H. Zanchius his confession of Christian religion Which novve at length being 70. yeares of age, he caused to bee published in the name of himselfe & his family. Englished in sense agreeable, and in words as answerable to his ovvne latine copie, as in so graue a mans worke is requisite: for the profite of all the vnlearneder sort, of English christians, that desire to know his iudgement in matters of faith.
Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590.
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II. What we meane by the name of the church & the description thereof.

By the name of Christs church, we vnderstād a certen number and companie well knowne to God both of Angells and men: not onely chosen and predestinated, to haue a perpetu∣al communion with Christ, and among them∣selues, and to serue the true God, according to his will and commaundement, and to loue a∣mong themselues mutually with a perpetuall and sincere loue: but also of those which in their time shalbe effectually and by the holie spirite called out of the number of others, and ioyned to their head Christ, and so truly made Saintes. Which number was begonne, from the first creation, and gathered and continued in a perpetuall line, & band of the holy ghost, and to be continued to the end of the world, yea to all eternitie: and partly alreadie trium∣phing in heauen with Christ: and partly yet on earth, warring with many enimies for Christ: preaching and hearing the worde of the gospell; ministring and receiuing the sacra∣ments: and taking care that the commaunde∣ments of Christs may be kept, aswel publickly as priuately.