The common places of the most famous and renowmed diuine Doctor Peter Martyr diuided into foure principall parts: with a large addition of manie theologicall and necessarie discourses, some neuer extant before. Translated and partlie gathered by Anthonie Marten, one of the sewers of hir Maiesties most honourable chamber.
Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562., Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576., Marten, Anthony, d. 1597.


[proposition 1] GOD did not onelie by speciall words pro∣uide that his prophets should warne men concerning their commoditie, but he would that the same should also be doone of them by cer∣teine outward actions.

[proposition 2] Albeit that God knew that some would not returne to him, yet dooth he not in vaine call them manie waies.

[proposition 3] Sometimes it may be, that holie men praie not for certeine persons, not led therevnto by their owne fault, but by the commandement of God.

[proposition 4] When God maketh a couenant with men, all things there depend of his mercie.

[proposition 5] God sometimes giueth manie things to cer∣teine men, for their forefathers and posterities sake.

[proposition 6] In a church well ordered, euen this among o∣ther things must be taken héed of, that there be no want of bodilie sustenance to the members of Christ.

[proposition 7] Good works are not causes of saluation: but we verie well grant it to be requisit, that to whom GOD hath giuen them, to those he also gaue saluation.

[proposition 8] Manie things which are commanded in Mo∣ses lawe touching ceremonies, are found also to haue béene kept before the lawe.

[proposition 9] God is said to remember, not that he at anie time forgetteth, but bicause he hath the effects of man, who remembreth some thing.

[proposition 10] We read that God hath sometime repented him, not that he is troubled with this perturba∣tion, but bicause he dooth that which repentants are accustomed to doo.

[proposition 11] When we affirme that he repenteth himselfe of some thing, the change must not be placed in himselfe, but in man.

[proposition 12] It must not be attributed vnto punishment it selfe, that it hath the power to purge sinne.

[proposition 13] Outward sacrifices are acceptable to God, if they be ioined with inward sacrifice.

[proposition 14] Outward sacrifices doo excéedinglie displease God, if the mind be void of inward sacrifice.