The common places of the most famous and renowmed diuine Doctor Peter Martyr diuided into foure principall parts: with a large addition of manie theologicall and necessarie discourses, some neuer extant before. Translated and partlie gathered by Anthonie Marten, one of the sewers of hir Maiesties most honourable chamber.
Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562., Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576., Marten, Anthony, d. 1597.

[question I] WHether the lawe in the. 22. of Exodus, of maids deflowred to bee married of such as had de∣flowred them, should be retei∣ned in a christian common weale?

[question II] IF the magistrate shall thinke the lawe to be too rigorous, bicause of the lasciuious∣nes of yoong women, and therefore meet to bee abrogated; whether the minister ought to persuade the magistrate to the a∣brogating of the same, or to let it be at li∣bertie? or what answer hee must make them?

[question III] WHether the magistrate doo rightlie if he decline from the lawe of God. Whether this part belong vnto christian libertie?

VVhether it be agreeable to the lawe of nature? or else whether it be wholie poli∣ticall?

[question IIII] SEeing we read, that the most holie men did not onelie sweare; As trulie as the Lord liueth: but otherwhile added; As thy soule liueth: not onelie in their affirmati∣ons, but also in their protestations; what answer must be made to the papists, which saie, that we must not sweare by the name of God onelie?