Rev. 12. And they overcame him by the Bloud of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. They over∣come by the Bloud of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, by witness-bearing. So then, the Saints and people of God, they are Christs witnesses. In Anti-Christian times, they are Christs witnesses: and if they be thus described, why then should not we look unto this work especially, Bearing of wit∣ness to the truths and wayes of Christ.

This is the work that we are born for: For this cause, saith Christ, was I born, and for this cause came I into the World, that I might bear witness unto the truth.

This is the work of our Generation, witness-bea∣ring to the truths of Christ in opposition to the waies of Anti-Christ, in Anti-Christian times. This is the work of our Generation.

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This is the work which there is a thousand years of glory and comfort promised unto above other things, as you read in Rev. 20.

This is the work, Witness-bearing to the truths of Christ, in opposition to the wayes of Anti-Christ. This is the work that hath the Crown and Name of Martyrdom. A Martyr, whats that but a Witness. Every witness more or less, is a Martyr: We take the word only for them that dye, But every witness is a Martyr.

This is that work which sometimes is necessary to Salvation, Rom. 10. 10. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation. This is the work I say therefore that sometimes is necessary unto Salvation.

And this is that work which Jesus Christ will own, and acknowledg before all the world. He that confesseth me before men, him will I confess before my Fa∣ther and all the Angels in Heaven.

And if this be the great work, why should we not all of us look to this work especially, this witness-bearing?

You will say, what shall I do that I may be found faithful in this witness-bearing? what shall I do that I may witness a good confession in these dayes of ours?

Something by way of Rule—Something by way of means; and yet not long, because I must pass on to other things.

Rule 1. Something by way of Rule. Be sure that your testimonies do agree. Though there be 100 Witnesses about a business, if their witness don't a∣gree, 'twill be of little worth. And now so it is, Christs Witnesses this day are divided into many O∣pinions and Perswasions, but they may agree in the Page  102 main for Christ, they may all agree in opposition un∣to Anti-Christ. If that you wou••ave your wit∣ness valid and good, labour you tha are the witnes∣ses, for unity in your testimony. T••re are three, saith the Apostle John, that bear witness in Heaven, speak∣ing of Gods testifying of the truth of Grace. There are three that bear Record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: these bear witness of Christ, and their witness is good,—why—For these three are One, 1 Joh. 5. 7. And saith he at the 8. v. There are three that bear witness on earth, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Bloud. The Spirit: I come to know that I am the child of God by the testimony of the Spirit, bearing witness with my Spirit that I am the child of God.—And I come to know that I am the child of God by the witness of water, by the te∣stimony of Sanctification.—And I come to know that I am the child of God by the testimony of Bloud, by the testimony of my Faith, relying upon the Bloud of Christ. And these three agree: and these three agree in One. The testimony is good, because they agree in one. So in our testifying of Christ, If our testimonies do agree, our testimony is good: thats the first thing. We have bin too much divi∣ded, God knows we have, and he hath punisht our Divisions with Divisions; 'tis time to unite our te∣stimony: If you would bear witness, unite your te∣stimony.

2. If you would witness a good confession in these dayes of ours, then you must be willing to own the truth of Christ, to own it whensoever you are called thereunto: 'tis said, our Saviour Christ he witnes∣sed a good Confession before Pontius Pilate.—Pray what kind of witness was it—was it any long confes∣sion, or large,—n, ut the manner on't was this, Page  103 when they call'd him before them to give an account of any fact, he left them to prove it. When they cal∣led him to give an account of the Doctrine that he held, Art thou the King of the Jews? then he owned it. He left them to prove the fact, and he owned the truth; so should we do. And indeed, if that we be not willing for to own the truth when we are cal∣led thereunto, why how can it be that the mark of the Father should be written upon our Foreheads on∣ly. We read of the followers of the Beast, that they received a mark in their right hands, and in their Foreheads both:—why in the Forehead, and why in the hand? In the Forehead, sometimes to wear it openly—And in their right hands, to put it into their pockets, and to hide it. They can own it some∣times, and sometimes they can hide it: but the fol∣lowers of the Lamb, they have the mark of their Fa∣ther only in their Forehead. Therefore I say, If we would witness a good Confession, we must be willing to own the truth whensoever we are called thereunto.

3. If you would witness a good confession in these dayes of ours, then you must be willing also for to suffer for the truth of Christ. Those that cannot suffer for the truth of Christ, and run the hazard of a suffering, they cannot bear their witness fully. See how they go together, in Rev. 13. 10. Here is the pa∣tience and Faith of the Saints. The Faith of the Saints, and their Patience, do go together. So in chap. 14. ver. 12. Here is the Patience of the Saints, here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus. Patience, and keeping the Command∣ments of God, and the Faith of Jesus, they go toge∣ther: And therefore thats a third thing.

