Lectures upon the vvhole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, deliuered in St. Peters Church in Oxford: by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ Henry Airay ... and now published for the vse of Gods Church by C.P. ...
Airay, Henry, 1560?-1616.


PHILIP. 3 Verse 20.21.
From whence also wee looke for the Sauiour, euen the Lord Iesus Christ, who shall change our vile body, &c.

FRom whence.] This is the second Christian profession which the Apostle maketh in behalfe of himselfe, and such others as walked as he did; and it is of their expe∣ctation of Christ his second comming to saue them. Which also yeeldeh a reason why they haue their conuersation in hea∣en Our conuersation, saith the Apostle, is in heauen. And why so? From heauen we certainly looke and wait for the appea∣ring of our Lord Iesus Christ, when hee shall come as a swi•• Page  842 Iudge against all them that haue made their bellie their Go but as our Sauiour to giue vnto vs an inheritance among the that are saued: therefore our soule-conuersation is in heaue where now Christ is, and whence he shall come in that day t saue vs. In that the Apostle saith, from whence, hee noteth th place whence Christ his second comming shall be, and conse¦quently the place where now he is according to his humanitie for there now he is whence at that day hee shall come, sittin now in glory at the right hand of the throne of God in hea∣uen, whence hee shall also come in glory to iudge both th quicke and the dead. Againe, in that he saith, from whence als wee looke for the Sauiour, he signifieth their patient expectation and waiting for the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ, when he shall appeare the second time without sinne vnto saluation 〈◊〉 for Christ being then already descended from the bosome o his Father, and hauing offered vp himselfe without spot vnto God to take away the sinnes of such his chosen children a through faith in his bloud haue their consciences purged from dead workes to serue the liuing God; now they waited and looked for the promise of his second comming, when he should come in the clouds to be glorified in his Saints, but to render vengeance vnto them that know not God, nor obey the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ. Againe, in that he saith, from whence also wee looke for the Sauiour, euen the Lord Iesus Christ, he noteth the person of him whose second comming from heauen in the clouds they waited and looked for; which is the Lord Iesus Christ the Sauiour. The Lord, who is to be feared, hauing all soueraigne power giuen vnto him in heauen and in earth. The Lord Iesus, who is to be feared and loued, hauing laid downe his life for vs to saue vs from our sinnes, and to free vs from condemnation the due desert of our sinne. The Lord Iesus Christ, who is to be feared, loued, and reue∣renced, hauing as our Priest reconciled vs vnto God, and as our Prophet instructed vs in the will of God. Vnto all which the Apostle addeth this, that further he calleth him the Sui∣our, for that then in his second comming he should not only saue them and free them from sinne and condemnation, which he did at his first comming in his humilitie, but shoud Page  843 ••ue them and free them from death and corruption, and ring them into the full possession of that inheritance pur∣hased in heauen for them. So that yee see the generall point ere spoken of is Christ his second comming in glory: the articular points are, the place whence the second comming hall be, the patient expectation and waiting of the faithfull or the second comming, and the person of him that shall ome in this second comming which the faithfull so looke or. Now let vs see what notes and obseruations wee may ga∣her hence, whereof to make some further vse and instruction or our selues.

The first thing which I note is the Apostles Christian pro∣ession which he maketh in the behalfe of himselfe, and such others as walked so as he did touching the place whence they waited for the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ. They loo∣ed for the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ from heauen, here they had set their affections, where they had their soule-conuersation. Hence then I obserue a ground of that point of an article of our faith, wherein we beleeue that Christ shall come from heauen with glory to iudge both the quicke and the dead. Whereunto also the Scriptures giue witnesse often elsewhere; as where the Angels told the Apostles, saying,* This Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen, shall so come as yee haue seene him goe into heauen: and againe, where the Apostle saith, that the Lord shall descend from heauen with a shout,* and with the voice of the Archangell, and with the trumpet of God: and againe where our Sauiour himselfe tels his disciples,* that the sonne of man shall come in the clouds of heauen with power and great glory. But what needeth further proofe of this point? It is a thing which wee all beleeue and confesse, that Christ being ascended into heauen where he sitteth at the right hand of the throne of God, shall come againe from heauen in his appoin∣ted time with power and great glory, so that euery eye shall see him, yea euen they which pierced him thorow, and shall ren∣der vnto euery man according to that he hath done, whether it be good or euill. The vses which we are to make hereof are these.

