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Title:  The practice, proceedings, and lawes of armes described out of the doings of most valiant and expert captaines, and confirmed both by ancient, and moderne examples, and præcedents, by Matthevv Sutcliffe.
Author: Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629.
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The like happened to the towne of Charitè in France Ann. 1569. where the Protestants in the time of parley espying their opportu∣nity entred the towne through the breach, that was euil garded. In time of parleys therefore, & of feastes, & of times of greatest security, then the Gouernor is to haue greatest care.Liu. 25.Syracusae was taken on a night when the souldiers had kept Holiday before, and lay drunke without feare or care. Nismes was surprised in a stormy night, when a man would haue thought that none would haue looked abroad.And if no wise Gouernor will commit any man of worth into the hands of his enemies, least if they should breake promise they might preiudice him; much lesse ought he to parley with the enemy where he may come in danger himselfe.Caes. bel. gal. 5.Titurius Sabinus going to parley with Ambrorix was by him perfidiously slaine. Paches theThucid. 3.Athe∣nian deteined Hippias the Gouernour of Notium that came vpon assurāce of his word to treat with him of peace, & forced him to de∣liuer vp ye town. This was also ye ruine ofGuicciardin.Liuerotto da Fermo & the Duke of Grauina & others, whom Caesar Borgia inducing by faire words to come to treat wt him of peace, put to death at Senogallia.Those that haue diuers nations together in defence of one towne, must also take heede, that there arise no grudge or discontentment a∣mong them, to make them reuolt to the enemy.Liu. 26.Mutines the Numi∣dian vpon some discontentment offered him by the Carthaginians whom he serued, by the helpe of his countrymen seased a gate of A∣grigentum, & gaue entrance to the Romanes. The like cause toge∣ther with some corruption in the souldiers caused some English to deliuer vp Alost to the enemy. Which practices he that meaneth to a∣uoyd, must neuer trust men yt are suspect, nor suffer strangers to watch vnited without some of such as he dare trust ioyned with them, nor let any man know his quarter before he goeth to the watch. During the siege he may not suffer bel to ring or clocke to strike, and further must keepe good watch, & make rounds diligently, & at times vncertaine.To content all men the Gouernor is to administer iustice equally: that God may be pleased, hee is to see that God be serued religiously: and that lawes concerning religion, iustice, and military matters be strictly executed.Sallyes are not to be made vpon the enemy rashly, nor without good cause, especialy, where ye townsmen are not to be trusted. They of Rochel serued our countrymen an odious touch vpō such an occa∣sion 0