Vers. 1. My sonne, if thou bee surety for thy friend, if th•••• hast stricken hands with a stranger,
Vers. 2. Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, th•••• art taken with the words of thy mouth.
THe instructions contained in this chapter are of two sorts. Some are caueats to beware of vi∣ces: some precepts to imbrace the doctrine and rules of wisedome, which direct to the exercise of vertue, in the 20. 21. 22. verses. Three kinds of vices are forbidden: one which carrieth a shew of duty, and amongst vnwise men is very plausible, and that is rash sureti∣ship, in the fiue first verses: the next is a neglect of duty, and standeth in omission of that which ought to bee performed, and that is slothfulnesse, in the six next: the third is that which is contrary to dutie, and is the practise of that which is sinfull and euill, and this hee distributeth into many perticulars, whereof diuers he taxeth together, and more briefly condem∣neth, in the 16. 17. 18. and 19. verses: and one hee pursueth more largely with a set discourse and prosecution, and that