The common places of the most famous and renowmed diuine Doctor Peter Martyr diuided into foure principall parts: with a large addition of manie theologicall and necessarie discourses, some neuer extant before. Translated and partlie gathered by Anthonie Marten, one of the sewers of hir Maiesties most honourable chamber.
Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562., Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576., Marten, Anthony, d. 1597.

To Maister Iohn Caluin.

ABout the feast of Easter I wrote letters vnto you right worthie sir, but it was by a yong gentle∣mā of Hungarie, who was slaine not farre from Selestade. Wher∣fore since there happened so sorrowful a mis∣chaunce, they could not be brought vnto you. Page  93 And those thinges which I then knewe and wrote, since I doubt not but that you had knowledge of them by some other meanes, I thinke them not fit to be repeated. There is a verie fearefull newes reported of out of England, namelie that there the Parliament (as they call it) hath assented to restore vnto the Pope his most tyrannicall gouern∣ment. * And Philip is and is accounted king of Englande. The good men on all partes flie frō thence as much as they can. And I can not expresse howe great a disturbance there is of all thinges. And nowe amongest vs there bee thrée excellent knightes, namelie Morisin, Cheeke, and Cooke, no lesse famous in godlinesse than in learning, who I thinke within fewe daies will come [vnto you.] These thinges I therefore write, to the in∣tent that you together with your Church will pray for that state not onelie afflicted, but in a manner ouerthrowen. Doubtlesse nowe are the Bishoppe of Canterburie, and the rest of the Bishoppes in extreame daun∣ger. We here liue in peace and quietnesse as touching outwarde matters, and nowe we perceiue we are deliuered of feare touching our French Church, whereas manie before suspected that something woulde bee chaun∣ged in doctrine and administration of the Sacramentes. Which neither is, nor (I hope) shalbe doone. I would to God that the cōtention of some against their pastor might be taken awaie. But yet doe I trust that at length it will be quieted: and as I iudge, wil easilier be quenched by dissembling our iudg∣ment, than if men resist by violence and power. And this euill hath also néede of prayers. Finallie I would haue you vnder∣stande that this doeth greatlie gréeue me to∣gether with other good men, that against the trueth & against your good name they spread verie foule and false reports as touching the eternall election of God, and that heretikes ought not to bee put to death. But it ma∣keth no matter since (as wee heare) in these thinges which they write, they dare not con∣fesse their names. I saide (as we heare) be∣cause there is not one of those namelesse bookes brought hither to Strasborough. Wee that be here (and especiallie Zancus and I) doe defende your part and the trueth so much as in vs lieth. But how Maister Alasco was ill intreated through out Denmarke and the Churches of Saxonie, you maie vnderstande by this man that deliuereth you my letters. Fare you well, and pray for vs. Zancus sa∣luteth you verie much. I in like maner pray you salute in my name Martinengus and al∣so Galeatius the Marques and N. From Strasborough the 9. of Maie.