The Bibles abstract and epitome the capitall heads, examples, sentences, and precepts of all the principall matters in theologie : collected together for the most part alphabetically, with the doctrine and uses compendiously explained of all the chiefe points therein contayned : taken out of the best moderne divines, both reverend and learned
Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641.

Of Patience.

PAtience is a passive Obedience, or the Obedience of the Crosse, which is a fruit and Grace of Gods holy Spirit, arising from the true knowledge of God and of our selves, as also from a lively faith, affiance, hope, and unfeigned love of God, whereby we beare our crosse imposed upon us by God quietly, constant∣ly, and willingly, bringing forth experience, which preserveth us by Gods pro∣vidence, tempeateth anger, bridleth the tongue, governeth the minde, keepeth* Peace, breaketh the violence of lust, asswageth the swelling of pride, and cheri∣sheth the penurie of the poore; And is engraven in us by the finger of Gods holy Spirit, being an Image of that infinite Patience which is in his own most perfect nature, who suffered all wrongs and injuries, which we offer against him and against his Prophets.

    Page  148Patiently
  • The Apostles being imprisoned and beaten by the Jewes tooke the same, rejoycing that they were counted worthy to suffer for Christ his Name.*
  • David being persecuted by Saul endured the same, who having opportunitie to slay him, (seeking to take his life away) would not lay his hands upon* him, and being driven out of his kingdome by his sonne Absalom, willed Zadok the Priest to enquire of the Lord for him, saying, If the Lord say he hath no delight in me, Behold, here I am, let him do to me, as seemeth good unto him. And being cursed of Shimei, and perswaded by Abishai* to slay him, said, It may be the Lord hath bid him curse, and it may be the Lord will do me good for his curing: My son seeketh to take my* life from me, how much more then may this sonne of Iemini?
  • Eli Being told by Samuel what plagues the Lord would bring upon his sonnes and his posteritie, answered, It is the Lord, let him doe what*seemeth him good.
  • Elisha suffered the men of Syria sent to take him, without revenging him∣self on them, yea so as he entertained them.*
  • Gideon Answered the men of Ephrai speaking roughly unto him, saying, Why hast thou served us thus, that thou calledst us not, &c? What*have I now done in comparison of you? What was I able to doe in comparison of you? and having thus spoken unto them, their hearts abated towards him.
  • Hezekiah Being told by the Prophet that all the Treasures that were in his house, together with the sonnes and daughters that should* proceed of him, should be carried into Babel, said, The word of the Lord which thou hast spoken is good: Shall it not be good?
  • Isaac Suffered his Father going about to sacrifice him, and great was A∣brahams* patience in travelling three dayes journey for to sacrifice him.
  • Ioseph behaved himselfe towards his bethren selling him, &c. in that he re∣lieved them, confessing that nothing was done to him, but what God* had appointed to be done: and being wrongfully imprisoned, never murmured.*
  • Iehoshaphar Being compassed with his enemies called on God, saying, O our God, wilt thou not judge them, & c? we wot not what to doe,*but our eyes be towards thee.
  • Iob Having all that he had taken from him, said, The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh, blessed be the Name of the Lord, &c. and being willed* by his wife to curse God and die,said, Shall we receive good, and not evill of God?
  • The Israe∣lites Being oppressed by the Ammonites, said, Lord, we have sinned, doe thou unto us whatsoever seemeth good unto thee, deliver us*onely we pray thee this day. And being by Rabshakeh sent a∣gainst Jernslem threatned, they were silent.*
  • Ieremiah Being judged worthy to die for prophesying against the Citie, said, As for me, I am in your hands, doe with me as you thinke right among your selves.
  • Moses endured the murmuring of the Israelites and Miriam, praying for* them: and Korah by mildly answering them.
  • Mephiboshet Hearing David to give his land to his servant Ziba to be di∣••ded between them, and that without just cause, said, Let*him take all, forasmuch as my lord the King is come in peace.
  • Paul and Barnabas Being imprisoned took the same, singing Palmes, and great was*Pauls patience in all his sufferings, confessing that his afflicti∣on was not worthy of the least of the joyes of Heaven.*
  • King Saul Hearing wicked men to say, after he was anointed King, How shall he save us? despising him, bringing no presents to him* as others did that came to him, held his tongue without replying to them.
  • Shadrach With his fellowes being threatned to be cast into the fierie fur∣nace, answered, God whom we serve is able to deliver us, &c.*but if he will not, we will not serve thy gods, O Nebuchadnezzar.
  • Steven being stoned, kneeled down, praying for them that stoned him, saying, Lord, lay not this sinne to their charge.*
  • Eleazarus in his torment, said, I am scourged, and suffer these sore paines of my bodie: but in my minde, I suffer them for my Religion gladly.*
  • Page  149
  • The seven Brethren with their Mother suffered all their torments with* chearfulnesse, one after the other.
  • Mauritius the Emperour Seeing his children and wife cruelly slaine one after another* before his eyes by the Tyrant Phocas, himselfe being to act his part in the same Tragedie, mekly uttered these words, Iustus es Domine, & justum judicium tuum: Righteous art thou, O Lord, and just is thy judgement.*
  • Adde to it 1 Pet. . 19. 20, 21. Eccl. 7. 8. Luk. 21. 19. Rom. 8. 28. Syr. 1. 23. Chap. 2. 4, 5, 14. Prov. 14. 29. Heb. 10. 35. Iames 7. 5. Heb. 12. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 21. Rom. 2. 7.
    The Lord waited for
  • The Ninevites fortie dayes, by Ionahs preaching to them.*
  • Nebuchanezzar one yeere, To see if he would return.
  • His Veyard three yeeres, To see if it would increase.
  • The Israelites fortie yeeres, In the wildernesse proving them.
  • The Jewes fortie yeeres, Ere he destroyed Jerusalem.
  • The old world 120. yeeres, Before hee brought the floud on them.
  • The Egyptians 400. yeeres, Oppressing the Israelites
  • The Amoites till their sinnes were at full.
  • Pharaoh a long time, proving him by plagues often.
  • Cain's amendment, by preaching from heaven to him.*
  • Iezebels conversion, by giving her a space to turne to him.
  • And suffereth the vessels of wrath ordained to destruction.
  • And standeth now knocking, if any will open unto him.*
  • And is as a Cart pressed with mans iniquitie and sinne.
  • God is called the God of Patience: possesse then your soules in Patience: be pa∣tient towards all men, bearing with weake men.*
  • Reade Prov. 16. 32. Luk. 21. 19. Isai. 48. 9. Ier. 51. 6. Mal. 7. 18, 19. 1 Ioh. 1. 9. Rom. 2. 4, 5. Syr. 2. 12. Eccl. 7. 8. Prov. 23. 17, 18. Iam. 5. 11. Isai. 26. 20. Gal. 6. 2.*