First, to beware of such false teachers as tell vs that the body Page  844 of Christ is not only in heauen, but in earth also, in euery Kingdome, in euery City, in euery parish, in euery loafe, i euery peece of bread and cup of wine where the sacrament i receiued. For doe wee looke that he shall come from heauen the second time with power and great glorie? And shall we not thinke that now he is there whence then hee shall come? True it is that Christ as hee is God is not in heauen alone, o limited vnto any place, but filleth all places, being infinite and incomprehensible. But as he is man, so is he there alone whence hee shall appeare the second time vnto saluation: for so it is written,* that the heauens must containe him vntill the time that all things bee restored. And wat else is it but to de∣stroy the nature of a true body, to say that it may bee in di∣uers places at one time? Let this for this time suffice vs: Wee looke for Christ as he is man from heauen, therefore as hee is man he is in heauen: the heauen must containe him till all things be restored, therefore he is alone in heauen: hee hath a true body, therefore hee cannot be in diuers places at once. Beware therefore of such deceiuers, that yee giue no place vn∣to their errour, and trust perfectly that Christ sitteth at the right hand of the throne of the maiestie in heauen, hauing no corporall presence elsewhere, and that from thence hee shall come to render vengeance vnto the wicked, and to be glori∣fied in his Saints.

Secondly, this should teach vs to beware of such mockers as walke after their lusts, and say, Where is the promise of his com∣ming? The holy Ghost hath said it, that he shall come from heauen the second time with power and great glory. And hath hee said it,* and shall it not come to passe? It is not for vs to know the times and the seasons which the Father hath put in his owne power.* Nay Christ himselfe saith, Of that day and houre when he shall come know th no man, no not the Angels in heauen, but God only. Nay Christ himselfe as he is man knoweth it not. Wee know perfectly,* which is enough for vs to know, that the day of the Lord shall come euen as a theefe in the night. Now if the good man of the house knew at what watch the theefe would come,* he would surely watch for that time, but would be very secure for other times. It is enough therefore for vs to know that he shall Page  845 come. And this, that we know that he shall come, but know not the time when, should exercise our faith and patience, bridle our curiositie, and containe vs in the feare of God, in godlinesse, and in all watchfulnesse at all times, lest hee come vpon vs at vnwares, and finde vs without oile in our lampes, either beating our fellow-seruants, or eating and drinking with the drunken, or running after noisome lusts, and the foolish cares of this life. The Lord is not slacke concerning his pro∣mise, as some men count slacknesse, but is patient towards vs,* and would haue all men to come to repentance. Yet a very lit∣tle while, saith the Apostle, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarrie. Beware therefore of such mockers as in scorne and derision say, Where is the promise of his comming? Watch yee and pray continually, that yee may be counted worthy to escape all the things that shall come to passe vpon such moc∣kers, and that ye may stand before the sonne of man.

The third vse which we are to make hereof, and whereat our Apostle especially aimeth, is, that hence we should learne to haue our conuersation in heauen. For doe wee looke that the Sauiour shall come the second time from heauen? Great reason then that wee should haue our conuersation in heauen, that in heart, minde, and soule, wee should ascend thither, that our faith, hope, and loue should be rooted there, that our thoughts, desires, and affections should be settled there. Had Daniel reason to open his windowes towards Ierusalem,* and to pray towards it three times a day, because of Gods promise vnto his people when they should pray toward that Temple? And is there not farre greater reason for vs that wee should al∣wayes lift vp our hearts vnto the Lord, and haue our soule-conuersation in heauen, from whence wee doe looke for our blessed Sauiour? The children of light herein may learne a lesson of the children of this world, and of the children of darknesse: for where is the merchants minde but where his goods are, and where he hopes for commoditie? where is the husbandmans heart but on his haruest, and where hee lookes for the fruit of his labours? Where are the affections of the voluptuous or ambitious man set, but where the things are which their soule most desireth? Where else then should the Page  846 Christian mans conuersation be but in heauen, from whenc we looke for the Sauiour, euen the Lord Iesus Christ? Let v not then with Ruben, and Gad, and halfe the Tribe of Ma∣nasseh desire to tarie on this side Iordan without the Land of promise, but let vs go into the heauenly Canaan, and dwel there, and walke as Citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem. If we count that we haue our treasure in heauen, let vs also haue our hearts in heauen. Otherwise wee shew plainly that wee haue not our treasure in heauen.* For, as our Sauiour tells vs, where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also. There Christ is, thence we looke for the Sauiour, therefore euen while wee are at home in the body, let vs haue our soule-conuersation there in heauen where he dwelleth, and whence wee looke for him.

