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Title:  The Anti-projector, or, The history of the Fen project
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his own faction) procured a Pattent or Commission for the drayning of the Fens But his private ends were to drain his own surrounded foul lands at the Public charges; and he so packed his Commissioners, by making them Judges and Par∣ties, that they made a Level and took away the poor Country-mens lands (which were never drowned, or bettered by overflowing) for melioration.The Queen being informed how her good Subjects were abused, and that the said Commission was contrary to the Law of Sewers, (viz.) 23. H. 8. She there∣upon made that just and equitable Law, so consonant to nature and reason, for the most strict preservation of propriety, called, The Statute of Improvement in the forty third year of her raign. Which Law prescribes the Rule to undertaking, or contracting. viz. First there must be fairly and freely obtained the consents of the major part of the owners and Commoners under their hands and seals indented So that the Commissioners of Sewers have nothing to do with the matter and man∣ner of undertaking. Neither is a Commissioner of Sewers capable to be in un∣dertaker, for then he should be both Judge and Party, and so to contract with him∣self which were absurd.Primo Jacobi, Sir Miles Sandys having purchased some hurtfully surrounded lands; to drain himself though to the drowning of his neighbours (by bribes to Courtiers procured a Commission to drain the Fens, and got himself and his par∣ticipants to be made Commissioners, and consequently judges and Parties. Then they made a Level, and brought in those Towns of Cambridge shire, on the South-side the River Graunt to be part of the Level, or hurtfully surrounded grounds, which words are convertible; and they contracted with themselves, and gave to themselves one third part of those lands for draining and melioration, most part of which lands being in truth dry grounds, or bettered by overflowing, or at least able to drain themselves, by clensing the old Sewers, had not the Legal Commis∣sions of Sewers been obstructed by these undertakers.This Project was wittily discovered to King James in the beginning of his raign; for one told the King he should hear a Cow speak, which the King wondered at, and was perswaded to go to his Stables at Theobalds, where the Cow was covered all over. The King commanded the Company to withdraw; and uncovered the Cow, and upon the horns, there was a large Parchment rolled up, and all the un∣dertakers fallacies discovered therein. The King enjoyned secrecy, and in full Par∣liament spake against it in these words; It is just the same Case, my Lords, as though a pack of Theeves should give me 20000. l. to give them a Patent under my broad seal to rob my loyal Subjects of 200000 l. by the which I should perjure my self, and become a Thief and Tyrant. And thereupon it was thrown out for a Project. Some of the undertakers friends pressed earnestly that the Countries might bear their charges, Sir Edward Cook replyed, Let those pay them that set them on work.19. Jacobi. The King himself turned undertaker, contrary to his speech in Par∣liament, and contrary to the Acts made 43 Eliz. and the fourth and seventh of his Raign. The occasion the King brake that Parliament, was for his 0