4. If you would witness a good Confession, then Page  104 take heed that when you hav born your testimony, you do nothing that may revoke the same, either directly or by consequence. Some bear a good testimony to the truths of Christ, but then they revoke their te∣stimony by somthing that they do afterwards, either directly or by consequence. Mark what is said of John in Joh. 1. 20. 'tis said of him, He confessed and denyed not, but confessed, I am not the Christ. He confessed, and did not revoke his testimony. He confessed, & denyed not, but confessed. I know there's an Hebraism in it, but theres more than so.—And he confessed and denyed not: He bare his testimony, and did nothing that might revoke that testimony, either directly or by conse∣quence. And therefore if you would bear your te∣stimony for the truth of Christ, take heed that when you have given in your testimony, you do nothing that may revoke it, either directly or by consequence. Thus by way of Rule.

And secondly by way of Means. If you would be Faithful in bearing your testimony, in bearing wit∣ness to the truths of Christ, in opposition to the wayes of Anti-Christ: Observe what the root is that a good confession grows upon, and labour for to strengthen that.

Now what is the root that a good confession grows upon, but Faith working by Love.

As for Faith, I believed, and therefore have I spo∣ken.

And as for Love, Much Water cannot quench Love. Faith working by Love, is the root that a good Con∣fession grows upon, and therefore strengthen that.

Secondly, Labour in the work of Self-denyal, and use your self now to deny your self. There are two denyals that you read of in the Gospel—one comman∣ded, and the other forbidden, directly contrary one to another.

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Self-denyal—and denyal of Christ.

Self-denyal is commanded, If any man will be my Disciple, let him deny himself.

Denying of Christ is forbidden: He that denyes me before men, him will I deny before my Father which is in Heaven. The more you deny your selves, the less you will deny Christ: And the more you deny Christ, the less you deny your selves. Will you not deny Christ, but witness fully to Christ, and the truths and wayes of Christ; labour now to be found in the wayes of self-denyal, that you may be kept from Christ-denyal.

Thirdly, In the next place, Take heed that you be not feared or scared too much with the scare-crowes of the times, but go to God for boldness, that you may be emboldned with the boldness of the Holy Ghost. A timerous fearful Spirit will shrink in witness-bearing, if God come not in with boldness. You may see how they would have made Nehemiah to have ceased from the work of God, even by scaring and fearing of him, in Neh. 6. Tobiah and Sanballt, they send unto him that they might make him cease from the work of God that was in his hand; and they say unto him, 'Tis reported that thou hast appointed to Preach at Jerusalem, saying, There is a King in Je∣rusalem, and now shall it be reported to the King ac∣cording to these words, ver. 7. here they cry out, A Plot, a Plot: But while they cry out a Plot upon Nehemiah, the truth is, it was their own Plot. Then I sent unto them (at ver. 8.) saying, There are no such things done as thou sayest, but thou feignest them of thine own heart. They cry A Plot, and they made a Plot.

Well, what was their Plot?—It was to make him cease from the work of the Lord.—And how did they lay the Plot, say they at ver. 9. For they all madePage  106us afraid, saying, Their hands shall be weakned from the work. They all made us afraid, v. 13. (speaking of false Prophets) Therefore was he hired, that I should be afraid, and do so, and sin. And saith he, ver. 14. My God, think thou upon Tobiah and Sanballat, according to these their works, and on the Prophetess Noadiah, and the rest of the Prophets that would have put me in fear. This was the way to make Nehemiah cease from the work of God that was in his hand, to put him in fear, to scare him. And therefore take heed of the scares of the time, but go to God for boldness, that you may be emboldned with the boldness of the Holy Ghost. And therefore do but read the fourth of the Acts, where you find, that when the Apostles were threat∣ned, they returned unto their own company, and fell to Prayer, at ver. 23. And being let go, they went to their own company, and there they fall to Prayer, And they lift up their voice,—And what did they pray for? the great thing that they prayed for in their Prayer, was, That God would give them bold∣ness. And now Lord, say they, ver. 29. Behold their threatnings, and grant unto thy Servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy Word. And what was the Answer, ver. 3. And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together, and they were all flled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the Word of God with boldness. This was the Petition put up, Behold Lord their threatnings, now give boldness to thy Servants. Presently God answered, and they were filled with the boldness of the Holy Ghost, and so they bare their testimony. And so I say, If you would bear your testimony in these dayes of ours, Take heed of being scared and feared with the scare-Crowes of the times: But rather go to God, and beg boldness of him, that you may be emboldned Page  107 with the boldness of the Holy Ghost; and thus shall you do this great work, which is the work that we have to do in this day of ours. And so I have done with the first thing, why the Saints and people of God are called witnesses, Namely, because it is their work in Anti-Christian times to bear witness to the truths and wayes of Christ, in opposition to the wayes of Anti-Christ.

