Lectures upon the vvhole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, deliuered in St. Peters Church in Oxford: by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ Henry Airay ... and now published for the vse of Gods Church by C.P. ...
Airay, Henry, 1560?-1616.
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PHILIP. 1. vers. 3.4, 5.

Verse 3. Hauing you in perfit memory.

4. Alwaies in all my prayers for all you, praying with gladnesse.

5. Because of the fellowship which yee haue in the gospell, from the first day vnto now.

NOw farther the Apostle signifieth this re∣ioycing on the Philippians behalfe, and his loue towards them, by remembring them in all his prayers vnto God, and by praying for them with gladnesse, when he saith, that he hath them in per∣fect memory alwaies in all his prayers &c. It is vsuall with the Apostle in his Epistles, as to signifie his thanksgiuing vnto God on their behalfe vnto whom he writeth, so to signifie his remembrance of them alwaies in his p ayers. But yet here the Apostle signifieth this his remembrance of them in his prayers in more then an vsuall manner. In the Epistle to the Romanes, to the Colossians, the for∣mer to the Thessalonians, and to Philemon, he telleth them to whom he writeth, that he maketh mention of them al∣waies in his prayers. But here he tells the Philippians that alwaies in his prayers he hath them all in memory, that al∣waies in his praiers he hath them all in perfit memory, that alwaies he hath them all in perfit memory in all his prayers, that in all his prayers he remembreth them with gladnesse, each circumstance more then other importing his most carefull remembrance of them in his praiers vnto God, that they might continue in that grace wherein they stood, in that fellowship which they had with other Churches in the gospell. For therefore thanked he God, and was Page  43 glad on the Philippians behalfe, because of the fellowship which they had in the gospell from the first day vntill then, and therefore he prayed for them that they might continue in that grace, and in that fellowship with other Churches in the gospell.

The first thing then which here I note is, that on whose behalfe the Apostle giues such thanks vnto God, and is so glad, for them also he prayeth. Whence I ob∣serue, that whatsoeuer graces be bestowed on vs, still praier is needfull for vs, both that we pray for our selues, and that others pray for vs. For neither is any grace so perfit in any, neither are all graces so complete and full in any, but that both he hath neede of perseuerance and increase in that grace wherein he standeth, and to haue other grace, supplied which he wanteth. Abraham full of blessings, yet wanteth a childe, and he must pray that he may not goe childlesse. Isaac full of blessings,* yet his wife is barren,* and he must pray vnto the Lord for his wife to make her wombe fruitfull. Iacob full of bles∣sings, yet he is in danger of Esau his brother, and he must pray vnto the Lord,* I pray thee deliuer me out of the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau. Neither is any so enriched with all graces, but that his requests are to bee shewed vnto God in praier and supplication for the sup∣ply of some. And as not any are enriched with all gra∣ces, so not in any is any grace so perfit, but that he hath neede to bend the knees of his soule vnto God in hum∣ble praier for perseuerance and increase in that grace wherein he standeth. Dauids delight in the law of the Lord, in his statutes, and in his testimonies was as great as a mans could be, as himselfe sheweth, saying, Lord,* what loue haue I vnto thy law, all the day long is my studie in it.* Thy statutes haue beene my songs in the house of my pil∣grimage: thy testimonies haue I claimed as mine heritage for euer; and why? they are the very ioy of my heart.* And yet his prayer is, O teach me thy statutes, O cause thou me to make much of thy law, incline my heart vnto thy testimo∣nies, Page  44 and not vnto couetousnes: and as he hath done, hee hath left vs an example so to doe, be we neuer so zealous of the law of God. The Apostles likewise it is like, were as strong in the faith as any man is, and yet they praied vnto the Lord,* Lord increase our faith, and therein left an example for all the children of God to follow vntill the day of Iesus Christ, be they neuer so stablished in the faith. Neuer any so zealous of Gods glory and holy worship, but he had neede euen in respect of himselfe to pray, hallowed be thy name. Neuer any had his conversa∣tion so much in heauen, but that he had still neede to pray, thy kingdome come. Neuer any mans will so con∣formed vnto Gods will, but that he had still neede to pray, thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen. Neuer any man so filled with plenteousnesse, but that hee had still neede to pray, Giue vs this day our daily bread. Neuer any mans sinnes so wholy pardoned, but that in regard of his continuall slidings he had still neede to pray, for∣giue vs our trespasses, as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. Neuer any man so freed from tentation, and from the deuill, but that he had still neede to pray, Lead vs not into tentation, but deliuer vs from euill. And therefore our blessed Sauiour hath appointed this forme to be vsed by all the faithfull, vnto what degree of perfection soeuer they be come euen to the end. So that whatsoeuer gra∣ces be bestowed on vs, yet still is prayer needfull for vs. Neither only that we pray for our selues, but that others also pray for vs. We are not many of vs better then was Timothy, that faithfull seruant of Iesus Christ: yet for him Paul powred out prayers night and day,* and no doubt it was needfull for him. We are not the best of vs like vnto Paul that elect vessell of Iesus Christ, yet he re∣quested the praiers of the faithfull for him, that vtterance might be giuen vnto him,* that he might open his mouth boldly to publish the secret of the gospell, and that therein he might speake boldly as he ought to speake. He was one that feared not the face of man,* that kept nothing backe, but deliue∣red Page  45 his message alwaies faithfully and boldly: yet for this grace he thought the praiers of the faithfull needful for him, & therefore craueth them not only of the Ephe∣sians, but likewise of the Colossians in his epistle to them.*

