The Bibles abstract and epitome the capitall heads, examples, sentences, and precepts of all the principall matters in theologie : collected together for the most part alphabetically, with the doctrine and uses compendiously explained of all the chiefe points therein contayned : taken out of the best moderne divines, both reverend and learned
Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641.
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Of Prayer.

PRayer is the Messenger of the faithfull Soul, being the Request of an hum∣ble and sanctified heart, together with thanksgiving offered up by the spirit of Prayer, as a speciall service unto God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, in the behalfe of our selves and others, with assurance to be heard, in what we pray for according to the will of God revealed in his Word, the Spirit making request for* us with groanes in the heart unspeakeable, the Lord accepting the inward mour∣ning and desire of the heart for a Cry, as we see in Moses, who prayed to God in* the behalfe of the Israelites, the Lord answering him, saying, Why cryest thou unto me? when s Moses indeed cryed not in voyce, but in the earnest affection of his heart: And is of such force, as that it goeth through the clouds, and cea∣seth not untill it come unto the Lord, and will not depart, untill the most High have respect thereunto; yea, it doth as it were binde the Lord, and hinder him from executing judgements, overcomming him that overcommeth all things: as we see by the Lods owne words unto Moses▪ saying, Suffer me▪ that my wrath may waxe hot against them: (to wit) the Israelits, and to consume them, and I will ake of thee a mightie people. And again, by the Angels words unto Lot, saying, Haste thee, get thee hence: for we can do nothing till thou be gone, the Lord being* then about to destroy Sodome. And is truly, Consolatio flntium, Cura dolentium, & Sanitas aegroorum: A Comfort for them that mourne: the Joy of the sor∣rowfull: and Health for those that are sick; being the chiefest remedie for every kinde of M〈…〉, and the only Odours that were offered upon the golden Altar before the Throne spoken of in the Revelation.*

  • Prayers are of two sorts: Mentall:
  • Prayers are of two sorts: and
  • Prayers are of two sorts: Vocall.

Mentall, consisting in the Heart without voyce, such was Moses.*

Vocall, conceived in the Heart, & pronounced with the tongue, such was Christs.*

In Prayer these three things are to be seriously meditated upon:*

  • Gods Majestie, from whence ariseth Humilitie in spirit,*
  • Gods Promises, from whence ariseth Confidence to be heard,
  • Our own vilenesse, from whence ariseth Fervencie of Affection.

In Prayer also these Properties are to be observed:

  • Thy Prayer must be secret without ostentation, and zealous without doubting.
  • Thy Prayer must be briefe without much babling, and constant without intermission.
By Prayer
  • Obtained favour in the sight of God for Ishmael his sonne▪* Had saved Sodome, had there been found therein ten just men: Was heard for Abimelehs wife, and others being barren, so that they bare again; and had a childe by Sarah, when she was past childe-bearing.
  • Abrahams Servant did meet with Rebekah according to his Petition.*
  • Abijah overcame Ieroboams Army, the Lord sighting for him.
  • King Asa subdued Zerah, having ten hundred thousand men.
  • Cornelius was willed to send for Peter to preach the Gospel to him.
The Apostles and Disciples
  • Had the Holy Ghost given, cast out devils, raised the dead;*
  • Healed all kind of diseases, and the Lepers cleansed.*
Obtained wisedome to interpret Nebuchadnezzars dreame:* An Angel expounded to him the seventie weekes vision: Shewed him the building again of Jerusalem, with the an∣nointing* and death of Christ Jesus then to come.
  • Understood of Sauls coming to Keilah to take him.*
  • Turned away the wrath of God kindled against him.
  • Brought to nought Ahithophels counsell given to Absalom.
  • Often-times put his enemies to flight, fighting with them.
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  • Stayed the Raine three yeares and sixe moneths, and againe obtai∣ned Raine, so as the earth yeelded her fruits.*
  • Raised from death to life the widow of Zarephaths son.
  • Commanded fire from Heaven to consume his burnt offering with the two captaines and their fifties sent to take him.
Had the Spirit of Elias doubled upon him: Procured Beares to de∣stroy the mocking Children: Raised from death to life the Shu∣namites* son: Had the eyes of his Servant opened, so that he saw Mountaines full of Horses, and Chariots of fire round about him, and smote the Aramites with blindnesse coming to take him

