A continuance of Albions England: by the first author. VV.VV.
Warner, William, 1558?-1609.

CHAP. 107.

THough to the Kings of England their Deuo∣tion got was much
In Powys, West, and South-Wales, by the Eng∣lish and the Duch:
Yet was our second Henry by a second Rees so plide
(By North-Wales Princes also, thrice that Bat∣tell bid and bide)
With Armes and Stratagems, as like did neuer him betide,
From Stephen, or his rebell Sonnes, French, Irish, Scots or any,
Himselfe escaping hardly with the losse of Souldiers many.
* Crogen, a Terme vsde in reproch of Welsh-men, rather might
Reproch the English, that with them did there defected fight.
Of Henries Armie none approcht that Passage but were kild,
Welsh-Crogen, in memoriall of that Slaughter, therefore hild
A Terme reuengefull, when came Welsh to hand: as who would say,
* Like Mercie as at Crogen ours receiued we repay.
And though write some the Welsh preuail'd more by their Scite thā swords,
Yet Enuies-selfe must grant that Wales had, and braue men affords:
Yea, had not been suborned Wales against it selfe had faild
That England, labouring it so long and dearely, had preuaild.
Great was Prince Owen Gwyneth, but Prince Lewlin Monarke more,
Except King Arthur, none in Wales had greater been before.
From Rufus till first Edwards Raigne North-Wales held England tack,
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But then did rather loyall hearts than wonted Prowesse lacke.
Lewlin next to great Lewlins sonne Prince Dauid (Gladis wiude
To Mortimer put-by) then rulde, and much by Armes achiude.
But who against that Ages Mars first Edward might hold-out?
Yet twice this Lewlin held him wag, and thirdly had no doubt,
Had not he bin betraid and slaine at Buelht, a Warrior stout.
Last Prince of very Britons, that from Brute vntill that day
Had, in some part within this Isle, continued regall sway
Two thousand and fiue hundred yeeres, two yeres if taine away.
Edward, presuming Wales now won, the Welsh with commō voice
Of any Prince, vnles Welsh borne, protested gainst the choice,
Yea, euen of Edwards-selfe, except amongst them he should liue,
Too well experienced what law by Proxie Princes giue.
Much therefore did in action, more in murmor hence proceed,
Till by this Policie the King did thus his purpose speed.
* In Wales he at Carnaruon with his Queene the Winter pas,
Where Edward his first-borne, surnam'd Carnaruō, Welsh-borne was:
The King, conuening then the Welsh, made promise he would name
Vnto their Nation such a Prince as none for ought could blame,
Borne in their Countrie, and could not one word in English say,
Whō gladly, on those Termes, the Lords of Wales swore to obey:
* The King thē nam'd his Infant-Sonne, and progrest thēce away.
Hence Englands Heires-apparant haue of Wales bin Princes, till
Our Queene deceast conceald her Heire, I wot not for what skill.
But now may Cambries frollike, for though vertuous many since,
Yet parallel at least the best may their now hopefull Prince:
And theirs is hapt the honour that Brutes triple Diuident
To Locrin, Camber, Albanack, reuerteth whence it went:
For Home-againe to Britons is intired Britaine sent.
So inaccessible is Wales, so mountanous, and craggie,
That to refresh my Muse, as els occasioned, Here lagge I,
Only that to Elizabeth hath Office tithed bragge I.
Was neuer Prince affoorded Muse a sweeter subiect then
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Her life and Raigne, or Age thereto that apted choicer men.
Yet, as if Perseus mounted on his Pegasus held out
Some Gorgons head, stone▪ still stand all should go that Taske about.
O that would He might it commaund it recommend vnto
Some Artist, worthie such a worke of Raritie to do!
Moses the Patriarkes, Caesar did himselfe and others sing,
Stoore like heroick Pennes, and She were pen-worke for a King.
Should then, liefe Lord, your royall-selfe vouchsafe an Ouer-view
Of whomsoeuer arting it, to giue it Species true,
Long after my decease may like (liu'd like) doe like for you:
But howsoeuer, happely Liue, Raigne, your Foes subdue.