Apospasmatia sacra, or, A collection of posthumous and orphan lectures delivered at St. Pauls and St. Giles his church
Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626.

Adeo provocantes Deum ad indignationem factis suis, ut irrumpe∣ret in eos plaga; donec consistente Pinchaso & judicium exer∣cente, coercita esset plaga illa.*

THERE is in these two verses mention of the plague. And as it is here said, the plague was great among them, so great, as there dyed of it four and twenty thousand, Numbers the twenty fift chap∣ter. And now God hath laid the same axe to the root of our trees, and the same rasor to cut off some of our number, Isaiah the seventh chapter and the twenty eighth verse: Therefore our state being like theirs, while they wandered in the wildernesse, Every thing in the Scriptures be written for our instruction, Romans the fifteenth chapter. We must take direction from this principle, what to doe in this case.

Page  653That which is set down touching them, is of two sorts: First, The cause of this plague, They provoked God with their inventions: Secondly, the Cure, Phinehas stood up and prayed, and it ceased.

The Cause is double, First, Their inventions: Secondly, Gods Anger, provoked by them. And from these two come both, The wrath of God is the 〈◊〉 Cause, per quod; and their inventions, the Cause propter quod. So a double Cure: Against Gods Anger, is opposed, as a remedy, Prayer; and against Inventions, the execu∣ting of judgement upon these sinners.

The Prayer is qualified in two sorts: First, that is Phinehas pray∣er: Secondly, He stood up in the cause.

The first thing to be set down is, That sicknesse and mortality of people is causall, and not casuall; for nothing is more contrary than Chance or Fortune, and Judgement. For seeing a sparrow cannot light on the ground, without Gods providence, such is Gods care for them, though two of them be sold for a farthing, Matthew the tenth chapter, it is a senselesse thing to think that ficknesse can befall a man by chance. Therefore the Philistims, being plagued by God would try whether that disease came of Gods hand, or by chance, the first book of Samuel, the sixth chapter and the ninth verse. But the very name of plague signifying originally judgement, shews it is no casual thing, as in the first epistle to the Corinthians, the ele∣venth chapter, where he saith, They did eat and drink their own judge∣ment, that is, that many were sick among them, and many 〈◊〉. So the mortalitie at Corinth, was Gods judgement: and so the Latin word plaga, being a stripe, sheweth the same. If a stripe, there is a striker: so then, they are not casual. If a Surgeon, Physician, or Philoso∣pher, were to give a reason hereof, he will impute the cause to the infection of the aire, the putrefaction of the bodies by humors, and to conversing one with another; and they are good causes of it: For so saith God, Exodus the ninth chapter and the tenth verse, Mases took the ashes of the furnace, and cast them up in the 〈◊〉, and they caused a stink: And David in his sicknesse saith, Psalm the thirty second, His moisture was like the draught in Summer. Therefore in the plague of Leprosie, Leviticus the thirteenth chapter and the fourty fift verse, the Leper was to have his mouth shut up. David, in that great 〈◊〉, spoken of in the first book of Chronicles, the twenty first chap∣ter and the thirtieth verse, would have gone to 〈◊〉, but be found he should not, feared with the Angel: Therefore the servant of God saith, Proverbs the fourteenth chapter, A wise man 〈◊〉 the plague, and shunneth it, but the foolish goeth on still.

But these are not the only causes: For besides 〈◊〉, there is some divine thing to be considered; for there is no 〈◊〉, but a spirit belongs to it, as Luke the thirteenth chapter and the ele∣venth verse, a spirit of infirmity. So are we to conceive, that besides natural causes, there is some spiritual, of the sicknesse, as 〈…〉 twelfth chapter, a destroying Angel. So in Davids plague in the se∣cond book of Samuel, the twenty fourth chapter: And 〈◊〉 the Page  654thirty seventh chapter and the thirty sixt verse, the Angel went forth and slue: And, Apocalyps the sixteenth chapter and the 〈◊〉 verse, The Angels poured out the Vials of the wrath of God, and there fell a noy∣some sore: So it is Gods hand that brings in these plagues.

