A replye to an ansvvere made of M. Doctor VVhitgifte Against the admonition to the Parliament. By T.C.
Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603.
Page  [unnumbered]

The Printer to the Reader.

SOme perhaps will maruel at the newe impression of thys boke / and so muche the more will they wonder / because they shall see / that with great confidence & bold∣nes (notwythstanding our most gracious Princes late published proclamation / procured rather by the Byshops / then willingly sought for by her maiestie / whose mildnes is such / that she were easyer led to yelde to the proclamation of the highest / then drawne to proclaime any thing against hym / were it not for the subtil perswasi∣ons and wicked dealings of thys horned generation / as by their false doctrine and cruell practises is to bee seene) and by the speciall motion of Gods spirite / and hys protection / it hath bene both attempted and ended. But cease to muse good chri∣stian reader / whosoeuer thou art: and learne to know / that no lawes were they ne∣uer so hard and seuere / can put out the force of Gods spirite in hys children / nor any cruelty / though it stretched it selfe so far / as to sheding of bloud (from which kynde of dealing the Byshops are not cleare (as the Prysons in London / the Gatehouse at Westminster. &c. can witnesse) the Lord for geue them and vs our sinnes) can dis∣charge the sayntes and seruauntes of the Lord / from going forwarde in that which is good. For the profite therefore of the godly and their instruction / haue we ha∣zarded our selues / and / as it were cast our selues into suche daungers and troubles as shalbe layed vpon vs if we come into ye hāds of the persecuting Bishops. From the which pray the Lord if it be hys will to delyuer vs / if not / yet that it woulde please hym to geue vs both patience / to beare what so euer he shall geue them power and lyberty to lay vpon vs / and constancy also to contynue in hys truth and the pro∣fession thereof / vnto our lyues end. Farewell in the Lord and prayse God for thys worke.

I. S.