But then secondly, What are these Witnesses more expresly in regard of their number, and in re∣gard of their quality?

First in regard of their number, They are two, And I will give power unto my TWO Witnesses.

Two is but a Few, and yet it is enough to bear wit∣ness, For out of the mouths of two or three Witnes∣ses shall every word be established.

Two, a Few, and yet enough. The Note is this.

Observ. Christ will alwayes have enough to bea witness to his Truth in the darkest times. When the Gentiles tread underfeet the Holy City; yet here are two, 'tis but a few; and indeed Christ's Witnesses they are not very many, they are but few.

In the Old Testament, unless the Lord had left us a Remnant, a very little Remnant.

And in the New Testament, Nevertheless there are a E W Name in Sardis. Christs Witnesses are not very many, they are but few, Two:

And yet they are enough, Two are enough to bear witness unto a thing, they are enough. Christ, though he have but few to bear witness to his truth, he will alwayes have enough to bear witness to his truth in the darkest times: in the darkest times of Anti-Christ.

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What then? though many fall off, and go over un∣to Anti-christ's Colours, Christ will have enough to bear witness: In the 24. of Matth. 'tis said, Many shall be offended; And Many shall be deceived; And the Love of Many shall grow cold. But [he] that endures to the end: he doth not say, but They that endure to the end, but He. There is an He upon that. Many shall be deceived, and Many shall be offended, and the love of Many shall grow cold. But He that shall endure to the end; But yet an He;

Why should we be afraid and discouraged in re∣ference to the Cause of God, and the Affairs of the Church: It may be we think few or none will stand in this dark and gloomy day, few or none will stand.

But I pray now, have you cast up the account, how many are wanting upon the Muster? In the 14. Rev. In the 7th. chap. The Saints are mustered before they go into the times of Anti-christ ver. 4. And I heard the number of them which were sealed, and there were sealed 144000. And then in the 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. chapters comes in the times of An∣ti-christ, and bloody times. Now in the 14. chap. vers. 1. They are accounted over after the times of Anti-christ; and how many are wanting: And I looked, and lo a Lamb stood on the Mount Sion, and with him 144000. having his Fathers Name written in their foreheads, here's not one wanting: Christ will lose not one; not oe lost. By all the persecution of Anti-christ, th Church shall not lose one: In the letter end, here's just as many to a One, as was in the beginning. We think few or none will stand in these daies: So Eliah thought And I only am left a∣lone, but he was deceived: There's 7000. men that will not bow the knee to Baal. And so we may Page  109 think, few or none will stand, but we may be de∣ceived, God hath his seven thousands that we know not off. Though but few, yet enough, Christ will alwaies have enough to bear witness to his Truth in the darkest times, Two Witnesses. This for their Number.

But then Secondly, As for their qualification.

For their quality: These are the two Olive trees, at the 4. verse (I shall speak to all these things, with∣in the compass of my Doctrine) And the two Can∣dle-sticks standing before the God of the Earth.

Wat's that? These are the Olive-trees: Why if you look into Zech. from whence this is taken, you shall find the two Olive-trees are the godly Ma∣gistrates and Ministers, by whose assistance the golden Oyl is emptied into the Candle-sticks, and Lamps. Having spoken of the Candlestick of gold, at the 2d. vers. of that 4. of Zech. And of two O∣live-trees by it; at the 3d. vers. At the 11. verse: Then answered I, and said unto him, what are these two Olive-trees upon the right side of the Candlestick, and up∣on the left side thereof? And I answered again, and said unto him, what be these two Olive-branches which through the two golden pipes, empty the golden Oyle out of them∣selves? And he answered me, and said, knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No my Lord: Then said he, These are the two annointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole Earth—The two annointed ones—What's that?-Why the Magistrates were annointed, and the High-Priests were annointed. Zerubbabel and Jo∣shua were the two annointed ones—

That stand by the Lord of the whole Earth. What's that? that are publick Ministers. So then, these two Olive-trees are the godly Magistrate, and the godly Minister.

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But what are the two Candlesticks? These are the two Olive-trees, and the two Candlesticks.

Our Saviour tells you that the seven Golden Candle∣sticks, are the seven Churches. They were seven: Now in Anti-christian times reduced to a lesser com∣pany, two Candlesticks: Though as I said before, Christ will lose none in the latter times, yet in An∣tichristian times reduced unto two.

These are the two Candlesticks: Christ tells you the Candlesticks are the Churches: So then put this together: Would you know what these two Olive trees are and the two Candlesticks? They are the godly Magistrate and godly Minister in conjunction with the Saints of God and Churches of Christ. The two Olive-trees are the godly Magistrate and the Ministry: The Candlesticks are the Churches and Saints of God. The godly Magistrate and Minister, in conjunction with the Churches and Saints of God. The godly Magistrate alone, is not it: Nor the Mi∣nistry alone, is not it: Nor good people and Saints alone, is not it; Here are two Olive-trees, and two Candlesticks: So that would you know what these are? They are the godly Magistrate, and Mi∣nister, in conjunction with the Saints of God, and Churches of Jesus Christ.

