The new prayers for K. William & Q. Mary and prosperity to their arms both by sea and land, against the French King. Used by the people called Quakers.

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The new prayers for K. William & Q. Mary and prosperity to their arms both by sea and land, against the French King. Used by the people called Quakers.
Bleming, Jone.
[London :: printed for J. Bunch in Holywell-lane,

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William, -- III, -- King of England, -- 1650-1702 -- Prayers -- Early works to 1800.
Mary, -- II, -- Queen of England, -- 1662-1694 -- Prayers -- Early works to 1800.
Prayers -- Early works to 1800.
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"The new prayers for K. William & Q. Mary and prosperity to their arms both by sea and land, against the French King. Used by the people called Quakers." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


A Daily Prayer for the Perpetual Happines of Our Most Gracious King and Queen: King William and Queen Mary

O Almighty God, King of King, and Lord of Lords, in thine Hands is all Power both in Heaven and Earth, thou con∣firmest Kingdoms, and again dost alter them according to thine Heavenly Pleasure, We Praise thee, We Magnifie thee, We Extol thine Holy Name, for that it hath pleased thee to ap∣point over us, a good and gracious King and Queen which doth govern with Counsel, and rule with Wisdom.

Grant them, We beseech thee, continual 〈◊〉〈◊〉, Long Life, and much Happiness: And deliver not their Majesties into the hands of their Enemies.

Rule thou their Minds and Wills, that they may serve thee always in Fear, and rejoice in Trembling.

Let them maintain and imbrace pure Religion, and defend their People in the Profession of Christ's Gospel against all Errors and Supperstition whasoever.

Give them Wisdom and Understanding to do such things as are grateful in thy sight, profable for us their Subjects, and hurtful to none.

O God, eternal Father, hear the Petitions of our King and Queen in all their troubles; the Name of Christ our Saviour glorifie them, and the comfortable aide of the Holy Spirit uphold them now and for evermore.

Be mindful of them for their good, give to them according to their Hearts desire, and prosper all teir Purposes, that we may rejoice in thy Salvation, and Trivmph in the Name of God.

Bless them, Lord, evermore, tha we may know that their Protector is the Clouds.

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Hearken unto them from thine Holy Heavens by thy mighty right hand which bringeth Salvation.

For though some trust in Horses, and others in Chariots: Yet will we remember the Name of our God.

They shal fall, and be overcome, but we couragiously will presist.

O Lord, protect their Majesties, hear us when we call upon thee

Save our King and Queen, O merciful God, in despite of al their Enemies, which either secretly or openly go about to bring Lives to the Grave, and their Glory to the Dust.

Banish from their Court all their private Enemies, and preserve them evermore from dissembling Friends.

Give them loving and loyal Subjectss and suppress their open and secret Enemies both by Sea and Land.

Grant this, O most merciful Father, for thy eear Son our Sa∣viour Christ his sake, Amen.

So Prayeth Jone Bleming,

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