A detection of that sinnful, shamful, lying, and ridiculous discours, of Samuel Harshnet. entituled: A discouerie of the fravvdulent practises of Iohn Darrell wherein is manifestly and apparantly shewed in the eyes of the world. not only the vnlikelihoode, but the flate impossibilitie of the pretended counterfayting of William Somers, Thomas Darling, Kath. Wright, and Mary Couper, togeather with the other 7. in Lancashire, and the supposed teaching of them by the saide Iohn Darrell.
Darrel, John, b. ca. 1562.


How M. Darrell dealt with So. for the reuocation of his saide confession that he had dissembled.


M. Dar.* was charged by her Matesties Commissioners to haue sought many wayes to haue withdrawn So. from his said confssion, & haue sluck vnto it that he was possessed. And againe, when M. Dar. perceaued that So. by no pryuate meanes that he could vse would be drawne &c.


Here is a whole chapter consumed, and many words vsed about iust nothing. I once and only once vsed a few wordes to So. whyles he remayned at S. Iones, and that in the presence of the Maior & som others, reprouing him of the haynous sinne he had committed, and the great scandall he had giuen, in affirming that he counterfeited, his own conscience accusing im thereof: neither is any more eposed a¦gainst me. And what herein did I ill beeseeming me, or that I ought not, and in duty was bound to doe?

I confessed being examyned that So. in saying he had in the whole course of his former fits dissmbled, lyed therein greuously against his owne cnscience,* to the dshonor of god, and lurt of his church Therevpon saith the Discouerer, Consider the gentle zeale of benefiting the church, by his fa¦culty and skill in casting out diuells.

My mening as that the people of god beleeuing and medita∣ting of the worke of god wrought vpon Somers, woulde no doubt re∣ceaue thereby great profit, wherof many though not all, through this lye of his, and cursed confession of counterfevting are depriued an not only so, but thereby drawne to receaue a false report and euil nāe against the worke of god, and by consequent against the Lorde him∣selfe, and to iustify the wicked, which is an abomynation before he Page  124 lord. And this tendeth to the dishonour of god, and hurt of his church 〈◊〉 people