And then if so, That these be the Witnesses.

Here we may see who those are that are fit to bear witness of Christ in Antichristian times, to bear their Testimony.—They are to be a fruitful, profitable people, And a lightsom people, that can hold forth light unto others in some measure:—What more fruitful and profitable than the Olive-tree? There's nothing unprofitable; The Bark, Oyl; the Leaf, Oyl; the Body, Oyl; the Fruit, Oyl; nothing unprofitable: So the Saints of God, they Page  111 are the Sons and Daughters of Oyl, nothing but pro∣fit. The wicked indeed are compared to the green Bay-tree; barren, unprofitable: But the Godly are compared in Scripture to the Olive-tree, nothing not profitable: The Wicked are compared to Goats, the Saints are compared to Sheep: Sheep, nothing not profitable: Their wool profitable, their flesh profitable; their very dung profitable: Nothing not profitable: And here, the Witnesses of Christ, they are the Olive-tree; fruitful, and a profitable people; and a people in some measure fit to give light to others, as the Candlestick, to hold forth light unto others.

Beloved, Truely every one is not fit to bear witness to the Cause, and the Truths, and the Waies of Jesus Christ: A man may be a Protestant, in opposition to the Papists, and yet an ignorant man; A man may be a Professor, in opposition un∣to others, and yet barren in his life. No, no, none are fit to bear testimony to the Truths of Christ, and the Waies of Christ, in opposition to the waies of Anti-christ, but the Olive and the Candlestick; The profitable man and the lightsom man: and there∣fore in evil times that you may be fit to bear witness to the Waies of Jesus Christ in opposition to the Waies of Anti-christ, labour to be Sons and Daugh∣ters of Oyl; labour to be more fruitful and profi∣table in your life; And let your light so shine before men, that they may glorifie your Father which is in Hea∣ven. And so now I have done with the second thing, What these Witnesses are, More particularly in respect of their number, Two; In respect of their qality, They are two Olive-trees, and two Candlesticks.

3. But then Thirdly, It it here said that thy shall Page  112 Prophesie 1260. daies, clothed in Sackcloth; that they shall lie in Sackcloth, and lie in Sackcloth 1260 daies.

In Sackcloth,—What's that—And how 1260 daies?

If you ask what this Sackcloth means: It repre∣sents the sad, and afflicted, and mournful condi∣tion that the Saints and people of God shall be in, in Antichristian times. When the Jews of old mourn∣ed, and were afflicted, they put on Sackcloth: The Princes put on Sackcloth, and the Priests put on Sackcloth, and the people put on Sackcloth: So here, the Witnesses clothed in Sackcloth;—What doth this mean, but their sad, and afflicted, and mournful condition? Such it is, and must be in Antichristian times.

For is it not a sad thing, and mournful, for the holy City to be troden underfoot by the Gentiles? so it shall be in Antichristin times.

Is it not a sad and mournful thing for the Church of God to be hidden, the inner Court to be hidden? Indeed a hidden Church is a true Church; a scat∣tered Flock is a true Flock, and a scattered Church is a true Church: But is it not a sad thing for Churches to be hidden; the Church of God to be hidden? Why so it must be in Antichristian times. I remember Mr. Brightman saith, when the Wo∣man is in the Wilderness, she must not think that there will be Congregations so visible; but in a Wilderness here and there, or in a Forrest, here and there is a house; and here and there you meet with a man; But you meet not with great Towns, and Corporations in a Wilderness, or in a Forrest: So when the Church is in the Wilderness, here and there a knot of Saints, and here and there a knot of Page  113 meeting: But Corporations and Churches then are hidden: Is it not a sad thing now I say? Yet thus it must be.

Is it not a sad thing for the Vessels of the Tem∣ple to be defiled? So it must be in Antichristian times.

Is it not a sad thing for the solemn Assemblies to lie under reproach? So it is and must be in Anti∣christian times.

Is it not a sad thing for the Saints and People of God, and the Daughters and Sons of Sion to be per∣secuted to the very Gates of Sion, yea into the ve∣ry Gates of their Trade? So it is and must be in An∣tichristian times: and therefore no wonder that the Witnesses lie in Sackcloth.

But then they lie in Sackcloth 1260 daies, —what's that? That is 1260 years, a day being put for a year, as it is ordinary in Scripture.

And if you ask, When doth this time begin, or end, that we may know where we are?

