Doubtings dovvnfall first, prouing the communitie of the Saints assurance. Secondly, disprouing Bellarmines and his fellowes false allegations and friuolous exceptions against that truth. By Edvvard Dalton, preacher of the Word, &c.
Dalton, Edward.
Page  [unnumbered]

To the seduced Reader.

COnsideration of the vncertaintie of thy case (seduced Reader) hath wakened Compassion, compassion hath called vp Care, and care hath set on worke my thoughts, head and hands according to the mea∣sure of my spirituall strength to attempt thy help and to recouer that Hope which is vniustly (by those who pretend to be thy Ghostly Fathers) held from thee. Thou wilt not build thine house vpon the sands, and shall thy holy confidence be a Castle in the Ayre? This cause haue I brought to the Barre. Reade the pleadings on either side: wilfull ignorance is a double euill. Hauing read them censure indifferently: thou thy selfe wilt exclaime against a preiudicious & partiall Iudge. Take heed of wounding thine owne Conscience in slighting the Truth, for if thy Conscience accuse thee, God is greater, and as he can condemn thee, so he will cleare it. Thus praying that thou maist be turned to the true Shepheard and Bishop of thy Soule, 1. Pet. 2.25. thy Sauiour, & haue that hope which is sure and stedfast, Heb. 3.6, and neuer makes ashamed, Rom. 5.5. I rest

Thine in any Christian duty to be commanded EDVV, DALTON.