The Bibles abstract and epitome the capitall heads, examples, sentences, and precepts of all the principall matters in theologie : collected together for the most part alphabetically, with the doctrine and uses compendiously explained of all the chiefe points therein contayned : taken out of the best moderne divines, both reverend and learned
Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641.

Of Restitution.

REstitution is to be made by all such as have taken any thing wrongfully by Usu∣ry, oppression, deceit or such like: Without which mans repentance for sinne* is not acceptable before God: And therefore we are to follow Christs command herein, (saying) If thou bringest thy gift to the Altar, &c. go first and be recon∣ciled* to thy brother, then come and offer thy gift, &c.

[Object.] What if I be not able to make restitution, will not God then be mercifull and heare the prayer made to him?

[Answ.] Debt is not deadly sinne, when a man hath no meanes, there must be votall re∣stitution, if there cannot be actuall, quoad affectum, though thou cannot quoad ef∣fectum: * If there e a willing mind it is sufficient, not according to that a man hath, but according to that which he hath not. God reckons that as done, which a man, Vere voluit, tametsi adimplere non valuit: faithfully would, though not fully could accomplish.

David said, O Lord, thou knowest mine innocencie.*

Samuel Whose oxe or asse have I taken, whom have I defrauded, whom have I hurt? Or of whose hand have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes there∣with? And I will restore it.

Michah give to his mother, the silver that he had taken from her*

Iob Said, If my land cry against me, or the surrowes thereof complaine together, let* thisles grow instead of wheate, and cockell instead of barly: And againe saith, The wicked shall restore that he tooke violently.*

Zacheus, If I have taken by false accusation: I will restore four fold.

Iudas will condemne many, who brought againe the peeces of silver.

Nehemiah caused the Jewes to restore what was exacted by them.

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  • Salomon willed not to with-hold the goods from the owner of them▪**
  • The Lord commanded restitution to be made of things taken to keepe, taken by robbery, by violence, oppression and such like.
  • If the wicked restore the pledge, and give againe that he had robbed, &c. He shall*live and not die, saith the Lord.
  • Owe nothing to any man, but love one another (saith the Apostle.)*
  • The ungodly borroweth and payeth not againe, but the righteous is mercifull and*liberall (saith the Psalmist.)
  • Reade Ier. 20. 18. Cor. 7. 2. Exod. 22. 3. &c Numb. 5. 8. &c.