The embassador between heauen and earth, betweene God and man. Or A booke of heauenly and healthy meditations and prayers for earthly and sickly soules and sinners Fit to be borne in the hand, and worne in the heart of euery good Christian. By W.C. preacher of the word.
Crashaw, William, 1572-1626.

An euening Prayer to the same.

MOst gratious God and mercifull father in Christ Iesus we doe heare how downe the knees of our soules and bo∣dies Page  [unnumbered] in thy presence, offering vp our prayer and prayse vnto thee with all possible thankes for all thy fauours towards vs, name∣ly for electing vs vnto eternall life, for creating vs vnto thine owne image, for redeeming vs by the bloud of thy sonne, for sanctifying s by thy holy spirit, for our health, peace and liberty, and all thy blessings that we re∣ioyce in, for the which we can giue no reasō for, but thy mercy: and if thou shouldest withdraw them all backe againe, we can∣not accuse thee of iniustice, not deseruing the least, of them by reason of our sins which are so greuous and infinite that we cannot reckon them, able to make a perpetual seperation be∣tweene thee and vs but that Page  [unnumbered] thou art a mercifull, patient, long suffering God & thou de∣sirest not the confusion of sin∣ners but that they should turne from there wickednesse & liue, and to that end thou hast for∣borne vs hetherto with a hea∣uye and greeued aspect, and hast not raigned downe thy punish∣ments vpon vs, therefore now o Lord giue vs a time of grace as thou hast giuen vs time of mercy, that we may take a sur∣uaye of our estate, that percei∣uing the danger we are in from the which none can deliuer vs but thy out-stretched arme, we rely not vpon our selues, nor continuing therein forsake thee so long, till at last thou forsake vs and we perish vtterly, but Lord (preuenting it) so rend our Page  [unnumbered] harts that they may bleed in sorrow for the same, that thou maist forgiue vs our great vn∣thankefullness, end all the rest •• our sins, our ignorances, will∣fullnesse, necligences, presump∣tions, and all other our trans∣gressions and rebellions, o Lord forgiue them all vnto vs for Ie∣sus Christ his sake, wash them all away in his bloud, nayle them fast vnto his Crosse and bury them in his graue, where let them consume to nothing hauing not that resurrection that our bodies shall haue from thence, least thy should come to iudgement with vs, cloath vs we pray thee with his robes, and honour vs with his spirit, worke in vs godly sorrow and remorsfull minds, mortifie our Page  [unnumbered] sinful lusts and adorne vs with∣all thy graces, open our eyes that we may see thy will and in∣cline our harts to follow it, di∣rect vs in thy wayes and keepe vs from declining from thee, teach vs so to frame our liues before thee in this world; that we may liue for euer with thee in the world to come: and to that end we besech thee be mercifull vnto vs at this time, and receiue vs into thy fatherly protection, pardon the weakenesse of our prayers, watch thou ouer vs to our good, and giue vs such rest and sleepe that we may be fitter inabled to serue thée the next day in our exercises, studyes and callings: heare holy father from heauen, and graunt vs all these our requests and what∣soeuer Page  [unnumbered] else thou knowest may be for our good for Iesus Christ his sake thine only sonne and our only sauious, to whom with thee and thine holy spirit one most wise glorious and eternall God be rendered all power praise and glory this night and for euermore.
