H. Zanchius his confession of Christian religion Which novve at length being 70. yeares of age, he caused to bee published in the name of himselfe & his family. Englished in sense agreeable, and in words as answerable to his ovvne latine copie, as in so graue a mans worke is requisite: for the profite of all the vnlearneder sort, of English christians, that desire to know his iudgement in matters of faith.
Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590.

V. How many fold is the vnion of Christ with vs, and of vs with Christ, and how they are ordered in themselues.

We acknowledge furthermore this coniun∣ction of Christ with vs, and likewise of vs with Christ to bee threefold: one, which was once made in our nature: another, which is dailie made in the persons of the elect, which yet goe astraie from the Lord: and the last, which shall be likewise with the Lord in our persons when they shall be present with him: namelie when God shall be all in vs all. And the first is re∣ferred to the second, & the second to the third euē as nature is ordained to grace, and grace to glory. For the first is also made by assuming of our nature into the vnitie of the person 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 Of the word. The second is made by assu∣ming of our persons into grace, and into one misticall bodie with him, and as Peter spea∣keth, into participation of his diuine nature. The third shall likewise bee made by assuming of vs all into euerlasting glorie with Christ. Nei∣ther doe wee doubt, but Christ purposed to foreshew vnto vs the second by the first, and the third by the second: that by that which was alreadie made, we might bee confirmed in the hope of that which was to be made.