The first and seconde partes of the herbal of William Turner Doctor in Phisick, lately ouersene, corrected and enlarged with the thirde parte, lately gathered, and nowe set oute with the names of the herbes, in Greke Latin, English, Duche, Frenche, and in the apothecaries and herbaries Latin, with the properties, degrees, and naturall places of the same. Here vnto is ioyned also a booke of the bath of Baeth in England, and of the vertues of the same with diuerse other bathes, moste holsom and effectuall, both in Almanye and England, set furth by William Turner Doctor in Phisick. God saue the Quene
Turner, William, d. 1568.

Of the herbe called Lathyris.

LAthyris putteth furth a stalck of the length of a cubit / and a fingre thyck / and holow within. There grow in the top thyn¦ges lyke wynges / and there grow out of the stalcke / longe leaues lyke almondes leaues / but broder and smother. They that are in the hyghest toppes / are found lesse / in the licknes of Arestolochia or of a long Iuy lefe. It bringeth furth Page  [unnumbered]

[illustration] [depiction of plant]
fruite in the top in the hyghest bran∣ches / whyche is notable by the rea∣son of iij. cases or vesselles that the sede is in. The fruite is round as ca∣pers / where in are cōteyned rounde cornes diuided one from an other / by filmes yt rynne betwene. The sedes are bigger thē greate bitter tares cal¦led erua / & roūde. And whē ye barck∣is takē from thē / they are whyte and swete in taste. All the hole bushe is full of milck / as the herbe called Ti∣thymalus is. Thys description agre∣eth well with the herbe whiche is called in Englishe spurge / in Duch springkraut / in Frenche espurge / of the apothecaries catapucia minor / not bycause it is little / but because it is lesse then ricinus / whiche is cal∣led catapucia maior. But the figure whiche that Matthiolus setteth for Lathyri / agreeth not with this de∣scription. For the leaues are not ve∣ry lyke almonde leues / nether broder then they be: But perauenture hys karuer hath begyled hym as kar∣uers and paynters haue begyled o / ther men before this tyme.

The vertues of spurge out of Dioscorides.

SYxe or seuen granes of spurge taken in pilles with figges or dates / purge the belly. But he that hath taken them / must af∣terwarde drynck cold water. They draw down choler / fleme / & water. The iuice taken out / as the iuice of Tithymal: is ta∣ken furth / and dressed / hath the same workyng. The leues are sodden with a cock for the same purpose.

Out of Actuarius.

SPurge purgeth thynne fleme vehemently. Fiftene of the grea∣ter cornes / are geuen at ones / and xx. of the lesse cornes. They that wolde be effectually purged / let them chow them. Let thē that desyre not to be so gretely purged / swalow them hole ouer specially / if he that taketh them haue a weke stomacke. Aetius hath ye same wordes and sentence of Lathyris that Actuarius hath. Where∣fore Page  32 it appereth that Actuarius a later writer then Aetiu / took it that he wrote out of Aetius.