Farre therefore be it from vs, beloued, to say as the manner of some is, vnto any of Gods children, bestow your praiers where you list, I neede not your praiers, I care not for your praiers, pray for your selfe, all your praiers will be little enough for your selfe, I will pray for my selfe. These be the words not of them that abound with grace, but of them that are not taught in the word, nor know how much the prayer of a righteous man auai∣leth, if it be feruent. Farre likewise be it from vs once to dreame of any such perfection in our selues, but that we haue still neede to pray, to abound more and more in all grace, and in all things daily more and more to grow vp into him, which is the head, that is Christ. For be it our predestination, our election, our adoption, our reconci∣liation, our iustification, which are as sure vnto all the sonnes of God as that God is true, yet euen in respect of these haue we neede alwaies to pray that the assurance of them may be daily more and more sealed vnto our spirits by the pledge of Gods spirit. Againe, be it our faith, our hope, our loue, our knowledge, our iudgment, or the like, which are the worke of Gods owne finger in all his children, yet in respect of these haue we neede al∣waies to pray for continuall increase, and all godly growth in them. Yea be it whatsoeuer grace wherein we are so stablished that we are sure we cannot finally fall from it, yet are we still to pray for perseuerance therein, because he will haue all them so exercised, whom he will confirme vnto the end. Whatsoeuer graces therefore the Lord hath bestowed vpon vs, yet still let vs pray vnto him either for our farther assurance and confirmation, or for perseuerance and increase in them. Let vs pray for our selues vnto the Lord for euery grace needfull for vs, and let vs request to be commended by the faithfull in Page  46 their praiers vnto God. This is our wrestling with the God of Iacob, and thus wrestling wee shall surely pre¦uaile.* for so he hath promised, and faithfull is hee th•• hath promised.

The second thing which I note is, that the Apostle in his praiers for the Philippians praied for them all: for so he saith, that he had them in perfect memory alwaies in all his prayers &c. Whence I obserue, how in our praiers for the Church we ought to be affected towards it, namely, that so in our praiers we commend the whole Church vnto God. For what though in the Church, all bee not knit together in one minde and in one iudgment? what though all be not alike forward in acknowledging and embracing the truth? what though many things bee done in the Church through contention, or vaine glory? The Apostle knew well that it was thus in the Church at Philippi, as many euidently appeare by sundry places in this his Epistle: yet in his praiers vnto God for them, he tooke no such notice of these things, as that he did seclude any of them out of his praiers vnto God, but ioyntly he commended them all in his praiers vnto God Right so we, in our praiers for the Church, we should not easily take notice of euery contention, of euery de¦fect, of euery thing that may offend in the Church, so to seclude any out of our praiers vnto God, but in a Chri∣stian affection towards all, and in an holy desire for all, we should commend the whole Church in our praiers vnto God. It was such an ordinarie practise with our Apostle, both to giue thanks vnto God for all them to whom he wrote, and likewise to pray for them all, not∣withstanding that many things were amisse amongst them, that we are not to doubt, but that we are so to doe as we haue the Apostle for an ensample. Looke into his Epistles, and by the beginning almost of all of them, ye shall see that this was his ordinary practise, leauing vs therein an ensample, that as he did so we should do. And the reason is plaine: for doth not the Apostle in writing Page  47 his Epistles vnto the Churches, still write as vnto the be∣loued of God, and vnto Saints in Christ Iesus, still entituling the whole Church vnto which he wrote, vnto these titles without exception of any? Or doth the Apostle so, and are not we to doe so? Or are wee to doe so, and not to commend the whole Church in our praiers vnto God? The reason I take it inferreth the point, and commen∣deth vnto vs that generall care of commending the whole Church in our praiers vnto God.

