[An apology for the treatise, called A triall of faith. Concerning the precedency of repentance for sinne, before faith in Christ for pardon]

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[An apology for the treatise, called A triall of faith. Concerning the precedency of repentance for sinne, before faith in Christ for pardon]
Chibald, William, 1575-1641.
[London :: N. Okes for S. Man,

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Chibald, William, 1575-1641. -- Tryall of faith -- Early works to 1800.
Justification -- Early works to 1800.
Faith -- Early works to 1800.
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"[An apology for the treatise, called A triall of faith. Concerning the precedency of repentance for sinne, before faith in Christ for pardon]." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A18602.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


The Apology.

I answere: first, that if it be a good rule, to expound one Scripture by another, and the darker by the plainer, then may the

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Text, Act. 26.18. be expounded by Acts 15.9. for the circumstances of the Text in the 26. chap. doe not shew of what puri∣fying it meanes, but the scope of the place in the 15. Acts doth. And therefore the clearer, Acts 15. should expound the darker in the 26. chapter, the rather be∣cause in the 26. chapter, sanctification is expressed by other wordes of turning them from darkenesse to light, and from the power of Sathan to God, and therefore for all this, Acts 15.9. must not be vnder∣stood of purifying by sanctification.

Secondly, I deny not, but faith in some sense sanctifies vs, viz: as it teacheth it, Tit. 2.11. as it stirres vp to it by the comforts thereof, Rom: 121. Ioa. 2. but neither will it be prooued from thence, that there∣fore purifying, Acts 15.9. must be meant of purifying by sanctification, because it is so vnderstood, Acts. 26, 18. (vnlesse the Apostle had in both places spoken of the same matter, vpon the same occasion, and to the same end in both, which cannot bee verified of these two places in the Acts.) Nor yet will it follow, that before faith doe sanctifie the heart, it is totally impure, with the filth of sinne, notwithstanding any gra∣ces of the Spirit wrought therein, which is the point to be proued in the Antecedent.

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Indeed vpon saying we are iustified by faith, it will thereupon follow that wee are totally vniustified: that is, actually before we beleeue in Christ; but in saying wee are sanctified by faith, it will not thereupon follow that we are totally vnsanctified be∣fore faith come: and the Reason is because faith, by it office doeth more properly iustifie then sanctifie, and iustificati∣on doeth not suscipere magis & minus, a sanctification doth; neither is wrought by parts and degrees as sanctification is.

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