A detection of that sinnful, shamful, lying, and ridiculous discours, of Samuel Harshnet. entituled: A discouerie of the fravvdulent practises of Iohn Darrell wherein is manifestly and apparantly shewed in the eyes of the world. not only the vnlikelihoode, but the flate impossibilitie of the pretended counterfayting of William Somers, Thomas Darling, Kath. Wright, and Mary Couper, togeather with the other 7. in Lancashire, and the supposed teaching of them by the saide Iohn Darrell.
Darrel, John, b. ca. 1562.

Ka VVright saied this for feare least her feete should haue bene burned. 2. K. VVright came to Mansfeild bvt two dayes before her dispossession, before which time she had bene for many weekes hand∣led after a strange and greiuous manner, euen after the same manner as shee was at Mansfeild and after at VVhittington vpon her repossessi∣on, as it euident by pag.* 305. where-vpon shee was first had to one Ar¦thur a coniuere, to be holpen yf it might be, and after by the appoynt¦ment of the now Ladie Bowes, then Mistres Fovliam to Chesterfeild a market towne thereby, whether by her meanes also repared sundrye neighbour ministers, which seing her in diuers fits, suspected her to be possessed, wherevpon the same was bruted in those quarters, and this was before she came to Mansfeilde as the aforesaid Ladie with ma¦ny others can witnes. It can not be then (were K. VVright a counterfit that I did teach her at Mansfield seing whether she coūterfeited, or was possessed, it was so with her long before she was sēt by M. Beresforde to Mansfeild, before which time God he knoweth, I neuer saw her, neith¦er doth Ka VVright nor yet the Disc. say any thing to the contrarie. 3. I was saith Ka. VVright when I parted from M Darrell in the very same case that I came to Mansfeild. And for the strēgthening * here of are pro¦duced the depositons of three, wherevpon the Disc. (pag 305) conclu¦deth thus: By which conference of the time it appeareth directly that Ka∣Wright was not at all in any sorte releiued by M Darrell. And in another Page  194 place thus. And this course sher confesseth, she hath held from the time she. began it, vntill the time almost of this her examination, vZ. about 13. or 14 yeares. This consydered I desire to know of the Discouerer, wherefore I did teach Ka. Wright to counterfeit, If to glorye in the dispossession of her, as is to be intended, for the gayne of one peny is not sayed to my charge how cometh it to passe, that Ka Wright fayned not her selfe to be dispossessed, & so continued well euer after that I with others vsed prayer in her behalfe, but not withstanding the prayers vse to the end to make shew that she was therby dispossessed, and a secret a grece∣ment theirof betwene vs, if the Disc. say truly, yet conti the very same, counterfeiting a possession after in like manner as before? This tended to the shame of me her master, and not to my prayse: all the glorie had bene in the fained dispossession, whervnto the dissemblinge of a possession onely serued, (if their had bene any such iniquitie) and theirefore would in no case haue bene omitted who can be so grosse as once to imagine that I did teach K Wright to counterfeit a possession, and giue her not instruction concerning the dissembling of a dispossessions speciallie seeinge I did affirme and beare the world in hand that shee was dispossessed vpon the prayers vsed by my selfe & others? what in common sence would K. Wrights sayninge to be possessed ad∣vantag me? Had K. VVright dissembled to haue had the deuill cast out of her by me, and then must she haue remained well, after I pretended to dispossesse her, in carnall reason ther was somthing to haue induced me theirvnto, but their was nothing in reason to leade me to perswad and teach her to couterfeite only to bepossessed with the deuill. and the sam for many yeares to dissemble. As this could not procure me in particular the prayse of men, and to be reputed to haue some rare and odd gifte in casting out deuils, but rather the contrary, all things well con¦sidered: so neither in generall could it further the setting vp of the Pre¦sbyteriall conceites:* seeing heere was no deuill cast cut by a Presbiterall man, to commend him, & his conceits to the world. And this is the 14. time the Discouerer is convinced and shamed by his owne Discouery.

4. It is to be remembred,* that K. wright setting downe the cause of her dissimulation forsooth, doth not mention any profite or benifite shee should receiue from me, or that I did beare her so in hand, but mentioneth the hard vsage of her father in lawe Iohn Mekin, in beating & brusing her very sor to deliuer her selfe from which she fell of counter∣ing: wherevnto the Disc. addeth,* a desire to liue at some case, and to he much made of by her parentes. If these were the reasons or causes of K Wrights dissimulation, as K. VVright and the Disc. tell vs: then she did not dissemble for Darrels sake, not for any profite or benefite she was to receiue from him. And this is the 15. time that the Discouerer is con∣vinced Page  195 by his Discouery: except you will say these were not the onely causes oner counterieiting, which we can not in any reason thinke, see¦inge neither K. VVright nor Disco. (who betwene them I trust haue omitted none) haue named any other cause.

Hauing answeared that which is said to proue K. VVright a coun¦terfeite, and my selfe to haue taught her, the rest in this chapter beinge of le••e moment 〈◊〉, as not worthy the answearinge, and so will pro∣ceed to May Cooper the fourth counterfeite.