[An apology for the treatise, called A triall of faith. Concerning the precedency of repentance for sinne, before faith in Christ for pardon]

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[An apology for the treatise, called A triall of faith. Concerning the precedency of repentance for sinne, before faith in Christ for pardon]
Chibald, William, 1575-1641.
[London :: N. Okes for S. Man,

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Chibald, William, 1575-1641. -- Tryall of faith -- Early works to 1800.
Justification -- Early works to 1800.
Faith -- Early works to 1800.
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"[An apology for the treatise, called A triall of faith. Concerning the precedency of repentance for sinne, before faith in Christ for pardon]." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A18602.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


The Apology.

I answere. First, to the Antecedant, that if 〈◊〉〈◊〉 by these wordes required alone, be meant that a beliefe of the Gospel is so required alone in one place, that there is no more else where required of men to their saluation, then I confesse, that a belief of the Gospel is no where required alone: but if thereby be meant (as it must be, if it bee

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to purpose) that there is no place of Scrip∣ture in which the duty of beleeuing the Gospell is onely taught: and that in euery place, where beleeuing the Gospell is onely taught, beleeuing in Christ is taught also, then I deny it: for the Scripture doth not teach euery duty in euery place, ex∣cept wee shall obserue no rules of Art in expounding Scripture.

Secondly, to the consequence I answer, that though beleeuing the Gospell were no where alone required: yet will it not be sinne for all that; because it is a duty in the word commanded to be performed of all the Elect, to make them capable of sal∣uation, and no such thing can be sinne.

God doth require of men that which is taught them, and as it is taught; and some∣times it may fall out a Preacher, by occa∣sion of his text, or in a Catechisme lecture may onely teach men to beleeue the Gos∣pell vpon Gods owne authority: shall we say the Minister sinnes in teaching it alone, or the people in learning it alone at that time, not hauing then a sauing Faith? Sure∣ly God is not a hard man that takes vp where he layes not downe,* 1.1 nor requires that which hee doeth not teach, or offer to worke.


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