I answer: If you can find the beginning from whence this time doth commence, you will soon find the end: —now these 1260 daies or years, are all one with the 42 Months (spoken of before) that the Gentiles shall tread down the holy City: They are all one with the 42 months of the Beast. Take a day for a year, and 42 months come to 1260 years; take a day for a month, and then 1260 daies comes to 42 months.

These 42 months of the Beast then, and the 1260 daies or years that the Witnesses are clothed in Sackcloth are all one.

Now, when did the 42 months of the Beast be∣gin?

In likelyhood about the year 400 or 406 or 10 Page  114 or thereabouts, for to speak to a year or so, is not safe, Chronologers have been deceived: I say in the year of our Lord 400, or thereabouts.

For look when that that hinders was taken away, then the man of sin was discovered: The mistery of iniquity did work in the Apostles time: In 2 Thes. 2. The mystery of iniquity doth already work verse 7. Only he who now letteth, will let until he be taken out of the way, and then shall that wicked one be revealed:—When is that? As Jerom and all agree, the Ro∣man Empire was the thing that let, and about those times was the Roman Empire taken out of the way; In 410. the Goths and Vandals broke in upon Rome it self, about that time was that that let taken a∣way.

And Secondly, (I do but touch upon this, and touch I must upon it) look when the Roman Em∣pire did fall asunder into ten Kingdoms, then did the Beast begin his forty two months, Rev. 17. 12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings, which have received no Kingdom as yet, But receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast.

But when did the Roman Empire fall asunder into ten Kingdoms? About the year 400. 'Tis observed by good Historians, and divers, that in the year 406. Brittany and these Nations fell off from the Roman Empire, to be a Kingdom standing by it self.—Now then, if the time did begin about 400. surely the end of the time we must needs be a∣bout. I confess indeed: It is a sad thing for Christ's Witnesses to lie in Sackcloth; and to lie in Sack∣cloth 1260. years, but so it must be, not a day a∣bated, but to a year, to a day. Why should you be offended friends then, at the Sackcloth and mourning condition of the Church, and Saints, and Page  115 People of God?—Why, is not this the habit of the Witnesses, Sackcloth: and will not you be content to be habited as they are habited, as Christ's Wit∣nesses are habited, to wear the same clothes that Christ's Witnesses do? And if Christ's Witnesses shall lie in Sackcloth 1260. years, will not you be contented to be in Sackcloth three or four years? Christians, will not you be contented to be in Sack∣cloth three or four years? Me thinks we should ra∣ther look to the duty of a Sackcloth condition; there should our hearts and our thoughts be: But we are very apt evermore, (and consider what I say, not only in reference to this point, but to others) we are very apt to mind Gods work, and neglect our own: 'Tis Gods work to ful••l the Promise, 'tis our work to apply the Promise; but we mind the fulfilling on't, and neglect the applying on't; mind Gods work, and neglect our own work!

'Tis Gods work to deliver his people, 'tis their work to be humbled under the mighty hand of God: But we mind deliverance, which is Gods work, and neglect our own work, humiliation under the migh∣ty hand of God.

'Tis Gods work (saith the Martyr) to take care, 'tis our work to cast care: Cast all your care upon God; there's your work: for he careth for you, that's Gods work. To take care is Gods work, to cast care is our work, but we mind Gods work, and are tak∣ing care, and neglect our own work, which is to cast all our care upon God.

'Tis Gods work to take off our Sackcloth, 'tis our work to wear it; but we mind Gods work, the taking of it off: When shall this Sackcloth be off? and neglect our own work, to wear it handsomly.—Why should we not I say, mind our business? Page  116 what is the duty of a Sackcloth condition more?

Why then, when we are in Sackcloth, surely then 'tis our duty for to lay by our Ornaments: Let the Bridegroom go out of his Chamber, in the day of Sack∣cloth; if any body may rejoyce, the Bridegroom may; But let the Bridegroom go forth of his cham∣ber in a Sackcloth day: Lay aside your Ornaments friends, lay aside your Ornaments: In the time of Sackcloth, 'tis our duty then for to fast and pray, and cry mightily unto the Lord.

Then 'tis our duty to put our mouths in the dust, if so be there may be hope.

Then it is our duty for to bear our Testimony.

Then it is our duty for to wait on God; though the Witnesses wear Sackcloth for a time, yet there are white Robes provided for them, and they come out with Palms in their hands.

And the nearer the time of Deliverance grows, the less time for waiting, the more we are ingag∣ed to wait: Why now according to the calcula∣tion, there is not much of the time to come; there is but a little of the Sackcloth time to come, shall we not watch with him one hour, and wear Sack∣cloth with him one hour? wait a while, he that shall come, will come, and will not tarry. And so I have done with the third thing; namely, what this Sackcloth is, and their lying in Sackcloth for 1260. years.

4. But then in the fourth place, It is said here, that these Witnesses did Prophesie: I will give power unto my two Witnesses, and they shall Prphesie—Pro∣phesie—What's that? and how did it come to pass, that they shall Prophesie in the time of their Sackcloth.