The second thing which I note is in the person of the A∣postle, and others like vnto himselfe. For here ye see that the Apostle in behalfe of himselfe, and such others as walked so as he did professeth that they looked for the Sauiour, euen the Lord Iesus Christ, which their expectation plainly argued the feruent desire, and earnest longing which they had for the appearing of Christ the second time vnto saluation. Whence I obserue the gladsome expectation of the faithfull children of God for the second comming of Christ, when hee shall come in the cloudes of heauen to iudge both the quicke and the dead. They looke and waite for it, their soules long after it,* and with lift vp hearts and voices they crie, and say, How long Lord holy, and true, come Lord Iesus, come quickly. It is said in the Epistle to the Romanes that the feruent desire of the creature waiteth when the sonnes of God shall be reuealed. The word signifieth an earnest waiting of the creature, such as is the waiting of them that are set in a watch-tower to de∣scrie, when the sonnes of God shall be reuealed; i. when it shall be manifestly knowne, not onely vnto themselues by faith, but vnto men and Angels that they are the sonnes of God.* For, as Iohn speaketh, Now we are the sonnes of God, but yet it doth not appeare what we shall be; and we know that when hee shall appeare, we shall be like him: for we shall see him as he is. And, as our Apostle speaketh,* when Christ which is our life appeareth Page  847 then shall we also appeare with him in glory. For then shall hee change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body. So that the time for which the creature wai∣teth is the second comming of Christ. Doth then the crea∣ture, euen the heauen and the earth which God created in the beginning waite with such a feruent desire that they sit as it were in a watch-tower continually beholding when Christ shall appeare the second time vnto saluation? How great then and gladsome may we imagine the expectation of the faith∣full children of God to be for the second comming of Christ, when they shall not onely be renued, as the creature, but haue a full complement of euerlasting blessednesse? And therefore the Apostle addeth, and not onely the creature, but we also,* yea we much more which haue receiued the first fruits of the spirit, euen we doe sigh in our selues waiting for the adoption, euen the redempti∣on of our body; i. waiting for the consummation of our adop∣tion and redemption, when we shall fully possesse our inheri∣tance with the Saints in heauen. This the Apostle commen∣ded in the Corinthians that they waited for the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ.* And likewise in the Thessalonians that they looked for the sonne of the liuing and true God from heauen. And this is a thing which should be commended in vs all.* For the grace of God which bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared, and teacheth vs that wee should denie vngodli∣nesse, &c. looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the almightie God, and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Againe, we, I say, much more, because the creature onely waiteth that it may not afterwards be subiect vnto corruption, or vanitie, but the faithfull that they may also iudge the wicked, and reigne with him for euer and euer. Neither onely doth this comparison with the expectation of the creature, shew what the expectation of the faithfull is for the second comming of Christ; but much more will it appeare if wee shall compare it with the long wished, & most desired first comming of Christ in the flesh to destroy sinne in the flesh. Wee read how great∣ly the Patriarches, and Prophets, and holy Saints of God in the old Testament desired, and longed for that seede of the woman, that starre of Iacob, that Prince of peace, that righ∣teous Page  848 branch, that Emmanuel. Our blessed Sauiour himselfe testifieth of Abraham that hee reioyced to see his day,* i the time wherein he came in the similitude of sinnefull flesh, and he saw it saith he, namely with the eye of faith, and was glad And in another place he tells his Disciples that many Prophets,* and Kings had desired to see those things which they saw and had not seene them, to heare those things which they heard and had not heard them. And that good old Simeon notably expressed his great desire which he had to see Christ in the flesh, when tak∣ing him in his armes he praised God and said,* Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy word: for mine eies haue seene thy saluation &c. Was his first comming so much expected and desired by them then, and shall we thinke that his second comming is not much more desired by the faith∣full now? It was ioyful no doubt to see him come in the flesh; but shall it not be much more ioyfull to see him come in glo∣rie? It was ioyfull to the shepheards, and to the wise-men of the East to see the babe with Mary his mother, and Ioseph: but shall it not be much more ioyfull to see him attended vpon with tenne thousands of Saints and Angels? Ioyfull, to haue the earnest of our saluation; but shall not the inheritance of it be much more ioyfull? Ioyfull, to haue the sting of death, and the victorie of the graue taken away; but shall not the vtter exemption from death and corruption bee much more ioyfull? Then shall the sheepe be gathered into the fold neuer to be in danger of the wolfe, or of wandering: then shall the corne be gathered into the barne neuer to be shaken with the winde, or mingled with the chaffe againe: then shall there be a perpetuall Sabboth and no worke day after it; an euerlast∣ing Iubile when all bondage shall cease: then shall all teares be wiped from all eies, no more sorrow, nor crying, nor paine shall be, but peace, and gladnesse, and ioy, such as eye hath not seene, nor ere heard, nor hath entred into the heart of man. This is the expectation of the faithfull, which maketh them to looke and long for the blessed appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ. And now see the reason why the faithfull looke and long for the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ. Now they are pilgrimes, then they shall come to an abiding citie: Page  849 now they are compassed with sorrowes, then shall all teares be wiped from their eies: now they are in continuall fight, then shall euery enemie be subdued vnto them: now they are absent in body from Christ, then shall they follow the Lambe whethersoeuer he goeth: now they know, and loue, and be∣lieue in part, then that which is in part shall be abolished: now they walke by faith, then shall they walke before the throne, and before the Lambe for euermore: then shall be the day of their glorification, the day of their redemption, the day of their saluation, the day of their absolute consumma∣tion of all blessednes. This is the cause why their mindes are euer running, their thoughts euer musing, their eies euer look∣ing, their soules euer longing after the second comming of Christ Iesus in glorie. And for this cause they euen reach af∣ter it, crying with the soules vnder the altar, How long Lord, holy, and true.

