H. Zanchius his confession of Christian religion Which novve at length being 70. yeares of age, he caused to bee published in the name of himselfe & his family. Englished in sense agreeable, and in words as answerable to his ovvne latine copie, as in so graue a mans worke is requisite: for the profite of all the vnlearneder sort, of English christians, that desire to know his iudgement in matters of faith.
Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590.

Ʋpon the 25. chapter. Of baptisme. The third aphorisme.

Of the water it appeareth in the Acts: where it is manifestly shewed that neuer any thing was mixed with the water by the Apostles. Other forme of baptizing, besides that which we haue in the 28. of Matthew, Christ did not institute: and that the Apostle did simplie follow Christ, is beyond al cōtrouersie. Where as therefore we read in the Acts, that the A∣postles baptized some in the name & into the name of Christ: that doth nothing pertaine to the christian forme of baptisme. Iohn indeed Page  297baptized into the name of Christ, as it appea∣reth, in which name notwithstanding, as Am∣brose expoundeth it, the trinitie was closelie signified, as the person anointed, that is, of the sonne, in that he had taken the nature: the per¦son annointing, that is, the father: and the an∣nointing, that is, the person of the holie ghost. But Christ himself expresly set downe the pro∣per forme of baptisme, saying, in the name of the father, of the sonne, and of the holie ghost. Where∣fore, it is manifest that the phrase of speach, to be baptized into the name of Christ, doth no∣thing belong to the forme of christian Bap∣tisme.

Which is also hereby confirmed: that wee neuer reade that the Apostles baptized any, saying, that they baptized them into the name of Christ: but we read onely that many were baptized in the name and into the name of Christ. Then what mēt the holie ghost by that forme or manner of speach? he ment, in my iudgement, summarily to shewe thus much: First, in that, they which professed faith in Christ were commaunded to be baptized, that it should be done by the name, authoritie, and commandement of Iesus Christ: yea, that they should be baptized in this forme, In the name of the father, the sonne, and of the holy ghost, euen by commaundement of Christ. Therefore they were baptized in the name of Christ, that is, according to the commandement & forme prescribed by Christ.

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Secondly, they which were so baptized: as they were now incorporated into Christ by faith, in Gods sight, and admitted into the fellowship of the new couenant: so are they, by this signe of the new couenant, consecra∣ted vnto Christ, in the sight of the congregati∣on, & sealed, for to hold fast, the faith in him, and to performe obedience to his commaun∣dements; and to bee ingrafted into the bodie of his church: and receiued into the commu∣nion of Saintes, and to a perpetuall amend∣ment of life, and to a continuance of faith in Iesus Christ to their liues end. For the whole church, and euery of the faithful are baptized into the death of Christ, and buried with him: whereof the signe, is the very dipping into the water: that thereby we may learne, that throughout our whole life, we must die vnto sinne, and liue vnto righteousnesse, which is to be truely baptized into the name of Christ, who died and was buried for vs.