A good lesson, and well worthy the learning of many in these our daies▪ for as it fareth more priuately and particularly amongst men, so doth it fare more publike∣ly and generally in the Church. Amongst men ordina∣rily euery trifling matter is enough to cut off all loue and friendship amongst vs, nay to breed great hatreds, and enmities amongst vs, nay to set vs at such odds, that rather we will banne and curse one another, then pray one for another. And if wee differ in iudgement one from another about some matters of the Church, then nothing on one part but carnall gospellers, and time-seruers; nothing on another part but sacrilegious per∣sons, schismaticall persons, troublers of the state, and hypocriticall dissemblers, nothing but slandering and forging things neuer writ or spoke, nothing but such vn∣charitablenesse, as that it may bee feared that on some part there is little praying for the other, vnlesse it bee to confound them. Neither is it otherwise more publique∣ly and generaly in the Church, if we may iudge by out∣ward appearances. Some parts of the Church vnto some seeme to haue so many defects and blemishes, so many superstitious rites and ceremonies that they cannot brooke them, they cannot abide in them, they cannot pray with them, I know not whether they doe pray for them. And of others, other parts of the Church, be∣cause of their forme of gouernment, are so misliked, that they cannot with patience heare of them, and therefore it is like do not in all their prayers remember them. But Page  48 these and all such might hence be better lessoned, and such vncharitablenesse, if any such be in them, reformed. Let vs, beloued, be otherwise minded. Howsoeuer there be things amisse in the Church, let vs not seclude any out of our praiers vnto God, but let vs commend in our praiers the whole Church vnto God. In our praiers vn∣to God let vs abandon all cogitation either of priuate quarrells one with another, or of publike contentions in the Church, and let vs pray each for other, and all of vs for the whole Church vnto the Lord feruently. Let the same minde bee in vs, that was in our Apostle, and let vs alwaies in all our praiers haue all the saints in Christ Iesus in perfit memory.

The third thing which here I note is, the thing for which the Apostle praied in all his praiers for them; and that was the same in substance with that wherefore hee gaue thanks vnto God. For as his thanksgiuing vnto GOD on their behalfe was because of the fellowship which they had in the gospell from the first day vntill then; so his praiers vnto God for them were that they might continue in that fellowship which they had in the gospell vnto the end. Whence I obserue a very materiall point to be remembred in our praiers vnto God, both for the whole Church, and for our selues; which is continuance in the fellowship of the gospell, that our Church may continue in that fellowship which it hath with other re∣formed Churches in the gospell, and that we may conti∣nue grounded and stablished in the truth wherein we stand. Here is indeed principall cause of prostrating our selues before the throne of grace, and powring out our soules in praier vnto our God, whether we looke vnto the curse in the wanting, or vnto the blessing in the enioying of the glorious gospell of Iesus Christ. For what greater curse or plague of God could fall vpon vs then that our candlesticke should be remoued from vs, that a famine of the word should be sent amongst vs, that the gospell of our saluation should be translated from vs to another Page  49 people? The Lord threatning to bring a fearefull iudg∣ment on the Church of Ephesus, if they should not re∣pent, and returne to their former loue, saith, Remember from whence thou art fallen, and repent,* and doe the first workes; or else I will come against thee shortly, and will re∣moue thy candlesticke out of his place. What is that? that is, he will remoue his Church from thence, by taking his gospell from them. Euen as our blessed Sauiour also threatned the Iewes, saying,* The kingdome of God shall be taken from you, and giuen to a nation which shall bring forth the fruits thereof. So the Prophet threatning a heauy iudgement vpon the rulers of Israel, Behold, saith he, the daies come, that I will send a famine in the land,* not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord; which how grieuous a famine, and how heauy a iudgement it is, appeareth by that of Salomon, where he saith, that where there is no vision,* .i. no sincere preaching of the word, no sound fellowship in the gospell, there the people perisheth, euen perisheth both in soule and body.

