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Title:  The practice, proceedings, and lawes of armes described out of the doings of most valiant and expert captaines, and confirmed both by ancient, and moderne examples, and præcedents, by Matthevv Sutcliffe.
Author: Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629.
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Orleance neglecting this care, no sooner had taken Nouara, but he lost it againe for want of victuals. Corbueil in France of late taken by the Prince of Parma, not hauing the breach repaired was shortlie after recouered by surprise by the kings side.Small townes, such especially as haue no great ordonance, or no places where to employ it, are taken by zapping, or digging downe the walles, especially if they be hie and without terrasses behind. By thisSub musculo milites vectibus infima saxa turris hostium conuel∣lunt. Caes. de bel. ciu. 2.meanes Caesars souldiers ruinated the walles of Massilia: andAnnibal 500. Afros cum dola∣bris ad subruen∣dum ab imo mu∣rum mittit. Liu. 21.Annibal made a way into Saguntum. But before they approch the walles lest the enemy dig their sides with shot, or throwe downe stones vpon them, the enemy is to be beaten from the wall with shot, and the souldiers to be couered with mantellets of wood, on the sides, & ouer the head. Then with crows of iron they are al along the wall to pul out the lowest stones, & lest the same fal on them to vnderprop it with wood. The same when al is finished, is by gunpouder to be fi∣red. By this meanes the townesmen of Sancerre An. 1572. recouered the castle from certaine traitors that were there entred: &Hist. de troubl. de Fr.Bordet in the siege of Chartres, An. 1568. wan a corner of a raueline. That the breach be not repaired by them within, the assailants are to make thēselues ready to go to the assault in that order, which before I haue prescribed. That this course in sieges, surprises, and assaults, is ac∣cording to the true practise of armes, although in part hath bene she∣wed, yet now shall it further be confirmed, and those that haue done otherwise by their euill successe, and euill proceeding refuted, and their course reprooued.Liu. 24.Annibal pretending to goe to sacrifice at the lake of Auerne, did presently go to assault Puteoli: and in our times the Prince of Parma, making a faire shew as if he meant to besiege Ostend, did sodainely sit downe before Scluse. This practise is good in this and in all enterprises of warre. For thereby the enemy being made vncer∣taine, his forces are deriued an other way, and his care diuerted from that which should principally be cared for.The Protestants of France, Anno 1568. purposing to besiegeHist. de troubl. de Fr.An golesme sent Montgomery before with certaine troupes of horsemen to hinder the accesse of victuals to the towne. But farre better they had done, if before they came with their whole forces, they had not discouered their purpose. For in the meane time the townesmen prepared, and strengthned themselues.0