The cause stands on two parts, First, Gods wrath,〈◊〉 which all evil things proceed; For affliction commeth not from the earth, Job the fift chapter and the sixt verse: They are sparks of his anger. And he is not angry with the waters, that they should drown, 〈◊〉 the third chapter; nor with the aire, that it should corrupt; but for these things commeth the wrath of God, that is, for our sinnes, 〈◊〉 the fift chap∣ter. He doth but make a way to his wrath, and then the earth 〈◊〉 up, the 〈…〉, Psalm the seventy eighth. The sinnes of the people are the cause of Gods wrath. Peccata morum goe be∣fore peccata humorum. There is first corruption of the soul, Michah〈◊〉 first chapter and the third verse: All flesh had corrupted their 〈◊〉, Genesis the sixt chapter: So there is infection in mens wayes, before the streets be infected. There is plaga animae, the plague in the soul, before it appear in the body. It is sinne that bringeth sicknesse and death, Romans the sixt chapter: So they are both joyned, Psalm the thirty eighth and the third verse, There is no rest in my bones, be∣cause of my sinne: Therefore it is our sinne and infection of the soul, that must be looked into. If it were some outward cause only, it could not be but the plague should stay, 〈◊〉 there is so great store of means, Jeremiah the eighth chapter, Is there no balme in Gilead: But he saith, Jeremiah the fourty sixt chapter and the eleventh verse, Frustra multiplicas medicanda; sinne being not taken away, physick will doe 〈◊〉 good. First, the corruption of manners must be holpen, and then bodily help will follow; Psalm the fourty first, Heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee. And that course our Savi∣our keeps, Matthew the ninth chapter, first he saith, Thy sinne is forgi∣ven; and then, Take up thy bed and walk.

These sinnes he calls inventions. Inventions please us greatly, and all new things; our new omnia, better than old Manna, Numbers the eleventh chapter: But if it be our own inventions, then we goe a whoring after it. Such is the delight we take in it, verse the thirty ninth. Our first Parents were of this minde so proud they would not take a rule of life from God, but would sicut Dii, Genesis the third chapter; They set up to themselves graven Images, Exodus the 〈◊〉 chapter: They have Dii alieni, such as their Fathers had. Not when men living otherwise then God 〈…〉, I shall have peace, Deuteromie the twenty ninth chapter and the 〈◊〉 verse, These webbs that we weave our selves, and these eggs that we hatch, Isaiah the fifty ninth chapter, are our confusion, and 〈◊〉 God; and great reason: For, Exodus the fifteenth chapter and the twenty sixt verse, he saith, If thou 〈…〉 to my 〈◊〉 I will lay no disease, Ego Dominus 〈◊〉: But if we follow our own inventions, we can look for nothing but diseases, quid tibi praecipio, haec 〈…〉 Deuteronomie the twelfth chapter, 〈◊〉 men will be 〈◊〉 than 〈◊〉Page  655that was Sauls rebellion; he would not destroy all, as God com∣manded, he was wiser than so. But what were these inventions? It is said, verse the twenty eighth, They joyned themselves to Baal 〈◊〉, Numbers the twenty fift chapter, that is, the sinne of whoring and fornication; and that impudently before the congregation, com∣mitted by Zimry and Cosby. It was the adoring of an abhominable Idoll; a sinne so grievous, as it is said many years after, 〈◊〉 not enough of the sinne of Peor? Joshuah the twenty second chapter; it is a sinne that will not be cleansed at the first. And we see daily the sinne of uncleannesse ends with a plague that is infectious.

