A plaine and perfect method, for the easie vnderstanding of the whole Bible containing seauen obseruations, dialoguewise, betweene the parishioner, and the pastor.
Vaughan, Edward, preacher at St. Mary Woolnoth.

The second Obseruation, from Genesis the ninth to Genesis the twelfth.


THe second Obseruation com∣prehends the building of Babell: in which was dispersed ouer the Page  105 earth, the posteritie of Noah: tell me the manner of it.


When as the people were increased mightily,* and were al∣together of one language: they, in the pride of their hearts, and strength of their body, enterpri∣sed to build a citie and a towre, whose top should reach vnto hea∣uen: preuenting (as they said their dispersion: But it was in vaine, because the power of God was set against them. The place was called Babell, in the Land of Shinar, which was afterward cal∣led Babilon, and signified confu∣sion: according to that which did happen by the confusion of their languages 130. yeares after the Flood. Nimrod was their ruler: He oppressed them sore, and in regard of his tyranny, there rose a prouerbe of him, to wit; The mighty hunter. He was the first hunter.


Why did God withstand their building with the confusion of their languages, and not some other way?

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It was to great purpose: for hereby God seuered and sepa∣rated them farre and wide in the world, by the variety of their tongues and languages, after this manner. Noah had thrée sonnes; Sem, Cham, and Iaphet. Sem and his posteritie dwelt in Siria, in Caldea, and in Persia, be∣ing the East part of the world: whence came the Syrians, the Aramites, Chaldeans, and the Per∣sians.

Cham with his séede, went in∣to Canaan, being the South part of the world: of whom came the Cananites, the Egyptians, Ethiopi∣ans and the Arabians.

Iaphet went with his séede into the Westerne and Northerne parts of the world: of whom came the Greekes, the Medes, the Simbrians, the Germanes, the Scy∣thians, the Turkes, and the Thia∣tirians.


Into how many languages, or companies were they diuided?


Heber was a rare man, a double Henoch: hée was two Page  107 seauens from the creation. The Hebrew tongue remained in him, whence he had his name, which enlarged his glory. In his time Babel was built by the curse of Cham: thence they were scattered, ouer the world into 70. companies according to that number of lan∣guages: But afterwards they were in bondage 70. years, in that place: at this building their ages were again halfed the third time.


What say you concerning the first particular, mentioned in the third Obseruation?


There be other ten holy Fathers,* wherin God beginneth to renew his Church, and to mul∣tiply it: ouer whom his Maie∣stie was very carefull and proui∣dent when Christ should come, as of a peculiar people: which Fa∣thers are set down in their order, whose stories are dispersed ouer the booke of God. The particu∣lars thereof haue reference, cohe∣rence, & analogie, to many other stories and particular matters, wherof I haue spoken sufficiently Page  108 in another booke heretofore. I haue set downe their names one∣ly, because you may reade their particular stories.

  • Sem.
  • Arphaxad.
  • Sale.
  • Heber.
  • Regue.
  • Peleg.
  • Sarug.
  • Nahor.
  • Terah.
  • Abraham.