The first and seconde partes of the herbal of William Turner Doctor in Phisick, lately ouersene, corrected and enlarged with the thirde parte, lately gathered, and nowe set oute with the names of the herbes, in Greke Latin, English, Duche, Frenche, and in the apothecaries and herbaries Latin, with the properties, degrees, and naturall places of the same. Here vnto is ioyned also a booke of the bath of Baeth in England, and of the vertues of the same with diuerse other bathes, moste holsom and effectuall, both in Almanye and England, set furth by William Turner Doctor in Phisick. God saue the Quene
Turner, William, d. 1568.
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Of Housleke.

[illustration] [depiction of plant]
Sedum magnum.
[illustration] [depiction of plant]
Sedum foemina.
[illustration] [depiction of plant]
Sedum tertium genus.
[illustration] [depiction of plant]
Sedum minus.

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SEdum is called also in Latin Semperuiuum / and in Greke Aei∣zoon. There are iiij. kindes of semperuiuum: the fyrste kinde is cal∣led in Latin Sedum magnum / in Greke Aeizoon mega / in Eng∣lish Housleke / and of som Singren / but it ought better to be cal∣led Aygrene / in Duche it is called Gros hauswurtz / in French Iubarb.

The seconde kinde is called in English / thrift stone crop / in Latin Sedum minus. The thyrde kinde is called of som late wryters Vermicularis / in English Mous tayle or litle stone crop / and in Duche Maurpfeffer.

The description of the kindes of Semperuiuum.

Housleke hath the name of Semperuiuum in Latin / and of Aeizoon in Greke / the leaues are grene: wherfore me thynke that Aygrene as I sayed before / is a better name for it then Singrene. The fyrst or great kinde hath a stalk a cubit hygh or hygher / as thycke as your thumb / fatt / fayre grene / hauinge litle cuttinges in it as Tithimalus characias hath: the leaues are fatt / or thyck / of the bignes of a mannes thumb / at the poynt lyke a tonge. The nethermoste leaues lye wyth there bellyes vpward / and the poyntes dounwarde: but they that are toward the top / beyng drawen together / re∣semble a circle with the figure of an eye. It groweth in mountaynes / and hylly places / som vse to set it vpon theyr houses.

But the lesse Semperuiuum / that we call thrift or great stone crop / gro∣weth in walles / rockes / mudwalles / and shaddowy diches / it hath manye stalkes comming from one root / small / full of rounde leaues / fat and sharpe in the ende / it bringeth furth a stalk in the middes a span long / whyche hath a bushye and shaddowy top / and small grene floures.

There semeth to be a thyrde kinde of Aygrene / som call it Porcellayne / or Teliphium / the Romaynes call it Illicibram / it hath leaues thycker and rough drawyng nere vnto the leaues of Porcellayn / thys kind groweth in rockes.

The vertues of the kindes of aygrene.

THe great kinde hath a cooling nature and binding: the leaues by them selues / and layd to wyth perched barley mele / are good for the burnyng heat of swelled places / called Erispilata / or of other saynt Antonies fyre / agaynst crepinge sores and fretinge sores / a∣gaynst the inflammationes of the eyes / agaynst burning and hote goutes. It is good to poure vpon the head that aketh / the iuyce of Housleke wyth perched barley mele and rose oyle / the same to be geuen in drinke vnto them that are bitten of the felde spider. It is also geuen vnto them that haue a great lax / or the blody flixe. If it be dronken wyth wine / it driueth out of the bellye brode wormes: if it be serued after ye maner of a suppository vnto weo¦men / as the place inquireth / it stoppeth the issue of weomen: the iuice also is good for them that are blare eyed / if it come of blood. The leaues of the se∣cond kinde / called stone crepe / hath the same nature that Housleke hath.

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The thyrde kinde called Vermicularis / hath an hote nature / and sharpe and blisteringe / and power to dryue awaye wennes / if it be layed to wyth swynes grese.