Hagars Eyes were opened to espie a Well, her son only crying.*

Hezekiah was delivered from Ashur, and his health restored to him.*

Was delivered from the wrath of Esau: Ionah out of the fishes bel∣ly: The three Children from the fiery furnace: Daniel from the Lions den: Ionah's and Paul's marriners from the danger of the seas: Ioseph and Iehoahaz, Manasseh, and Silas, with Paul, Peter, and others, out of Prisons.

Isaac obtained a son (to wit) Iacob: Rachel had Ioseph: Leah Issachar: Za∣charias Iohn: Manoah Samson: Anna Samuel: and Elisha one for the Shuna∣mite woman.

Ioshua commanded the Sun, and it abode in the midst of heaven.*

Isaiah brought back the Sun ten degrees in Ahaz diall again.*

Iosiah was delivered from the plagues threatned to be brought on him.*

Iehoahaz was delivered from the Syrian: Iehoshaphat from the men of Aram.*

was told what the people should doe being in Captivitie in Babylon,* as also stayed the wrath of the Lord severall times, being kindled against them; yea, so as the Lord willed him at times not to pray for them.

Iacob and Iabez got to each of them a severall blessing.*

Pacified the wrath of the Lord being kindled against his friends, for not* speaking that which was right unto him. As also had his captivitie under Satan taken from him, and a double portion of what he lost given him.
The Israelites
Being in bondage to the Egyptians were delivered; being in* servitude to Aram, Moab and Canaan were redeemed: and in battell against the Canaanites and others prevailed: As also obtained Saul to be king over them, albeit the Lord was angry for the request made to him.

Just Lot saved Zoar: the cities of Sodome burnt with fire from Heaven.*

Moved the Lord to take away certaine plagues brought on the Egyp∣tians:* Stayed the wrath of the Lord kindled against Aaron: de∣livered the Israelites through the red Sea, from drowning, obtai∣ned the presence of the Lord to goe before them, and saw part of* Gods presence going before him: Stayed many evils often threat∣ned to be brought on the Israelites, prevailed against the Amale∣kites, by holding up his hands, during the time that Israel fought against them: Healed Miriam of the leprosie wherewith she was stricken: had a Tree shewed him whereby bitter waters were sweetned, and was willed to erect a brazen serpent, whereby those that were stung with fiery serpents were healed.

The Ninevites were delivered from the plagues threatned against them.*

Nehemiah obtained Letters from the King Artaxerxes to passe to Jerusalem.*

The Prophet
Caused the Lord to take away the Grashoppers, and other such like* plagues brought on the Israelites: and restored Ierooams hand, being dried up, by stretching it out to lay hold on him.
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  • Peter raised Tabitha: Paul Eutychus, falling downe by sleeping.*
  • Samson had water out of a Tooth, and strength renewed him.*
  • Samuel procured thunder, to punish Israel, and the Philistines.*
  • Solomon obtined wisdome, as also had granted his Petition.*
  • Sick Persons
  • The Centurions servant, The Canaanites daughter, and Luna∣ticke* persons were healed, men blinde received sight, a man stammering and deafe, was made to heare and speake, Lepers were clensed, certaine persons being dead were to life resto∣red, one thiefe of the two crucified was saved. The devils had leave of Christ to enter into the Swine, being cast out of the possessed, and not any that came to Christ were denyed.
  • Sinnes are forgiven: the faithfull shall save the sick.*
  • Wisedome is obtained; and all things are sanctified**
  • So much Prayer availeth with the Lord, if it be servent.**
  • The Lord heard Davids Petition and Prayer when he cryed.**
  • Christ saith
  • Aske, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock,*and it shall be opene unto you. For whosoever seeketh, findeth: asketh, receiveth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.

And again he saith:

If two shall agree on earth upon any thing whatsoever ye shall desire, it shall* be iven, &c. And where two or three be gathered together in my Name, I will be in the mids of them. And whatsoever ye shall aske in Prayer, i you beleeve, you shall receive the same.


