H. Zanchius his confession of Christian religion Which novve at length being 70. yeares of age, he caused to bee published in the name of himselfe & his family. Englished in sense agreeable, and in words as answerable to his ovvne latine copie, as in so graue a mans worke is requisite: for the profite of all the vnlearneder sort, of English christians, that desire to know his iudgement in matters of faith.
Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590.

V. A summe of the doctrine of repentance, euery where and alwaies necessarie to all of yeares of discretion.

The summe of our faith concerning repē∣tance necessarie euerie where and at al times, to all that bee of yeares of discretion, is this; that, repentance is a chaunging of the minde and heart, stirred vpp in vs through the holie ghost, by the word both of the law and the gos∣pell: wherein wee greeue from our heart: wee detest: we lament: we loath and bewaile: and Page  145cōfesse before God, all our sinnes, & euen the corruption of our nature, as things vtterly re∣pugnāt (as the law teacheth) to the wil of god, & to the cleansing whereof, the death of Gods owne sonne (as the gospell preacheth) was needefull: and doe humblie pray and intreat for pardon and forgiuenesse of the same: and do earnestly resolue vpon amendment of our life, and on a continuall studie and care of in∣nocencie and christian vertues, and exercise our selues in the same diligently all the dayes of our life: to the glorie of God, and edificati∣on of the church.