IS the contemning and neglect of doing of just and lawfull Commandements gi∣ven by God and man: and is called by Samuel the sinne of witchcraft, &c.*

  • Adam took the forbidden fruit: Achan the thing accursed.*
  • Abah made warres: Adonijah and Absalom aspired.
  • Balaam went to Balak: The Benjamites the malefactours detained.
  • Esau took the daughters of Canaan: Eli's sons the flesh offered.*
  • Israelites idols worshipped: Ionah towards Tarshish fled.
  • Irohoam sacrificed: Cain slew Abel being forewarned.
  • Lepers published Christ being cleansed, contrary to his direction.*
  • Lots wie looked back: Lots sons in law refused his admonition.
  • The man refused to strike the Prophet: Moses omitted circumcision.
  • Moses and Aaron sanctified not the Lord by their unbeleeving.
  • Nadah, Abhu, Saul, Ʋzziah, and many others sinned.
  • Nebuchadezzar continued in his sinne, contrary to that he was willed.*
  • Pharaoh detained the Israelites: the prophet seduced returned.
  • Queen Vashi refused to come to the king: she was therefore divorced.
  • Rehboam hearkned not to the counsell of old men: Samson heard a woman.*
  • Saul spared Agag: Solomon took outlandish women.
  • Zedekiah rebelled contrary to the Covenant made by him.
  • The wrath of the Lord shall fall upon the children of disobedience*
  • Cursed is he that is not obedient to Gods Covenant: and many are the curses pronounced by God against disobedient persons.*
  • The man that obeyeth not the Priest and the Judge shall dye.
  • The son that disobeyeth his father shall be stoned to death.