Seeing Prayer is so availeable with God, let us follow the Apostles Rule, Pray* continually, and in all things give thankes; remembring the wise mans Exhortati∣on, Before thou prayest, prepare thy soule, and be not as one that tempteth God.*

The Apostles
Continually in the Temple all together with one accord,* with women, and with Mary the Mother of Jesus; as also* at the continuall election of their Deacons.*
In the Temple night and day, being a widow aged.*
The Church
FoPoter, Paul and Silas when they were imprisoned.*
Three times a day: and King David seven.*
In the fields walking: Ioshua untill the evening.*
Moses in the Field
  • Untill the going downe of the Sunne from her rising:*
  • And at the going forth of the Arke, and at her resting.*
Upon the House: The Philippians by the Rivers.*
Three times that he might not be exalted through his Re∣velations:** and with Barnabas for the Elders with wo∣men and children on the shore kneeling; and alwayes for the Romans, Philippians, Thessalonians, Colossians, and Philemon: For Timothy night and day: and for those that forsooke him earnestly: As also intreated the Ro∣mans to pray for him, that hee might be delivered n Iude from the disobedient men; and the Colossians and the Ephesians that God might open to him the door of utterance: and the Thessalonians that the word might have fre passage: and the Philippians, that Christ might be preached all manner of wayes: and the He∣brews, that in all things he might have a good Consci∣ence: and Timothy for all men in Authoritie, and all* persons else to pray continually.
All the night long for Israel without ceasing.*
For his persecuters, even when they stoned him.*
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In the wildernesse: at his baptizing: all night in the moun∣taine:* alone by himselfe kneeling: with sweat like drops of bloud from his face trickling. At his raising of Lazarus from death, and for all them that should live in him by faith: for Peter that his faith might not faile him: and that his Fa∣ther would glorifie him with all that beleeved in him. for his enemies that crucified him: and now in Heaven for those that belong to him: willing his Apostles to pray for them that hurt them: And all in secret shutting their doores to pray unto him, as he taught them.

In the Lords Prayer, whether we regard the Brevitie, Perfection, Autho∣ritie, Method, Efficacie, or Necssitie of it; it is to be beleeved that no Saint* or Angel is able to match the Flat-forme thereof, being large for Mattr, shrt for Phrase, and sweet for Order.

    OUr Father,
  • By right of Creation,
  • Merit of Mercie,
  • Gratious Provisour.
    Which art in Heaven:
  • The seat of thy Majestie,
  • The inheritance of thy children,
  • The Kingdome of Blisse.
    Hallowed be thy Name:
  • By the thoughts of our hearts,
  • By the words of our mouthes,
  • By the works of our hands.
    Thy Kingdome come:
  • Of Grace to inspire us,
  • Of Power to defend us,
  • Of Glorie to crowne us.
    Thy will be done,
  • In weale and woe,
  • In fulnesse and want,
  • In life and death.
    In earth as it is in heaven:
  • In us as it is in thine Angels,
  • Willingly, readily, faithfully,
  • Without murmure, let, deceit.
    Give us this day our dai∣ly bread:
  • For the nourishing of our bodies
  • For the feeding of our Soules,
  • For the relief of our necessities.
    And forgive us our debts,
  • Wherby thou art dishonoured,
  • Our neighbours wronged,
  • Our selves endangered.
    As we forgive our debters:
  • That have hurt us in our bodies,
  • Hindred us in our goods,
  • Wronged us in our good name.
    And lead us not into tem∣ptation:
  • Of the wicked world,
  • The enticing flesh, or
  • The envious devill.
    But deliver us from evil:
  • Forgive that is past,
  • Remove that is present,
  • Prevent what is to come.
    For thine is the Kingdom:
  • To rule and governe all,
  • To command and doe all,
  • In all, by all, All in all.
    Now and for ever.
  • At this present,
  • In this world,
  • In the world to come.
  • As thou sayest, so is it;
  • As thou promisest, so it shall be:
  • As we pray, So be it Lord.