A replye to an ansvvere made of M. Doctor VVhitgifte Against the admonition to the Parliament. By T.C.
Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603.

To the next section in the 45. page: Thys alteration. &c.

IN deede if you put such darke coleures vpon the Apostles church as thys is / it is no maruell if it ought not to be a patrone to vs of framing and fashioning our church after it. But O Lord who can paciently heare thys horrible disor∣der / ascribed to the Apostles church / which heere you attribute vnto it: that eue∣ry one hand ouer head preached / baptised / and expounded the Scriptures. VVhat a window / nay / what a gate is opened heere to Anabaptistes / to confirme their fantasticall opynion / wherin they holde / that euery man whome the spirite mo∣ueth / may come euen from the ploughe taile to the pulpit to preache the worde of God. If you say it is Ambrose saying and not youres / I answere / vnlesse you allow it / why bring you it / and that to proue the difference betwene the Apostles times and these. For if it be false (as it is most false) then there is no difference heere betwene the Apostles times and oures. Doth not the whole course of the scriptures declare / and hath it not bene proued / that there was none that tooke vppon hym the ministerie in the churche / but by lawfull calling? what is thys but to cast dust and dirte of the fairest and beautifullest image that euer was / to make a smokie / disfigured / euill proportioned image to seeme beautifull / to ouer∣throw the Apostles buildings of golde and siluer and precious stones / to make a cottage of wode / straw / and stubble / to haue some estymation / which could haue none / the other standing. For in effecte so you doe / when (to vpholde a corrupte vse that came in by the tyrannie of the pope) you goe about to discredite the or∣ders and institutions which were vsed in the Apostles times? and that with such manyfest vntruthes.