But as for the wicked and vngodly of the earth it is not so with them. They doe feare and tremble at the remembrance of it. If they do but heare of it their countenance is changed, their thoughts are troubled, so that the ioynts of their loynes are loosed, and their knees smite one against another, as wee read of Belshazzar,* when he saw the palme of the hand that wrote vpon the wall. Yea so farre are they from looking and longing after that day, that either they wish it might not be at all, or else that it might be deferred. And no maruell. For then shall the Lord come as a swift iudge against them, in flaming fire, rendring vengeance vnto them which shall bee punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power: then shall the wrath of the Lord so fiercely persecute them that they shall crie vn∣to the mountaines and rockes, fall on vs, and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lambe, for the great day of his wrath is come, and who may stand? then shall they heare that fearefull sen∣tence pronounced against them, depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire, which is prepared for the Deuill and his Angells: and then shall they be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where they shall be tormented euen day and night for euer∣more, Page  850 not for 1000. or 100000. yeare, but for euermore. This is the cause why they feare and tremble at euery menti∣on of that day: and for this cause they wish they might neuer see it.

Examine then your selues, men and brethren, how yee stand affected towards the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ at that day, whether ye looke and long for it, or yee tremble and feare at the mention of it.* Blessed are all they that waite for the Lord, saith the Prophet, for vnto them that looke for him shall he appeare,* as saith the Apostle, the second time vnto saluation. Is the message then of Christ his second comming gladsome vnto you? Is the remembrance of it ioyfull vnto you? It is a sure token vnto you that ye belong vnto Christ Iesus, and it is a notable fruite and effect of your faith and hope in Christ Iesus. It may be that some of you looking more vpon your selues and your owne sinnes then vpon Christ and the bowels of his mercies, and being more sharpe and seuere toward your selues then quick-sighted to looke toward Christ Iesus, may feele some appalling in your selues, or at least not that cheere∣fulnesse in expectation that should be. But let not your harts be troubled nor feare. Ye looke not only vpon your sinnes, or so on Christ as only a seuere iudge, and so despaire in your selues, and vtterly abhorre his comming, but yee looke for him, though not without hope, yet without that cheerefulnes which ye ought. In this weaknesse the Lord will perfit his praise, and vnto these beginnings hee will giue a good issue. Only let my counsell be acceptable vnto you: turne away your eies from your selues, and cast them vpon Christ Iesus. He shall be your iudge that is your Sauiour. He hath bidde you looke vp, and lift vp your heads, for your redemption draweth neere:* And he hath said it, that hee that belieueth in him hath euerlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death vnto life.* Waite therefore patiently and cheerefully for the Lord for the grace of God which bringeth sal∣uation to all &c.

