The Apology.
I answere first it cannot be denied but the text Rom. 14. vlt. hath beene expoun∣ded by many Diuines of faith in Christ, but neither do the ancients so interpret it:* 1.1 (A learned Diuine of Germany, vpon the same place confesseth as much in his com∣mentary.) Nor do all the latter Interpre∣ters. For Caluin in his commentary vpon that place, and in his institutions, expounds it as I doe, and Zanchius. Nor if they did all interpret it, one after another, may their exposition be admitted, against or besides the interpretation, which the Holy Ghost in the precedent and subsequent verses of the text giues of that place it selfe, which is the same with that I haue alleadged.
That this interpretation of Rom. 14. vlt is not to be vnderstood of Faith in Christ, but of another faith as I haue alleadged, is euident, by considering that v. 2. of the same