The embassador between heauen and earth, betweene God and man. Or A booke of heauenly and healthy meditations and prayers for earthly and sickly soules and sinners Fit to be borne in the hand, and worne in the heart of euery good Christian. By W.C. preacher of the word.
Crashaw, William, 1572-1626.
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A Thanksgiuing for our redēp∣tion, purchased through the bloud of Christ, and for o∣ther both corporal and spiri∣tuall blessings.

VVHat can man say that hee inioyes amongst the innumerability of all thy be∣nefits and mercies, that he hath not receiued from thee, and for the same ought to be thankfull, but especially ought thy glory to be magnified by vs, for our Ele∣ction, Creation Iustification, Sanctification, who hast pre∣serued vs from day to day, and from a thousand dāgers threat∣ning both body and soule to their vtter confusion. O most gratious and louing Father, Page  [unnumbered] which art beloued for thy good∣nesse, honoured for thy great∣nesse reioyced in for thy happi∣nesse, praised for thy merits, and prayed vnto for thy mer∣cies, I acknowledge my selfe all too meane & vnperfect to sound forth thy praises in such a key as I ought, or thou deseruest: when I thinke thereof, a debility cei∣zeth vpon all my parts, and I want words to expresse & powre out my soule before thee. In∣large O Lord, mine vnderstan∣ding, that I may the more fully conceiue and apprehend thy be∣nefites, that y abundance there∣of may teach me new language, and phrase of more copious sig∣nification and content, and fill my heart with ioy aboue mea∣sure in the apprehension therof. Page  [unnumbered] By thy loue I was elected, by thy goodnesse I was created by thy spirit I was called, by thy mery I was iustified, by thy grace I was sanctified, and by thy power I am preserued, and by thy sufferings I shall bee sa∣ued. By thy permission & good∣nesse I moue, liue, and haue my being: naked came I out of my mothers wombe, and thou hast cloathed mee; hungry haue I come to thy gates, and thou hast fed me; harborlesse haue I bene exposed, and thou hast taken me in: well therefore may I ad∣mire thy mercies in silence, but speake of them as is meet I cā∣not, for there words forsake me, & my tongue becommeth mute. Merciful father for all these thy benefites haue I laid them to Page  [unnumbered] heart, resisted the motions of y flesh, the temptations of the di∣uell? No, I haue sinned grie∣uosly in thy sight, preferred the desires of my flesh before ye pre∣cepts of thy law, choosing rather a short and momentary taste of dayes in iollity and pleasure in this world, which at their fullest height are euer waning, and attended on by sorrow, then the eternall ioyes of thy kingdome in the world to come, nothing dreading ye displeasure of thy Maiesty, whose breath shaketh the foundations of the earth, and maketh the spirits of darknesse to tremble, & burneth vnquenchably in ye bottomlesse pit of hell, whose power is so in∣finite, y in the twinckling of an eye, or more sudden the ye flash of Page  [unnumbered] the lightning is able to consume what euer his hāds haue made: yet notwithstanding, sinfull & carelesse creature that I am, haue I bin bold to do wickedly, to perseuer in the same, so now touched in conscience by ye finger of thy good spirit, I am bold to speake, beeing but dust & ashes, prostrated before ye throne of thy maiesty, hartely to beseech, and humbly intreate thee, that thou wilt not deale with mee accor∣ding to my deserts: for then O Lord, where should I stand to plead my case? fire and brim∣stone should bee my portion to drinke, that haue drunke downe sinnne as Behemoth drinketh downe water: but thou art gra∣cious & compassionate, therfore vnder the shadow of thy wings Page  [unnumbered] will I seeke for refuge, desiring thee to naile all my sinnes to thy crosse, that through thy suf∣ferings I may obtaine remission thereof. I am a sinner, yet re∣deemed by thy pretious bloud: a sinner I am, remember thou camest into ye world to saue sin∣ners, wherof I am chiefe, lost in a wildernesse of errours, wan∣dring from thy presence: helpe me, O Lord, or else who can de∣liuer me? saue mee, O Lord, or else I perish, for there is no re∣demption no saluation without thee: heare him O Lord that cō∣demneth himselfe, & caleth vpon thee. O Sauiour, whom wilt thou saue, if y sinner shall des∣cend to perdition that dispai∣reth of himselfe, and trusteth in thee? O blessed Sauiour and Re∣deemer Page  [unnumbered] of the world, aswage my griefe heale my diseases: thou hast called me when I, like the deafe Adder, would not heare thy voyce: wilt thou then turne away thy face when my cryes come vnto thee? wilt thou suffer that to bee lost which thou pur∣chasest at so deere a prise? No Lord, for thy mercies sake, for thine owne sake sweet Iesus.