To obey is better then sacrifice: and to hearken, then the fat of rammes.*

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OBedience is two-fold: the one Voluntarie, the other Constrained.

Voluntarie: When the Creature doth Gods Command without compul∣sion. This Adam did before his fall, and all holy Ones doe that are justified and sanctified (in part in this life) by the Grace of God assisting them.

Constrained: When the Creature is made to obey, will he, nill he, like to Sa∣tans obedience after that Christ had rebuked him: as also rebels obedience, who* being attached, and arraigned for their treasons, are made to obey in their suffe∣rings.

Obedience to man is the keeping of the lawfull Commands of our Superi∣ours* and Rulers, and this is to be done in the Lord.

    Obediently, as God commanded,
  • Abraham offered his sonne: Aaron did the things belonging to him.*
  • Bezalel made the Arke of God: Noah his Arke with all things therein▪
  • Caleb behaved himselfe among the people: Elijah and Elisha.
  • Ezekiel: And David in every thing (save only in the matter of Ʋriah.)
  • Israelites did in many things: Iehu did in destroying Ahbs posteritie.
  • Ionah went to Nineveh: Gideon sent away the most part of his army.
  • Isaac went to Bethel: Iacob returned from Laban.
  • Ioshua circumcised the people, and found out Achan.
  • Moses did in all things among the people: Paul as Christ willd.
  • Peter went unto Cornelius: Ananias unto St Paul blinded.
  • Salomo builded the Temple: Samuel anointed king Saul.
  • The wise men returned another way: not to King Herod at all.


  • Abrahams Abraham.*
  • Servant
  • Ahab Elijah.*
  • Barak Deborah.*
  • Bathsheba Nathan.*
  • Cushai Ioab*
  • Captains Iehoiada.*
  • David his father*
  • Disciples Christ.*
  • Hushdi David.*
  • Hezekiah Isaiah.*
  • Isaac Abraham.*
  • Iacob Isaac.*
  • Ioseph Iacob.*
  • Ioseph Augustus.*
  • Israelits Moses.*
  • Judges Moses.*
  • Ioshua Moses.*
  • Iesse Saul.*
  • Ioash Elisha.*
  • Ioseph th' Angel*
  • Iohn Christ.*
  • Jewes Ezra.*
  • Kenites Saul.*
    And Obeyed
  • Levites Moses.*
  • Moses Iethr.*
  • Sicke men Christ.*
  • Blind men Christ.*
  • Naaman Elisha.*
  • Obadiah Elijah.*
  • Patriarchs Iacob.*
  • People Elijah.*
  • Philippian The Lord.*
  • Rebekah Isaac.*
  • Ruth Naomi.*
  • Rechabits Their Father.*
  • The Spies Moses.*
  • Sarah Abraham.*
  • Samaria Iehu.*
  • Shepherds Angels.*
  • Souldiers The Centu∣rion and*
  • Souldiers Captain.*
  • Tamar Her Father.*
  • Tatnai The Captain.*
  • One widow Elijah.*
  • Another Elisha.*
  • Christ His Father.*
  • Rom. 5. 19.
  • Who albeit he were the Son of God, obeyed God in all his suffe∣rings,* humbling himselfe so as he became obedient unto the death of the Crosse.
  • Obedient Persons
  • Shall eat the good things of the land, they shall end their dayes in* prosperitie, and yeeres in pleasure: but they that obey not, shall passe by the sword, and perish without knowledge. The mouth of God hath spoken it.
  • Reade Rom. 5. 19. Exod. 20. 12. Deut. . 16. Heb. 5. 8. Act. 4▪ 19. Chap. 5. 29▪ 32. Luk. 2. 5. Ephes. 5. 22. Col. 3. 18, 20. Chap. 4. 1. Prov. 4. 1. Rom. 13. 1.
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Ingratitude and Unthankfulnesse.

