A replye to an ansvvere made of M. Doctor VVhitgifte Against the admonition to the Parliament. By T.C.
Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603.

To the. 49. page.

OEcumenius and Chrysostome saye that by Elders he meaneth Bishops / not thereby to seuer those that had the gouernement of the churche togither wyth the pastor & minister of the word / which were called ancients / as you seeme to meane: but to put distinction betweene those whych are elders by age / & elders by office / besides y / it is before alleaged y it may be y the pastor or byshop did in the name of all the elders / lay on his hands vpon hym that was ordained. And lastly / you know and can not denye that s. Paule in one or two places con∣foundeth the Bishop and the Elder. To say that the byshop may as wel say (re∣ceiue the holy ghost) as to say the words vsed in the supper / or to say y the sinnes Page  63 of those whych to beleue are forgiuen / is dis dia pason, as farre as Yorke & Lon∣don. For there / are commaundements to the ministers to do that which they do / and heere is none: and there the minister doth not commaund that the breaue be the body of Christ / but he sayth that it is. Neither dothe he commaund y sinnes should be forgiuen / but pronounceth in the behalfe of God / that they are forgeuē. It is not vnlawfull also / that he with the congregation should make a prayer for the assistance / or encrease of God his gifts vpon him that is ordained, but to com∣maund that he should receiue it / is meerely vnlawfull. For these words (receiue the holy ghost) are the imperatiue moode / and do expresly signifie a commaunde∣ment. And so the bishop may as well say to the sea / when it rageth and swelleth / peace / be quiet / as to say receiue the holy ghost. And if you thinke it so good rea∣son / to vse this in the making of ministers / because you vse the wordes of our sa∣uior Christ / why may not you as wel blow vpon them as he did? for seeing that our sauior Christ confirmed his word there / with a sacrament / or outward signe / and you thinke you must therfore do it / because he did it / you are muche to blame to leaue out the outward signe / or sacrament of breath / whereby the faith of hym whych is ordained / might be the more assured of such gifts / and graces as are re∣quisite in his function. I heape not vp heere the iudgement of the wryters / you knowe / I thinke / it myght casely be done / if I liked to follow that way.