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Prophesie,—What's that?

Why Prophesying is sometimes taken in Scrip∣ture for the Revelation of the mind of God, where∣by a man doth foretel things to come, and so Daniel and Ezekiel, and others were called Prophets.

Sometimes Prophesying is taken more largely in Scripture, for Preaching the Word of God in a way of Office; Preaching the Word by Office: And so the Ministers and Preachers of the Word of God in Office, they are called Prophets in Scripture.

But Thirdly, yet more largely: Prophesie is took for a declaring and making known of the Mind and Will of God, and so all those that do declare and make known the Mind and Will of Jesus Christ, they are said to be Prophets, and so I take it here: For I pray do but mark, This their Prophesying and Witness-bearing seems to be all one: I will give power unto my two Witnesses, and they shall Prophesie:—And when they shall have finished their Testimony, their witness bear∣ing; He should have said, when they have finished their Prophesie: True, But he would shew that their Witness-bearing and Prophesie is all one; And so com∣pare chap. 19. and chap. 22. of the Revelations together, and you will find the same, I fell at his feet and worshipped him, and he said unto me, see thou do it not, I am thy fellow servant, and of thy Brethren, that have the testimony of Jesus: and chap. 22. I fell at his feet, and he said unto me see thou do it not, for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy Brethren the Prophets; Of thy Brethren the Prophets, here in chap. 22. is all one, with thy Brethren that have the Testimony of Jesus, In the 19th. and saith he there, Worship God, for the Testimony of Jesus, is the Spirit of Prophe∣sie: It's the same word that's used, when they had Page  118 finished their Testimony, or Witness-bearing: The witness of Jesus, is the Spirit of Prophesie: This bearing witness to the truths of Jesus, this is Prophesie: And thus now the Witnesses, they are said to Pro∣phesie.

Well, but how come they to Prophesie in the times of their Sackcloth.

Behold, I will give power unto my two Witnesses, and they shall Prophesie 1260. daies clothed in Sackcloth: How comes it to pass that they shall Prophesie in Sackcloth?

It's clearly answered, I will give power (saith Christ) I will give power unto my two Witnesses, and they shall Prophesie in Sackcloth. I will give power to them; they shall have their Orders to Preach from my self; They shall have power from Me to Preach and to Prophesie, and to bear their Testimony: Some have their Orders and their Power to Prophesie from Men; from Prelates, from the Beast; but (saith he) I will give power unto my two Witnesses to Prophesie: It's said of the Beast, That Power was given him: It's said of the Witnesses, I will give Power unto my two Witnesses: They shall have their Orders, they shall have their Power of Prophesie and Witness-bearing from my self: I will give Power unto my two Witnesses. Plainly then thus much.

Obs. There's none can bear witness to the Truths of Jesus Christ, but those that are impowred by Christ, and if that Jesus Christ will give power unto his two Witnesses for to Prophesie, and to bear their Testimony, then why should we not depend on God? why should we not go unto Christ, and de∣pend on Christ, for our very Power to bear Witness to the Truths of Christ.

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It may be you are afraid, and you will say thus: I am a poor weak Creature, man or woman, and I shall never be able for to bear a Testimony in these witness-bearing times?

I but you know what the Martyr said, I'le set my foot against the * foot of the proudest Prelate of them all in the cause of Christ: But who gave power unto her;—Jesus Christ that saith, I will give power unto my two Witnesses; and he hath said so concerning all his Witnesses: I will give power un∣to my two Witnesses, that they shall Prophesie, and bear witness; and he is faithful: and therefore why should you not go to Christ, and lay your selves flat upon this Promise, and say to him: O Lord, I am a poor weak Creature; I fear I shall never be able for to bear my Testimony, but thou hast said, I will give power unto my two Witnesses; I am one of thy Witnesses: Now then O Lord, give power to me, for I am poor; O remember this Promise, here's a gracious and a blessed Promise: Christ saith himself, I will give power unto my two Witnesses, and he is faithful, and will make it good. And so I have done with the fourth thing, namely, what Prophesying is, and how the Wit∣nesses come to Prophesie in the times of their Sack∣cloth; Christ gives them power.

5. But then Fifthly, what is the defence and guard that these Witnesses have, whereby they are guarded and defended in their Prophesie.

The Text saith, If any man will hurt them, fire Proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies:—What's that? Fire proceedeth out of their mouth; It may relate unto Moses; but especially it relates unto Elijah, a Prophet, a Mi∣nister, Page  120 that when the Captain and his fifty came to do him hurt, he called for fire from Heaven, and destroyed the Captain and his fifty; fire came out of his mouth by his prayers: and when another Cap∣tain came, and his fifty, Elijah prayed, and fire came down and destroyed him and his fifty: Fire came out of his mouth; plainly it relates to this of E∣lijah.