The third and last thing which heere I note, is in the per∣son of him whom the Apostle saith that they looke for from hea∣uen, which is the Lord Iesus Christ the Sauiour. Wherein I ob∣serue Page  851 a reason both why wee should walke in this like as citi∣zens of the heauenly Ierusalem, hauing our conuersation in heauen, and why wee should looke and long for the second comming vnto iudgement. For why should it seeme strange vnto any man that liuing here in the body wee should haue our soule-conuersation in heauen? Is not our Lord and King mightie in power to saue and defend vs, and to reuenge vs of our enemies in heauen? Is not our Iesus, who not by the workes of righteousnesse which we had done, but according to his mercie hath saued vs by the washing of the new birth, and the renuing of the holy Ghost, in heauen? Is not our Christ the Mediator of the new Testament, that hath recon∣ciled vs vnto God, maketh continuall intercession for vs, and teacheth vs outwardly by his word, and inwardly by his spi∣rit, in heauen? Is not our Sauiour who in that day shall make vp the full complement of our saluation, in heauen? where then should our conuersation be but in heauen? where should the body be, but where the head is? where should the spouse be, but where the bridegroome is? not one of vs all but we are stung with fierie Serpents, cursed sinnes, and noysome lusts which fight against the soule. If wee will be healed and liue we must looke vp vnto the brasen Serpent lift vp for that pur∣pose. In heauen is our brasen Serpent euen the Lord Iesus Christ. We must therefore while we are in the body lift vp our eies vnto him, and haue our soule-conuersation in heauen, if now we will be healed of our infirmities, and if when we re∣moue out of the body we will dwell with the Lord. And as this should bee a sufficient reason to moue vs to haue our whole conuersation in heauen, so should it also moue vs to looke and long for the second comming vnto iudgement. For shall our Lord and King come, which shall tread downe he Deuill and all enemies vnder his feete, and leading capti∣uitie captiue shall make vs to triumph in the heauenly places? Shall our Iesus come then to be our iudge that first came to saue his people from their sinnes? Shall our Christ come, that offered himselfe vpon the crosse for vs, and opened his fathers will vnto vs? Shall our Sauiour come to saue vs from death and corruption by glory, which first saued vs from sinne and Page  852 condemnation by grace? What cause then haue wee to hear∣ken vnto the counsell of Iames,* exhorting to bee patient vn∣to the comming of the Lord, yea what cause to crie with the soules vnder the Altar,* How long Lord, holy, and true, dost thou not iudge and auenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth? Yea to crie with Iohn, Come Lord Iesus, come quickely. Vnto this which hath beene taught the example of our bro∣ther lying here before vs may, as I heare, be a good prouocati∣on. My selfe knew him not, and therefore I can say the lesse of him. But by the report of them that knew him hee was very studious, and for his time had profited well in the know∣ledge of such Arts as he applied himselfe vnto. He was also, as I heare, religiously affected, and godly minded, hauing in good measure while hee was in the body his conuersation in heauen. And in the time of his sicknesse willingly submit∣ted himselfe vnto the will of his God, as one that looked for the blessed hope, and appearing of the Sauiour, euen the Lord Iesus Christ in whom his soule reioyced, and in the me∣rits of whose death and passion his heart was comforted. The Lord grant that wee may all liue in his feare, and die in his fauour.