And as the curse and iudgement is great and grieuous of wanting, so is the blessing and benefit of hauing this fellowship in the gospell exceeding great and happy. for it is indeed our very life and soule,* whereby we are begot∣ten, borne, and nourished vnto euerlasting tife, as Peter witnesseth. It is the lanterne vnto our feete, and the light vnto our steps to bring vs to the Citie of the liuing God, the celestiall Ierusalem,* and to the company of innumerable An∣gells, and to the congregation of the first borne which are written in heauen, and to God the iudge of all, and to the spirits of iust and perfit men, and to Iesus the mediator of the new testament, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things then that of Abel. By it we are called out of dark∣nes into light, instructed in the way of God perfitly, grounded and stablished in the faith, and made wise vn∣to saluation;* for it is the power of God vnto saluation vn∣to euery one that beleeueth. See then whether here it be not principall cause for vs to pray for our Church, that in it Page  50 the gospell of our saluation may for euer be freely and sincerely preached; and for our selues that we may con∣tinue in that grace wherein we stand by the gospell of our saluation. Yes surely, if either feare of as great a plague of Gods wrath as can fall vpon vs may force vs to pray, or desire of as great a blessing of God as can befall vs may perswade vs to pray: we haue great cause euen to powre out our soules in prayer and supplication vnto our God, for the blessed continuance of that fellowship which we haue with other Churches in the gospell, that as now, so euer this grace may bee continued vpon vs. Yea beloued, if yee shall but cast your eyes abroad into the land, yee shall finde that there is great cause thus to pray. For how doth Atheisme and abominable irreli∣gion spread it selfe, and ouer-spread the whole face of the land? Hath it not nestled it selfe on hie, and said within it selfe, who shall bring me downe to the ground? How doth Papisme and out-worne Pelagianisme now shoote out the head, and breake out in many places, as if now the day approched wherein they may say, so, so, thus would we haue it? How hath cunning policie broken the necke of Christianitie, and now so swaieth that it carieth all almost with it? What neglect and contempt of the word is there in all places? And what else are these but forerunners of a fearefull iudgement to follow? What else doe these threaten, but the remouing of our candle∣sticke from vs? Beloued, shall wee see and know these things, and shall wee not pray? Let vs pray at euening and at morning, and at midday; let vs pray and that in∣stantly, that this iudgement may neuer fall vpon vs, that this light of the gospell may neuer be put out, but that it may shine amongst vs, from generation to generation vntill the day of Christ Iesus. The more that the dan∣ger is, let vs pray the more feruently, and let vs not giue our selues any rest, but still pray vnto the Lord for our continuance which we haue with other reformed Chur∣ches in the gospell.

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The fourth thing which here I note is, that the Apo∣stle thus praied for the Philippians alwaies in all his praiers. Whence I obserue with what constant assiduity and carefullnesse, we ought to pray for our Church, and for our selues, that we may continue in the fellowship which we haue in the gospell: we should neuer pray but al∣waies in our praiers, this praier for our Church and for our selues should continually be remembred, that the fellowship which we now haue with other Churches in the gospell may for euer be continued vnto vs. To pray alwaies,* and not to faint or giue ouer is a thing much commanded by the Holy Ghost. Continue in prayer, saith our Apostle. And againe in another place, Pray conti∣nually. And to the same purpose is that parable of the importunate widow in the gospell. All which places shew vs the necessitie of praier, that whensoeuer we stand in neede we haue recourse vnto God by praier, so the constant perseuerance that is to be vsed in praier, that howsoeuer for some time we seeme to pray and bee not heard, yet we faint not, nor giue ouer, but still pray, and that instantly. Now as wee are to pray, and to pray al∣waies, so alwaies in all our praiers this is to be remem∣bred, that we pray that the Lord his way may be knowne vpon earth, and his sauing health among all nations, that the preaching of the gospell may bee fruitfull vnto vs, and vnto the whole Church, that the word of the Lord may haue free passage, and be glorified, that we may con∣tinue grounded and stablished in the faith, as wee haue beene taught in Iesus Christ, that we and our whole Church, may continue in the fellowship which we haue with other Churches in the gospell. This the example of our Apostle teacheth vs to do, who in that he did for others, left vs an example what to doe for our selues, and for others.