INgratitude is a forgetfulnesse of good received, either from God, or Man; which towards God was first found in Adam and Eve, who being created after Gods own likenesse, shewed themselves ingratefull for the same by eating the forbidden fruit: and so the Example of▪ Adam and Eve are imitated of us, who forget Gods exceeding Love, who spared not his only begotten Son, but gave him even to the shamefull death for our Salvation.

Ingratitude of man to man is forgetfulnesse of good turnes received: Such is Childrens towards Parents, Scholars towards their Teachers, &c. This sinne was counted so horrible a thing among the Persians for benefits received, as that such persons as were found to be ingratefull, were not counted worthy to live.

Ingratefully Rewarded
Adam and Eve
God, Who for all the benefits bestowed upon them, not∣withstanding* kept not one Commandement given.
God, Who having of his enemies victory, fell to idolatry.*
God, Who being exalted, followed the wayes of Ieroboam.
God, Who rendred not according to that bestowed on him.
God, Who being made Prince, did evil above all before him.
God, Who freed of plagues, made warre without him.
The Israelites
God, Who for all the favours shewed them daily sinned against him, so that he complained, that the Oxe and Asse knew their owners, they not him.
God, Who being heire of the whole world was not pleased.
God, Who committed incest, being from Sodome delivered.
God, Who was drunken, being in the Ark preserved.
  • David, who being pardoned of murther rebelled against him.
  • Ioab▪ who reconciling him to his father, burnt his corne.
Michaiah, who doing Gods message to him, imprisoned him.
David, who protecting him, committed treason against him.
Paul, who the more he loved, the lesse was he loved again.
  • Ʋriah, who being faithfull to him, caused him to be slain.
  • Ionathan, by giving Mephibosheths land to Ziba from him.
Isaac: And Ioseph Iacob, staying twentie yeeres from him.
Elisha, who being friendly to him; yet he sought to slay him.
Iehoiada, who setling him in his kingdome, slew his son.
The Israelits
Moses and Aaron who Conducting them, and often by their prayers turning Gods wrath from them, yet they continually murmured at them.
The Jewes
  • Christ, who coming to redeeme them, crucified him.*
  • Prophets and Apostles, by persecuting and murthering them.*
King Hanan
David, who sending some to comfort him, abused them.
Iacob, who truly serving, had his wages changed often.
Lots sonnes
Lot, who admonished them, laughed him to scorne▪
The Lords of Keilah
David, Who having delivered them out of the hands of the Philistine, would have delivered him into the* hands of Saul, pursuing him.
Nine lepers
Christ, who being cleansed, returned not to him.*
Those men
  • The King, who having invited them, refused to come.
  • Paul, who preaching to them, sought to slay him.*
  • David, who doing good to them, returned evil to him.
  • Iob, who loving them, turned themselves against him.
David, who having defended his, would not relieve him.
Phara. Butler
Ioseph, who interpreting his dreame, forgot him.
Pharaoh and Egyptians
Ioseph And his posteritie, by oppressing them, who were by him in his life blessed, by his being.*
That Per∣son
  • His Master who forgiving a great summe: forgave not a little one.
  • His Teacher who teaching him in the word, would not give him.*
David, going about to slay him; being faithfull unto him.

The Person that rewardeth evill for good, evill shall not depart from his house.*

The hope of the unthankfull shall melt as the winter ice, and shall slow away as* unprofitable waters (saith the wise man.)

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Recompence no man evill for evill, or rebuke for rebuke, but blesse: Despise not* the riches of Gods Goodnesse and Patience, and take heed of Unthankfulnesse, which is one of St. Pauls mentioned capitall sinnes.

Gratitude and Thankfulnesse.


Is a gratefull acknowledgement of a kindnesse recieved by remembring of it, by publishing it, and by recompencing it; Now a kindnesse done is the object of Thanks-giving, yet unlesse the kindnsse done be accepted, and withall acknowledged to be a kindnesse, the heart of him to whom kind∣nesse is done will not be affected to give him that did it thanks for it. So* David did kindnesse to Nabal. yet he acknowledged it to be no kind∣nesse.

