A replye to an ansvvere made of M. Doctor VVhitgifte Against the admonition to the Parliament. By T.C.
Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603.

To the second difference.

To your seconde difference I answere / that in deede there be hipocrites in our churches now / and so were there then / but moe nowe / than then: I graunte you that also / but there is no great daunger in them / as touching the election of the minister or byshop / for that in suche open and publike actions that come into the eyes of all men / there is no good man will doe so holily / as they will doe / al∣though it be fainedly. The hurt that they do / is in closer and secreater matters. But where you say oure churches are full of drunkardes and whoremongers: besides that / you vtter or euer you be aware / howe euill succes the preaching of the gospell hath had heere (for want of discipline and good ecclesiasticall gouern∣ment) you bewray a great ignoraunce. For although there be hipocrites / whych beare the face of godly men in the churche / whose wickednes is onlye knowne to God / and therfore can not be discouered by men / yet in the churches of Christe there be no drunkardes nor whoremongers / at least whych are knowne. For ei∣ther vpon admonition of the churche they repent / and so are neyther drunkardes nor whoremongers / or else they are cutte of by excommunication (if they conti∣nue stubborne in their sinnes) and so are none of the churche / and therefore haue nothing to do in the election of the minister of the church. And me thincketh you shuld not haue ben ignorāt of this / that although there be * tares in the floure of * the church / whych are like the wheat / & therfore being groūd / easely mete togi∣ther in ye lofe / yet there are no acornes whych are bread for swine. And although there be * goates amongst the flocke of the churche / because they haue some like∣lyhode * wyth the sheepe / feeding as they doe / geuing milke as they doe / yet in the church of Christe / there are no swine / nor hogges. It pertaineth to God only / to seuere the tares from the wheate / and the goates from the sheepe / but the chur∣ches can discerne betweene wheat and acornes / betweene swine and sheepe.