Yea but is not the Lord alwaies more ready to heare then we are to pray, and hath he not said, that whosoeuer asketh receiueth, that he that seeketh findeth, and that to Page  52 him that knocketh it shall be opened? Or if it be so, what needeth it alwaies in all our praiers thus to pray as hath beene said? True it is, that whosoeuer asketh receiueth, and that the Lord is more ready to heare and to grant our requests, then we are to pray and call vpon his name. for commonly he preuenteth vs with his blessings, and whatsoeuer it is that we haue by praier, he it is that teacheth vs to pray for it as we ought. But some things we aske often and receiue not,* because we aske amisse: and some things he hath appointed so to be granted, if they bee continually asked. And of this sort is this thing whereof we now speake. Hee will, as it shall be for his glory, continue vs in the fellowship which wee haue in the gospell, if wee continue to aske it in faith, and faint not.

This then may teach vs, of what weight and moment our continuance in the fellowship of the gospell is. It is not a thing which hapneth by fortune, or which hu∣mane policie effecteth, but onely it is of God, and there∣fore alwaies in all our praiers we are to pray vnto him for it. Let vs therefore pray vnto the Lord without cea∣sing for this grace; let vs neuer forget to commense this suite in our praiers vnto God, let vs alwaies pray for it, and not faint.

The fift thing which here I note is, that the Apostle praied for the Philippians with gladnes, because of their growth in godlines, and in the knowledge of Iesus Christ by the worke of his ministery. Whence I obserue a ne∣cessary care which ought to bee in the whole Church, I meane in all them that are taught in the word, and that is, that they so profit and increase in all knowledge and iudgement, in all godlinesse and holy conuersation, that their Pastors and Teachers may pray for them with gladnes. Such a care it may seeme that the Romanes had, vnto whom the Apostle giueth this testimonie, that their faith which was published, and their obedience which was come abroad much gladded him.* Such a care it may seeme Page  53 that the Colossians had, vnto whom the Apostle giueth this testimonie, that though he was absent in the flesh, yet was he present with them in the spirit, reioycing and behold∣ing their order, and their stedfast faith in Christ. And such a care ought all the people of God to haue, that they which watch for their soules as they that must giue accounts vnto God for them, may now pray for them with gladnes, and afterwards giue their accounts for them with ioy and not with griefe.

But this care is not common among the people. for where the Pastor in an holy care for his people praieth for them, he praieth for them in many places with great heauinesse; with heauinesse I say for their neglect and contempt of the word; with heauinesse for their igno¦rance in the things that belong vnto their peace, and vn∣willingnesse to bee instructed therein; with heauinesse for their vngodly conuersation, and vnchristian walking; with heauinesse for spending his strength in vaine, and for nothing amongst them. Hee praieth, but his soule mourneth, because hee cannot gaine them vnto Christ Iesus; he praieth, but his soule mourneth, because they runne, and needs will runne headlong to the deuill. So litle care commonly there is of profiting by the mini∣stery of the word amongst them that are taught in the word.

Beloued, let it neuer be said so of you, but let your care be that they which labor in the word amongst you may pray for you with gladnes.* Lay apart all filthinesse and superfluity of maliciousnes, and receiue with meeknes the word that is graffed in you, which is able to saue your soules. Follow the truth in loue, and in all things grow vp into him,* which is the head, that is Christ. Let your conuersation be such as it becommeth the gospell of Christ, and striue to in∣crease in all good things with all godly increasing: for so, and so onely shall we haue cause to pray for you with gladnesse.

Lastly, in that the Apostle hauing taught the Philip∣pians Page  54 the way of truth, giueth thanks for them, praieth for them, and that with gladnesse, because of the fellowship &c. Hence I obserue a duty of the Pastors of the Church, which if time had giuen leaue, and the place had beene so conuenient should principally haue beene stood vpon, and that is, that the Pastors are not onely to teach their people with the wholesome word which can∣not be reproued; but they are also to pray for them that the word may haue a blessing among them, that they may grow and increase thereby in all knowledge and ho∣linesse to the Lord; they are to be glad in their soules for their profiting in the word of grace, and they are to giue thanks vnto God on their behalfe, when they see their order, their stedfast faith in Christ, their growth in godlines, and righteousnes, and holy conversation. This should be, and might be, and I wish it were, and if it be not it is their perill in whom it faileth to be.