What then is this fire that proceeds out of the month of the Witnesses, but the scorching and de∣vouring Judgements of God, whereby the Enemies of Gods people are blasted and destroyed by the prayers and threatnings of the people of God, that come out of their mouth.

But if any man will hurt them, mind a little.

It seems then first, That there will alwaies be some in readiness to hurt the witnessing people of Christ, though they be impowered to witness from Christ himself. Though the Saints and People of God be impowered by Christ himself for to bear their Testimony: There will alwaies be some or o∣ther to hurt the witnessing people of God. If any man will hurt them, Them that are Witnesses.

But Secondly, though men do hurt the witnessing people of God, they shall not go unpunished: If any man will hurt them, fire proceeds out of their mouths, and devoureth their enemies: Though the enemies may hurt the witnessing people of Christ, the ene∣mies shall be hurt themselves, they shall not go un∣punished.

But Thirdly, They shall not only be punished that hurt the witnessing people of God: But they shall be punished with a So; He must in this manner, or So, he must So be punished:—So—how so? So, look in what way he thought to have hurt the Page  121 witnessing people of God: So shall he be hurt, look by what mens he sought to hurt the people of God, by the same hand and means shall he be hurt himself.

But So, so by fire coming out of their mouth; by the prayers of the people of God, they shall be blasted and consumed; not by sword, not by might, nor by strength, but by fire coming out of their mouth, So, So, he shall not only be punished, but be punished with a so, that hurts the witnessing people of God.

Oh my beloved friends, why do you shut your mouths? why should you not be much in prayer? what doth fire come out of the mouth of the witnes∣sing people of God to devour their enemies, and will you shut your mouth, and not pray?

Oh! where will Opposers appear; what will become of those that hurt the witnessing people of God, O wo to them?

Oh! what a dangerous thing is it to oppose the prayers of the people of God? This is the fire that comes out of their mouth, whereby those that hurt them are scorched: And therefore let men take heed how they hurt any of the witnessing people of Christ; and let all those that are witnesses pray; You that are witnesses now open your mouths, for fire pro∣ceedeth out of your mouths, to devour the enemies that hurt the witnessing people of God; Open your mouths wide. And so I have done with the fifth thing; The Guard whereby the Witnesses are guarded in the daies of their Prophesie.

6. The sixth thing remains, and that is, what are the great things that these Witnesses will do, in the end of the daies of their Prophesie, and of their Sackcloth.

Why briefly thus: In the general 'tis said: ThesePage  122have power to smite the Earth with all plagues, as often as they will: That is, as I humbly conceive, pouring out the seven Vials, in Rev. 16. the seven Vials are poured out upon the earth: and why is it spoken of here, That they have power to smite the earth with all Plagues? But to shew that at least some of the Vials shall be poured out, before the Witnesses are slain: But not to fix there, more particularly.

First, These have a power to shut Heaven, that it rain not, in the daies of their Prophesie: What's that? Certainly, it must relate unto Elijah: That Elijah prayed, and by his prayer he shut the Heavens that it rained not for three years and an half: Plain∣ly it relates unto Elijah as can be: Elijah prayed, and by his prayer he shut the Heavens that it rained not for three years and a half.

Well, but what are the Heavens here?

Those cannot be understood litterally, but spiritu∣ally: As it is said in the 8th verse, Their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great City, which Spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt: The Heavens here can∣not be understood litterally, but spiritually; what then? what are the Heavens then, and what is the shutting of the Heavens that it rain not.

The Heavens are the highest power, so that look when the Witnesses have power to restrain the high∣est power in Church and State from their wont∣ed influence; then is this word fulfilled, that they have power to shut Heaven that it rain not in the days of their Prophesie: I say the Heavens are the highest powers: look when the Witnesses do re∣strain the highest power in Church and State from their wonted influence, Then is this word ful∣filled.

Secondly, They have power also to turn water Page  123 into blood. What's that? plainly it must relate to Moses, who turned Rivers, and turned waters into blood: What's that? It cannot be understood lit∣terally, but spiritually still: What's that then? Why thus: These waters are to be understood spi∣ritually, and so you read in Revel. 16. The Sea, and Rivers were turned into blood: Look therefore when the Witnesses shall have power to turn the still waters of a State or Nation into War and Blood; Then is this Word fulfilled.

But how came the Witnesses to have power to do this?

It may be, not legally, for it is not said here, And I will give power unto them to shut the Heavens: but these have power to shut the Heavens, and these have power to turn waters into blood; 'tis not said here, I will give them power, as 'tis said before: it may be this may be done, and not legally.

But when shall this be done?

