The Christian's manual in three parts ... / by L. Addison ...
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The Christian's manual in three parts ... / by L. Addison ...
Addison, Lancelot, 1632-1703.
London :: Printed for W. Crooke ...,
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Church of England -- Catechisms.
Lord's Supper.
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"The Christian's manual in three parts ... / by L. Addison ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
PRAYERS FOR The several things required of those who come to the Lords Supper.
1. To repent them truly of their former Sins. A Prayer for true Repentance.
TO thee, O God, all Hearts are open, all desires known, and from thee no Secrets are hid; so that if I would, I cannot con∣ceal my Sins from thee. And now
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that I confess my Sins unto thee, it is not to inform thy infinite Knowledge, but to obey thy gracious Pleasure; and to make me capable of that forgiveness promised to all who confess their Sins. With a sorrowfull Heart therefore I confess my Sins unto thee, I accuse my self here before thee of innumerable wick∣ed thoughts and desires, which I have conceived, form'd, and fo∣ster'd in my Heart; of infinite corrupt and evil Words that I have utter'd with my Tongue, of many naughty and ungodly Deeds, which I have wrought with my Hands, by all which I have provoked most justly thy Wrath and Indignation against me; but it is thy Nature and Property always to have mercy and to forgive the Sins of them that are penitent. Grant me therefore, Holy Father, the Grace of true repentance; create in me
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a clean Heart, O God, and re∣new a right Spirit within me: Grant I may truly lament my Sins, whose burden is intollerable, and whose remembrance is so grie∣vous unto me. And for the future inable me to cease from evil, and learn to do well; to cast away the Works of Darkness, and to put on the Armour of Light: and to bring forth Fruits of Repen∣tance in amendment of Life, to the Praise and Glory of thy Grace in Jesus Christ my blessed Redeemer.
2. Stedfastly purposing to lead a new Life. A Prayer for Perseverance in good Purposes.
GRant, O God, that I may bring the good Purposes with which this day I come to thy Holy Table, Grant I may bring them to good effect; I
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know I am light and unconstant, turn'd with every blast, diverted by every allurement, and ready to yield to every Temptation: But do thou, O God, who art the same Yesterday, to Day, and for ever, do thou graciously im∣part some of thy unchangeable∣ness to establish my Understand∣ing in Truth, and to keep it from the Snares of all seducing Spirits, that I may not be led away with the Errours of those who are cunning to deceive. Fix my ir∣resolute and wavering Will, and cause it faithfully to adhere unto that which is good; Let neither the Flatteries of the World, nor of my own Heart, so far work upon my Affections, as to draw me from that intire Obedience which I resolve from this day for∣ward to yield unto thy Word. But grant that I may continue stedfast, unmoveable, always a∣bounding in the Work of the
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Lord, and by patient continuing in well doing, seek for, and in the end obtain eternal Life. Suf∣fer not my own weakness, nor the number or strength of Temp∣tations, to turn me from that ho∣ly course upon which I have now resolved to enter. But grant that I may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of Life, to the Honour and Glory of thy Name, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
3. To have a lively Faith in Gods Mercy through Christ. A Prayer for the same.
SEeing, O God, that it is im∣possible without Faith to please thee, and that whatever I do without Faith, is Sin; Pour into my Heart this most excellent Grace of Faith, for it is thy Gift, and not my procurement. Let thy Spirit work in my
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Heart such a Faith as may be ac∣ceptable in thy sight, and which at this time may be as a Hand to receive, a Mouth to eat, and a Stomach to digest and turn the Elements of this blessed Sacra∣ment into the Food and Nou∣rishment of my Soul.
O let me not rest in a dead in∣effectual Faith, but grant it may be such as may shew it self in good Works, inabling me to overcome the World, and to con∣form to the Image of that Christ on whom I believe; that so at the last I may receive the end of my Faith, even the Salvation of my Soul, by the same Jesus Christ. Amen.
4. With a Thankful remembrance of his Death.
THou, O God, expectest no other return for all thy Mercies but Praise and Thanks∣giving; let me, O Lord, never
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defraud thee of that so easie tri∣bute, but let my Heart be ever filled with the Sense, and my Mouth with the Acknowledg∣ment of thy Mercies. It is a joy∣ful and pleasant thing to be thankful; O suffer me not I be∣seech thee, to lose my part in that Divine Pleasure, especially grant that with humble and sincere De∣votion I may now and after, with all imaginable Thankfulness celebrate the Memorial which thy Son hath commanded to be made in remembrance of his most blessed Passion and Sacri∣fice: that by the Power thereof, now represented before thy Di∣vine Majesty, I, and all thy whole Church, may obtain remission of our Sins, and be made Partakers of all other benefits of his most precious Death and Passion. Grant that as often as thou vouch∣safest me this blessing, so often I may thankfully receive it, and
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with an affectionate and devout Heart offer up thanks to thee for the same. And grant that I may not only with my Lips, but with my Life shew forth thy Praise, by consecrating my self to thy Ser∣vice, and walking in Righteous∣ness and Holiness before thee all the days of my Life. Amen.
5. And to be in Charity with all Men. A Prayer for the same.
O Mercifull Lord, who hast made of one Blood, and redeem'd by one ransom all Na∣tions of Men, let me never har∣den my Bowels against any tha•• partake of the same Nature an•• Redemption with me, but gran•• me an universal Charity toward a•• Men. Give me, O thou Father o•• Compassions, such a tenderness o•• Heart, that I may be deeply a••¦fected
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with all the Miseries and Calamities, outward, or inward of my Brethren, and diligently imploy all my Abilities for their succour and relief. Let thy Spi∣rit of Love enter and dwell in my Heart, and cast out thence Malice, Envy, Hatred, and all Uncharitableness; make me seek not to please my self, but my Neighbour, for his good to Edi∣fication, even as Christ pleased not himself. Thou hast taught me, O Lord, that all my doings without Charity are nothing worth, pour into my Heart that most excellent Gift of Charity: without which whosoever liveth is counted dead before thee. Grant this for thine only Son Je∣sus Christ's sake. Amen.
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