CHAP. VI. Catechism necessary in respect of the en∣crease and advancement of Spiritual Knowledge: To have a distinct Under∣standing of things necessary to Salva∣tion, &c.
AND not only the sure grounding, but also the regular and solid ad∣vance and increase in the Knowledge of Things Divine, makes Catechising a ne∣cessary Introductive. For unless by this means we be firmly principled in Chri∣stianity, our knowledge therein will be both small and unstable: and as a per∣nicious consequent thereof, we shall be∣come trifling and affected in that little we know. For it fares in Divinity as Philosophy, wherein a little smattering Knowledge makes Men vain and as∣suming, whom a deeper insight therein would render composed and settled. And this has been, and is still, misera∣bly apparent in the Ancient and Mo∣dern Sectaries, whom a meer conceit of knowledge hath tempted to assume and