the truth, be a distinction, betweene the former words, viz. the faith of the elect, then do they distinguish two faiths, then do they distinguish the faith of the elect which is a sauing faith, from an acknow∣ledging of the truth, or an assent vnto it, which is an Historicall faith, then by ac∣knowledging the truth must be meant an Historicall faith: but by the acknowledg∣ing the truth in Timothy, cannot be meant an Historicall faith, because an Historicall faith cannot follow repentance in nature, but goe before it, for the acknowledging the truth there spoken (whateuer it bee) doth follow the repentance there spoken of, because it is thereunto as an effect vnto a cause, or as an end to a meanes: for so much they confesse themselues, in their ex∣position of the sence, of that place, which in their Iudgement and words runs thus, that God may giue them repentance, that those which now oppose the truth, may be wonne to the profession of it.
So that either those words the acknow∣ledging of the truth, must not distinguish that which is meant by them from the faith of the elect, and by them must be meant an Historicall faith, and then repen∣tance must goe before an Historicall faith, or a beleefe of the Gospell, or the acknow∣ledging