Thankfulnesse is to be given to God, and that for that (as St Iames saith) Every good gift is from him: Good things are from God, therefore he is to* be praised: Every good thing cometh from him, therefore all praise is due to him.

  • There are 3. sorts of Thanks, Verball, When we thank God with our lips.
  • There are 3. sorts of Thanks, Mentall, When we thank him with our hearts.
  • There are 3. sorts of Thanks, Reall, When our lights shine with good works.*
  • Abel Rendred Thanks to God, In offering his first-lings: Abraham his sonne.**
  • Abrah▪ servant Rendred Thanks to God, By blessing his Name: King Asa by serving him.
  • Captains Rendred Thanks to God, By their offerings: The Creeple by his leaping.
  • David Rendred Thanks to God, By preparing things for his house: Daniel by praying.
  • Dariu Rendred Thanks to God, By his Proclamation: Deborah by singing.
  • Ezra Rendred Thanks to God, By thanksgiving: The Eunuch by rejoycing.*
  • Gideon Rendred Thanks to God, By worshipping: The Gentiles by glorifying.
  • Hannah Rendred Thanks to God, By dedicating her sonne: Isaac by an Altars building.*
  • Iacob Rendred Thanks to God, By confessing his unworthinesse: Ionah by vowing.
  • Iehoshaphat Rendred Thanks to God, By Shouting: The Israelites by singing.
  • King Hiram Rendred Thanks to God, By rejoycing: The multitude by glorifying.*
  • Mary Rendred Thanks to God, By magnifying: Noah by his offering.
  • Nebuchadnez. Rendred Thanks to God, By praising him: Paul by Christ preaching.
  • Salomon Rendred Thanks to God, By blessing him: The Shepherds by lauding.
  • Shadrach Rendred Thanks to God, By a song singing: The woman by Thanksgiving.
  • Christ Rendred Thanks to God, By Thanksgiving for revealing things hidden.
  • Apostles Rendred Thanks to Christ, By forsaking all that they had to follow him.
  • Blinde men Rendred Thanks to Christ, By praising: others by following of him.
  • Possessed men Rendred Thanks to Christ, By publishing what he had done for them.
  • Ship-men Rendred Thanks to Christ, By worshipping: seeing Peter saved from drowning.
  • Magdalene Rendred Thanks to Christ, By ministring of her substance unto him.
  • One leper Rendred Thanks to Christ, By returning to him, and by praising him.
  • Zacheus Rendred Thanks to Christ, By entertaining him: Ioseph by burying him.
  • Ahasuerus Rendred Thanks to Mordecai, by advancing him, discovering of treason.
  • Abraham Rendred Thanks to The Hittites, by giving his mony for the field had of them.
  • David Rendred Thanks to Abigail, by making her his wife, for her kindnesse to him.
  • Sodome king Rendred Thanks to Abraham, by offering all their goods to him that were taken.
  • Naaman Rendred Thanks to Elisha, by profering rewards refused by him.
  • Onesiphorus Rendred Thanks to Paul, by ministring unto him; and Paul by praying for him.
  • Pharaoh Rendred Thanks to Ioseph, by advancing him as the next unto him.
  • Gaoler Rendred Thanks to Paul and Barnabas, by washing their stripes, as also by his most courteous entertaining of them.*
  • Lydia Rendred Thanks to Paul, by her courtesie shewed to him.
  • Above all things give thankes to him that made thee, and replenished thee:* He that is thankfull tothem that have well deserved, offereth fine floure.
  • Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, doe all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks, abounding in him with thanksgiving.
  • Reade Good with good rewarded, page 100. and 101. and Phil. 4. 6. 1 Thes. 5. 18. 2 Thes. 1. 3. 1 Tim. 4. 4. 1 Pet. 1. 3. Psal. 103. 2. Deut. 8. 10. Gen. 8. 20. 1 Sam. 14. 45. 1 Chron. 29. 2. 2 Chron. 20. 18. Gen. 14. 21. Chap. 16. 13. Act. 10. 46. 2 Cor. 9. 15. Matth. 8. 15.