Use makes hard things easie: the chief, if not onely difficulty in Holiness, is want of practice,
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Use makes hard things easie: the chief, if not onely difficulty in Holiness, is want of practice,
and a being accustom'd to the contrary. The ways of Gods Commandments neither waste the Spirits, nor gall the Feet of those who use constantly to walk in them. Let the like serious and holy Thoughts possess your Soul for the future, that you have the day of receiving; and continue to co-operate with that Grace God gives you at the Sa∣crament, and I see not why your whole Life may not be all of the same piece, and your Conversa∣tion continue as vertuous and well-govern'd after, as it was at the time you came to the Holy Communion: from which I will no longer stay you, than with this hearty Wish, That when you come thither to renew your Co∣venant in Vows and Purposes of better Obedience, God may vouchsafe to assist you with his Grace, and to strengthen you with his Power, that you may pay the
Vows you then make unto him; and that by Virtue of the heaven∣ly Nourishment you there receive, you may grow up in Grace and Holiness, till at last you come to be a perfect man in Christ. Amen.