For the Cure, It is certain, As there are natural causes, so natu∣ral cures of this Diseise. 〈◊〉, as some Writers doe hold, had this Disease, and used not only prayer, but a plaister, by the Prophets direction, Isaiah the fifty eighth chapter. But as the cause of the plague is not only natural, so here is used a spiritual remedy; that is, in as much as contrary, curantur contrariis viis. If the provoking of Gods anger be the Cause of the plague, the appeasing of it by prayer must be the Remedy. The two remedies are out of the dou∣ble sense of the word, which signifieth prayer and punishing. Prayer is an appeaser of Gods wrath, not only in other points, but in this, Numbers the twenty fift chapter, They all wept and prayed: And Da∣vid, in the second book of Samuel, the twenty fourth chapter and the seventeenth verse, fled to this remedy, I have sinned, but these sheep what have they done? And Hezekiah being infected with the plague, turned himself to the wall, Isaiah the thirty eighth chapter: And in Salomons prayer, the first of the Kings and the eighth chapter, where plagues, or corrupt agues shall hop, here then in heaven. And there is a good proportion between this remedy and the dis∣ease: For if there be a corrupt smell, the way to take it away is by the good smell of incense or perfume. So, as our sinne doth give an evil savour, and stink in Gods nostrils; so the spiritual incense will remove it, and that incense is prayer, Psalm the fourty first: Therefore the prayers of the Saints are called odours, Apocalyps the fift chapter. But it must be prayer qualified in two sorts.

First, Phinehas prayer, that is, the prayer of the Priest. So David had Gad to pray for him; Hezekiah had Isaiah, Lift thou up thy prayer, Isaiah the thirty eighth chapter: The Corinthians had Gad to pray for them, the first epistle to the Corinthians the eleventh chapter. The prayers of all the just are available, but specially of the elders, therefore send for them, James the fift chapter. A Serjeant, Con∣stable, or Scrivener, by virtue of his office, may doe that which a greater man cannot doe; so the prayer of a person called to that holy function, may prevail more: The Priests are appointed to offer up prayers, and the calves of the lips, Hosea the fourteenth chap∣ter. So, Genesis the twentieth chapter, Abraham is a Prophet, and shall pray for thee, Leviticus the sixt chapter and the seventh verse: he shall pray for thee, Orabit pro eo Sacerdos: Therefore Hezekiah saith, Lift up thou thy prayers, Isaiah the thirty eighth chapter. And SaintPage  656James saith in his fift chapter, The prayer of faith made by the El∣ders shall save the sick. The prayer of the just avails much, but especially of the elders and Priests; for to such a grace is given, as in the first epistle to the Corinthians and the fifteenth chapter, Gratia data est 〈◊〉; and this grace is not in vain.

Secondly, But it must be oratio cum statione, Phinehas stood up and prayed. For, as in the first epistle to the Corinthians and the eleventh chapter, of a woman uncovered, judge whether it be a comely thing to sit still in prayer. All things in the Church must be done 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, the first epistle to the Corinthians, the fourteenth chapter. We must please and serve God, etiam habitu corporis. The Angels of God stood before God, Job the first chapter; The Cherubims stood and hid their faces, Isaiah the sixt chapter: And millions of Angels stood before the seat, Daniel the seventh chapter. Therefore we must con∣clude our sitting is not pleasing to God: Sedentes orare extra Di∣scipulum est. The other sense is, the execution or judgement: And it hath a good relation to sinnes, They prayed and wept, Numbers the twenty fift chapter; but that prevailed not, till Phinehas execu∣ted vengeance upon the sinne: but the vengeance being performed, by Phinehas, the plague ceased, verse the eighth. So then the wrath of God will cease, if people cease to sinne; or if Phinehas, the Magi∣strate, begin to punish sinne in the people. For punishment is of two sorts: First, Every man in himself, is to punish sinne, as David smit his heart, in the second book of Samuel, the twenty fift chapter and the twenty fourth verse; and the first epistle to the Corinthians the eleventh chapter, judge your selves. But if not Moses, the Magistrate must take vengeance of sinne; for if he will not, God himself will set his face against that Magistrate, Leviticus the twentieth chapter. When the people look not at him that strikes them, but to natural causes, then shall the hand of God be stretched out still, Isaiah the ninth chapter and the thirteenth verse. The wrath of God for our sinnes being the cause of this plague, we must appease him with prayer and re∣pentance. If we fail to doe this, the devotion of the Priest, and the zeal of the Magistrate, must look to it, else the plague cannot but still increase.

Amen. Amen.