H. Zanchius his confession of Christian religion Which novve at length being 70. yeares of age, he caused to bee published in the name of himselfe & his family. Englished in sense agreeable, and in words as answerable to his ovvne latine copie, as in so graue a mans worke is requisite: for the profite of all the vnlearneder sort, of English christians, that desire to know his iudgement in matters of faith.
Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590.

XIX. Errors.

Wherefore we cannot allow of those, who will haue sacramentes to be there, where no word is heard, but only the element seene: nor those which distinguish not the matter of the sacrament from the sacrament, but will haue it come into the mouth, aswell as the sacra∣mentall signe: whenas the matter of the sacra∣ment, Page  115is that, which the signe, that is obiect to our senses, makes to come into our thought, not to fall into our hands or mouth: neither those likewise, which do consider nothing in the sacraments, but what they see with their eyes: or which will haue them onely tokens or badges, by which we are discerned from other people, or bare signes, and not the instrumēts of the holy ghost, by which he worketh migh∣tily in vs, and confirmeth vs in the communi∣on of Christ. And we condemne them which institute new sacraments, other then them, which Christ instituted: and those, which tye the grace of God, and the things signified by the sacraments, to the sacraments: so that e∣uerie one which receiueth the signe, should be said euer to receiue truely the thing it selfe.