The boke of keruynge

¶ Here foloweth of the Marshall and the vssher

THe Marshall and the vssher muste knowe all the estates of the chyrche and the hyghe estate of a kynge with the blode royall.

  • ¶ The estate of a Pope hath no pere.
  • ¶ The estate of an Emperour is nexte.
  • ¶ The estate of a kynge.
  • ¶ The estate of a cardynall
  • ¶ The estate of a kynges sone a prynce.
  • ¶ The estate of an archebysshop.
  • ¶ The estate of a duke
  • ¶ The estate of a bysshop
  • ¶ The estate of a marques
  • ¶ The estat of an erle
  • ¶ The estate of a vycount
  • ¶ The estate of a baron.
  • ¶ The estate of an abbot with a myter
  • ¶ The estate of the thre chefe Iuges & the Mayre of London.
  • ¶ The estate of an abbot without a myter
  • ¶ The estate of a knyght bacheler
  • ¶ The estate of a pryour dene archedeken or knyght
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  • ¶ The estate of the mayster of the rolles.
  • ¶ The estate of other Iustices & barons of the cheker
  • ¶ The estate of the mayre of Calays.
  • ¶ The estate of a prouyncyall a doctour dyuyne
  • ¶ The estat of a prothonat he is aboue the popes col∣lectour and a doctour of bothe the lawes.
  • ¶ The estate of hym that hath ben mayre of London and seruaunt of the lawe.
  • ¶ The estate of a mayster of the chauncery and other worshypfull prechours of pardon and clerkes that ben gradewable / & all other ordres of chastyte per∣sones & preestes worshypfull marchauntes & gen∣tylmen all this may syt at the squyers table.
  • ¶ An archebysshop and a duke may not kepe the hall but eche estate by them selfe in chaumbre or in pauylyon that neyther se other.
  • ¶ Bysshoppes Marques Erles & Vycoūtes all these these may syt two at a messe.
  • ¶ A baron & the mayre of London & thre thefe Iuges and the speker of the parlyament & an abbot with a myter all these may syt two or thre at a messe
  • ¶ And all other estates may syt thre or foure at a messe
  • ¶ Also the Marshall muste vnderstande and knowe the blode royall for some lorde is of blode royall & of small lyuelode. And some knyght is wedded to a lady of royal blode she shal kepe the estate that she was before. And a lady of lower degree shall kepe the estate of her lordes blode / & therfore the royall blode shall haue the reuerēce as I haue shewed you here before.
  • ¶ Also a marshall muste take hede of the byrthe and nexte of the lyne of the blode royall.
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  • ¶ Also he must take hede of the kynges offycers of the Chaunceler Stewarde Chamberlayne Tresourer and Controller.
  • ¶ Also the marshall must take hede vnto straungers & put them to worshyp & reuerence for and they haue good chere it is your soueraynes honour.
  • ¶ Also a Marshall muste take hede yf the kynge sende to your souerayne ony message and yf he send a knyght receyue hym as a baron. and yf he sende a squyre recey∣ue hym as a knyght / and yf he sende you a yoman re∣ceyue hym as a squyer / and yf he sende you a grome re∣cerue hym as a yoman.
  • ¶ Also it is noo rebuke to a knyght to sette a grome of the kynge at his table.