Pharmacopœia Bateana, or, Bate's dispensatory translated from the second edition of the Latin copy, published by Mr. James Shipton : containing his choice and select recipe's, their names, compositions, preparations, vertues, uses, and doses, as they are applicable to the whole practice of physick and chyrurgery : the Arcana Goddardiana, and their recipe's intersperst in their proper places, which are almost all wanting in the Latin copy : compleated with above five hundred chymical processes, and their explications at large, various observations thereon, and a rationale upon each process : to which are added in this English edition, Goddard's drops, Russel's pouder [sic], and the Emplastrum febrifugum, those so much fam'd in the world : as also several other preparations from the Collectanea chymica, and other good authors / by William Salmon ...

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Pharmacopœia Bateana, or, Bate's dispensatory translated from the second edition of the Latin copy, published by Mr. James Shipton : containing his choice and select recipe's, their names, compositions, preparations, vertues, uses, and doses, as they are applicable to the whole practice of physick and chyrurgery : the Arcana Goddardiana, and their recipe's intersperst in their proper places, which are almost all wanting in the Latin copy : compleated with above five hundred chymical processes, and their explications at large, various observations thereon, and a rationale upon each process : to which are added in this English edition, Goddard's drops, Russel's pouder [sic], and the Emplastrum febrifugum, those so much fam'd in the world : as also several other preparations from the Collectanea chymica, and other good authors / by William Salmon ...
Bate, George, 1608-1669.
London :: Printed for S. Smith and B. Walford ...,

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Subject terms
Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions.
Pharmacy -- Early works to 1800.
Dispensatories -- Early works to 1800.
Pharmacopoeias -- Great Britain -- 17th century.
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"Pharmacopœia Bateana, or, Bate's dispensatory translated from the second edition of the Latin copy, published by Mr. James Shipton : containing his choice and select recipe's, their names, compositions, preparations, vertues, uses, and doses, as they are applicable to the whole practice of physick and chyrurgery : the Arcana Goddardiana, and their recipe's intersperst in their proper places, which are almost all wanting in the Latin copy : compleated with above five hundred chymical processes, and their explications at large, various observations thereon, and a rationale upon each process : to which are added in this English edition, Goddard's drops, Russel's pouder [sic], and the Emplastrum febrifugum, those so much fam'd in the world : as also several other preparations from the Collectanea chymica, and other good authors / by William Salmon ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


Page 735

II. Infusio Aperiens, The o∣pening Infusion.

Bate.] ℞ Flowers of Elder, Tops of Broom, A. pug. iij. The lesser Centory, pug. ij. Tops of common Wormwood, Ca∣momil Flowers, A. pug. j. Wa∣ters of Pennyroyal, of Hyssop, of Mint, of Raddishes com∣pound, A.iv. infuse all warm for two hours; strain out, and add Tincture of Saf∣fronss. Syrup of the Juice of Orangesiss. mix them. Dose, six Spoonfuls twice a day.

Salmon.] § 1. This is no mighty Arcanum, and so much the worse, because the Men∣struum is so weak: If you accuate it with Sal Prunellae or Salt of Tartar ʒij. or iij. it will not only be more powerful for Extraction but the Infusion, will be much a greater aperitive in its Ope∣ration.

§ 2. It opens Obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, Hypo¦chonders, Womb and Reins; is a good Stomatick, and prevails against the Scurvy Dropsie, Jaundice, Gout and Rheumatism.

§ 3. You may take it for eight or ten days or more three times a day, viz. in the Morning fasting, an hour before Dinner; and last at Night going to Bed. Dose, six Spoonfuls to twelve or more.

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