It must be done immediately before their slaying. I pray mark the coherence here: They shall have power to shut the Heavens immediately before they are slain, and to turn water into blood imme∣diately before they are slain, just before the three years and a half, that they lye dead upon the earth: For when did Elijah shut the Heavens but immedi∣ately before the three years and a half of drought: When did Moses turn the waters into blood, but immediately before the coming out of the Children of Israel out of Egypt: So here, immediately be∣fore the Witnesses are slain, and they lye three years and a half as dead, immediately before, they have power to shut the Heavens that it rain not, and to turn waters into blood.

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Now therefore to draw to a Conclusion; when∣soever you see all these things come to pass. I will not apply them to times or places, this or that time or place: But when you shall see all these things come to pass, one treading upon the heel of another: when you shall see that the Witnesses have power to shut the Heavens that it rain not: to restrain the highest powers both in Church and State from their wonted influence. And that they have power to turn water into bloud, and still Nations into War; and then immediately upon it they shall be slain, and so lye dead, deprived of their functions and vital opera∣tions, as if they lay dead. Then lift up your heads, and comfortably say, hopefully say, Now, now comes the three years and half, which is the last time: Now is our Salvation near, for God will bring near his righteousness, and his Salvation shall not tarry. And he will place Salvation in Sion, for Israel his glory.

Only for the present, let me conclude and leave an Exhortation with you, which I will draw up from all which hath bin said.

The first part on't is this: The Saints and people of God in Anti-Christian times, they are Witnesses.

First therefore, be sure that you bear your testi∣mony faithfully. Be faithful now in your Witness-bearing, Christians. Christ will pay all the charge that you are at in Witness-bearing. If a man have a Suit at Law, and have five or six Witnesses, and car∣ry them a hundred Miles, he bears all the charge of their Witness-bearing. Saith Christ, I will give power to My Witnesses, they are My Witnesses. Ye are Christs Witnesses, and look whatsoever charge you are at, he will bear the charge, he will bear all the charge of your Witness-bearing: And if your Faith come not home enough, as it should be, yet Page  125 Christ is Faithful though we believe not, and there∣fore be faithful in your Witness-bearing.

Secondly, Though you be but few, be not afraid, be not discouraged, for Christ will alwaies have e∣nough to bear Witness to his truth in the darkest times.-Comfort ye one another with those words.

Thirdly, Be fruitful as the Olive tree; And be lightsome as the Candlestick. O that God would roul away the reproach of a barren heart from every one of you, and of a barren life. Tis time now to be fruitful that you may be as the Olive-Tree, and as the Candlestick, to hold forth your light to others.

Fourthly, Pray now have a care that you wear your Sackcloth handsomly. Truly these Meetings that now we do enjoy, they have a Sack-cloth on them: there is a Sack-cloth upon the loyns of every such meeting as this. Christians, you have your Sack-cloth on, pray wear your Sack-cloth handsom∣ly, for in due time you shall have Robes, you shall come forth in white Robes, having your Palmes in your hands, only for the present wear your Sack-cloth handsomly. I mean, carry your sad and mourn∣ful condition as you ought.

Fifthly, If you find that you be not able for to bear your testimony as you would, and as you should: Go then to Christ, and remember this promise, I will give power unto my Two VVitnsses. O plead this pro∣mise Christians, it is a great promise: I will give power unto my two VVitnesses. Though men take away power from you for Prophesy; They will not let you Pray, nor Prophesie, yet I will give power.] I will give power in opposition to your own weakness. And I will give power in opposition to mens Malice. Therefore go to Christ and press this promise, Lord, I am one of thy poor Witnesses, therefore give pow∣er Page  126 according to thy Word, for thou hast said I will give power, and they shall Prophesie.

Sixthly, Let not your mouth be shut, but open in Prayer: For it is said here, If any man will hurt them, Fire proceedeth out of his mouth. That was the Prayer of Elijah, It brought dovvn fire, scorching and blasting Judgments. Christians, is there a Fire, a Fire in your mouth? O you that have any credit in Heaven, pray now. If there were any here that I could speak to, I would say thus, You that never prayed, pray now: but I hope there is none such; but if there should be any such, I would say, you that never prayed, pray now; and you that have any cre∣dit in Heaven, improve it in this day of tryal for the poor Witnesses.

And to conclude all: If that you should see that the Witnesses shall have done such great things, that they have shut Heaven that it rain not; that they have turned water into bloud, and yet immediately upon it they have bin slain, and lye dead: If you see all these things come to pass one after another, then lift up your heads oh ye Saints, and wait, and wait; for he that doth come, will come, and will not tarry. And when he comes, he will not only pay you your principle-money, but he vvill pay you all your for∣bearance money too: And therefore what I say to one, I say unto you all, and to my ovvn soul, Let us wait upon the Lord and keep his vvay. And thus novv I have done with the first time of the Witnesses, their Prophesying time, their slaying time follovvs: But that you will conjecture at somthing by what hath bin said.